"Ora 3" ring ... advantages and shortcomings

  • Time:Oct 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Ora 3 ring...Advantages and deficiencies

الثلاثاء - 21 رجب 1443 هـ - 22 فبراير 2022 مـ رقم العدد [15792]نيويورك: براين إكس تشن

There is no better time than this that we live in the wearable technology prosperity.Everyone is concerned about their health in the era of the Corona virus, and for this reason;Wearable computers will return to us with small sensors that provide us with information about our health with many gains.

Ora 3 ring...Advantages and deficiencies

The male ring this framework, the third generation of "Ora Ring" rings launched last November, which is a device ($ 300) designed for health control, and is worn in one of the fingers like jewelry.The website «Ura Health» indicates that the ring has a unique ability to measure the changes in the body temperature every minute, to help women, for example, expect their monthly period of course accurately, and to monitor any potential illness indicators in the wealth, such as the early symptoms of the Cofide -19 infection, for example.Who may not want a device like this these days? Ora Ring has a starting start that caught the attention of everyone;Because it appeared in some programs and on "Instagram", and other social media platforms in the content of it as a substitute for some devices such as "Apple" watch.Unfortunately, despite the promotional uproar around it, I was disappointed after wearing the new "Ura" for two weeks..The ring failed to provide accurate measurements of ordinary data, such as the number of steps that I walked;What raised more questions about the general health data that provided me with it.It is true that I got from the ring numbers that seemed logical for the heart rate and sleep pattern, but I did not feel that I knew a lot about my health in general.I can also confirm whether the ring is able to monitor "Kovid -19", or any other diseases;Because I fortunately I did not get sick during his test.

Al -Jahzal testing a second opinion, spoke to Dr. Ethan Weiss, a cardiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, who has an old version of the "Ura" ring to monitor his sleep, body temperature and sports activity.But Wes told me that he stopped wearing it for years.لذا؛ سأعرض لكم نتائج الاختبار الذي أجريته:> بداية متعبة.Before starting to use the ring, the user is waiting for a multi -step process, starting with a selection of tools from the company's producing website to determine the size of his finger, and then he informs the company in size.When the ring reaches, it must be placed on a special platform for shipment and synchronization with an accompanying application on the smartphone.After wearing it, its electronic program needs about two weeks to calculate the foundations of the health resources data and provide accurate estimates.After the first week of the test, I faced unusual matter.One of my relatives needed help in an emergency, so I used my motorcycle and a distance of 80 km until his home.After returning to the house, I opened the "Ura" application and informed me that I had a distance of 32 km, and this information is wrong, of course, because on that day, I walked for a distance of no more than 1.6 km p on a picnic in the afternoon.But the error is clear, and it took place in calculating the ring as part of my journey on the motorcycle in the form of steps.In this context, Chris Bishirier, head of the product department at Ura Health, told me that the company is familiar with this problem and is looking for a solution to it..For comparison, I wore the "Apple" smart watch while testing the new "Ora" ring.But the hour recorded that I walked for a distance of 1.Only 6 km and that I did not exercise on that day that I used my motorbike.> الجوانب الإيجابية.The "Ora" ring includes some interesting specifications, the most prominent of which is its seven -day battery before you need to ship, that is, much more than most of the devices available of this type, such as the smart "Apple" that needs to be charged every day or two days.Moreover, the app accompanying the device is calculated daily the various measurements to determine the rate of "readiness".If you see a high number in the "readiness rate", this means that you are well recovering from the activities of the previous day.My readiness rates were not likely accurate because it was affected by my trips on the motorcycle - but people who do not use automatic vehicles such as athletes can take advantage of the ring to see if they should exercise or rest during the day.I also liked the visual data for sleeping on the "Ora" application;Because it offered an essential drawing that explains the various stages of sleep and the time I wake up in.It also offered me the lowest heart activity rates during sleep - the high heartbeat during sleep may result.Finally, the application advised me when my sleep date approaches not to eat caffeine and alcohol to get a better sleep at night.But at the end of my experience with the third generation of "Ura Ring", I asked myself if I really needed a technology that monitors my customs and health, especially since after I removed "Ura" and stopped verifying its application, I did not feel that there is what I miss.

* The New York Times Service


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