Asid writes about Father Noel in Muslim countries

  • Time:Jun 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The father is Noel in Muslim countries

Father Noel missed his white beard, his good smile, and his red cotton dress from the spaces of some of the major Moroccan cities, and with his absence, the manifestations of joy, celebration and fun that were perpetuated our streets in the last ten days of December of each year, and which there were no people know their religious dimensions in detail, becausePeople did not care about them except to celebrate the passage of a year according to the Gregorian calendar, which became an undisputed cosmic.

When we were young, the days of Solim were one of the most beautiful days of the year, it meant the interfaces decorated with cotton, colors, snow scenes and trees decorated with bright colored balls, as they mean fun colored stories and animation that was full of the storiesGifts for children, and as much as that brought pleasure to our hearts, we were unfortunately that our fathers (who never entered school) did not share the meanings of celebration, joy and ejaculation, because of their ignorance of the story of its origin, and their lack of familiarity with the context of things.

The disappearance of Father Noel this year from our public space was forced and with the will of power that saw the lack of allowing his gorgeous appearance in the interest of people from terrorism, which according to the opinion of the authority is still lurking in the country and the people, which is a dangerous matter that simply indicates the resignation of the authority from its main tasks, which are Protecting people in their lives and livelihoods and Maalmah and they practice their various activities that they choose voluntarily, which do not violate the law and do not affect the freedoms of others or harm anyone, waiver of celebration and joy is a satisfaction of religious extremists is one of the signs of backwardness that should be fighting, so society cannot be all under guardianship People who suffer from the delirium of the Wahhabi fanatic fanaticism and strange from the culture of the Moroccan people, people who chose darkness instead of light, hatred instead of love, death instead of life, and they wanted everyone to submit to their lifestyle, which does not deserve to live for a single minute.

Power does not have to act on behalf of society in choosing moments of joy and celebration and their contents, but rather to protect the right of people to fun and life, and this is the weakest faith in relation to the authority that I have dealt with dealing with people with the logic of the stick and the tender looks and the degrading treatment of dignity, and if the extremists want to make the people stop On “imitating Christians and infidels”, they only have preaching, guidance and propaganda to their dark vision of peaceful ways, through the press, the Internet and the audiovisual tapes, and we only have to regret the one who fell between their clutches of their victims, but no one will have the right to object to their initial right to work Missionary and advocacy, extremists must feel the blessing of democracy even if they disbelieve in it.

عصيد يكتب عن The father is Noel in Muslim countries

The promoters of foreign religious ideologies do not want people to celebrate the holidays of the New Year, given the fun, inception, happiness, dance, and sense of life, and because of the eating of sweets and hearing of music, and complaining that the Hijri New Year is not felt by anyone and no one celebrates, and It has been absent from their view that the main reason for Muslims celebrating the holidays of Christians is the beauty, elaboration and pleasure, and that what makes them indifferent to the head of the Hijri year is that Muslims have made them moments of preaching, crying, reminding of fire, torment, and supplication to the Jews and Christians with woe, rebellion, orphan, and the earth’s earth from under their feet That is, an occasion for frowning and curse, there is no head of Hijri year in which religious preachers did not start engagement to them, “It is another year that is solved and the nation is in a state of weakness and humiliation in front of the arrogance of the West” etc.

Issa bin Maryam was born and lived a life full of suffering and ended according to the doctrine of Christians, a bloody end of the cross, but they did not make his memory suitable for crying, sorrow, scarring and self -skin.This made it completely natural for Muslims to imitate others while making them feel some happiness.

The extremists themselves strive to persuade people of the bad lying of Christians, and even “Girl Guides”, Mr. Al -Tawfiq, strain themselves inside the mosques to persuade women not to buy sweets and meet around them in the New Year’s AD because that is from the traditions of the infidels, but people and innocent children do not increase unless they are attached to the traditions of the advanced world And that they do not give any religious connotation as much as they find worldly joyful ways. Come compare our traditions and traditions, they come with small rice trees and hang balls of all colors that illuminate their homes, and come with delicious sweets and chocolate, while we come with rams and cows and ascend them in the elevator of residences and put them on the surfaces and even on the balconies of apartments, and the result is not even in need of description.

They wear the most luxurious and most elegant dress, and they decorate the places of their celebration of bright colors eating, drinking, dancing, and listening to music, while we seek to spend our festivals in religious preaching, vow and thickening in saying and praying on the side of the roads and in the midst of alleys and streets, sending the beard and disgusting and converting women into mobile tentsDark colors, black, gray and brown, and be careful to turn a blind eye and frowning and take funerary toxic.

They guide each other roses and winds, and we exchange phrases of courtesy and social hypocrisy with a lot of speech that indicates the amount of our lack of understanding of life and our appreciation of its value.

The question now is the following: Is the position of the extremists on the noble Father and New Year's celebrations is an anomalous, strange and extremist position, or is the position that Islamic religious texts support? Do not the extremists, when they ask them about their position, and criticize them to evoke texts from the Qur’an and the Sunnah as a way of argument and evidence in justifying the attack on others and trying to compel him with specific behaviors? What is the argument of these texts and what is the extent of their association with the subject of the dispute, is the problem of Muslims lies in the readings, attitudes, interpretations, doctrines and teams or in the same texts that are a duet always and mean the thing and its opposite, which makes the problem continuously and without a solution in the religion itself, and makes it necessary To the statutory laws that are obligated to respect people to each other in the context of equality in citizenship rights and duties, regardless of their faith, origin or color?

Religious texts that prohibit “imitating Jews and Christians” can only be read and understood today in light of what human knowledge has reached in the humanities, which have proven that there is no room for doubt that the isolation of cultures leads to extinguishing the attractiveness of civilization and assassinating the spirit of creativity and life in it,It has also proven that the distinctive characteristic of human cultures is exchange and interaction, not ditching in closed peculiarities.