Athletes resort to "the mentality of tension" to promote health ... so how can this be achieved?

  • Time:Sep 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

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Amman- Everyone wants to know how to reduce stress;Tension causes many negative effects on our physical and mental health.There is evidence that changing the way we think about stress may actually help us to manage it.This not only improves our well -being and our mental health, but also can make us more able to succeed in difficult situations.

And the way you can learn to do so is a athlete, according to "Theconversion" website published.The way a person thinks of tension in general is called "the mentality of tension".Some people see tension negative, and they believe that it should be fully avoided.Others see tension more positively, and they believe that it will have benefits on their health, performance and productivity.

Studies conducted in the United States and Australia have shown that people see tension that further enhances their productivity at work, improves mental health and academic performance.There are also links between the positive mentality and how people look at difficult situations -such as seeing difficult tasks as a challenge rather than threatening.

But so far, much about the mental and athletes' mentalities and athletes.Given that athletes face difficult situations every day, so they often have a little control - for example during the race or match - the research team wanted to investigate how tension affects their mental health..

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Data collected more than 400 athletes from all over the world.Participants came from different sports and ranged between entertainment athletes and professionals.The questionnaires were used to measure the mentality of tension for athletes and their mental health.Then it was analyzed how these two were associated with each other, taking into account the age, sex and competitive level.

It was found that athletes who saw tension positively or enhanced were more likely to see difficult situations as a challenge.This has also been associated with improving mental health, including more energy and reducing symptoms of depression.

Of course, chronic tension is associated with a set of negative health conditions, so it is important not to photograph tension as a positive thing only.But if we highlight that the responses for acute tension can be really useful, it is likely that the performance of athletes and their mental health is better..For example, if one of the athletes sees that competition pressures are useful, this may lead them to better focus and motivate them to succeed.Athletes are slightly different from ordinary people.

But this does not mean that we cannot also learn to change the mentality of our tension to enhance our mental health.Studies have shown that in ordinary people, when they watch videos explaining the positive effects of tension, and why tension occurs, they can help them change their stress mentality..It can help people perform better when they face a fake job interview and have a better focus.

Another study also showed that thinking about your responses to tension as a positive (not negative) reaction can improve luxury and academic performance.The best way to apply this is to imagine your position full of pressures and how you will respond to it similarly to what athletes might do.For example, imagine that you are about to perform an offer at work.First, learn about any symptoms of tension you may feel -such as increasing heart rate.Second, he welcomed these feelings, realizing that she is designed to help you focus and increase your energy.

Finally, imagine yourself as you choose to see stress useful and use these responses to flourish under stress.This may seem difficult at first, but with practice, we can all learn to use imagination to reinterpret tension as useful.Tension is not always an ordeal.If we choose to accept the positives of tension, this can improve our mental health, our performance and our productivity.

Hala Mahmoud Mustafa/ Pharmacist

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