Are dates agency vector for the Corona virus and cross -border microbes?Experts answerphoto

  • Time:Aug 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Over decades, it was and still "Al Balah Agency", the preferred popular market for a large segment of Egyptians whose economic conditions do not allow the purchase of clothes from shops whose prices are often high for this segment, and with the spread of Corona began talking about the possibilities of risks from thisThe clothes displayed in Al -Balah Agency, because some of them are used from abroad, which raised the concerns of many of the transmission of viruses and microbes crossing, "Al -Ahram Gate" tried to verify this information through the following report:

Where does the bale come from?

Traders import these clothes from abroad, then they are displayed in the agency, where Mohamed Abdel -Latif, one of the clothing traders at Al -Balah Agency, says: “This market sells to all classes of society and not only the poor, where all brands are at prices mentioned in relation to their prices within commercial malls, mostThese clothes have not been used before, and the price of the piece varies of its type, its quality and suitability to wear..

He added that it is characterized by its low prices, as it attracts some celebrities who have favored the purchase of some brandatat, and I find it in the agency that has become the hassle of traveling outside Egypt to obtain it at expensive prices..

He added that these clothes cannot cause any disease for anyone, as it is examined in the quarantine in Port Said Port, cleansing and sterilizing them by vaporizing them with antiseptic materials before they are broadcast on us until we offer them in the market..

Customer opinion

هل ملابس وكالة البلح ناقلة لفيروس كورونا والميكروبات العابرة للحدود؟ خبراء يجيبون | صور

Ahmed Abdel Salam, one of the customers, said that he always hesitates at Al -Balah Agency to buy some clothes for his daughter because of its low price from the prices of clothes offered in the stores, noting that he can buy more than one piece of clothes at the price of one piece displayed inside the shops that sell the new.

He added: As for the condition of clothes, some of them are not used, but they are considered the rest of the export, and most of them are in the tint, and the pieces used are in good condition and can be worn after washing and ironing and can be distinguished between them according to the person’s experience in these types of clothes.

He stated that he buys these clothes all groups, not only the poor class, as for ways to deal with these clothes before wearing them, he mentioned that it is not necessary to wash them as they are washed and ironed before exporting them to Egypt and there is no harm from them

Al -Balahukurona Agency

On the other hand, Al -Balah Agency is considered a common destination for all layers of the group, with the needs it provides to them, and it is a permanent congestion area that is barely not without visitors, and under the current circumstances of the outbreak of the Corona virus, it is possible that this crowding will return with negative effects on citizens by increasing the spread of a virusCorona and increase the numbers of injured, whether through the trading and contact with clothes, or through one person to another, he measured a piece of clothes, and not to wear the medical mask for workers or visitors.

Dr. Zamzam Hisham, a consultant dermatologist, confirmed that such clothes cause many diseases sometimes such as fungal infections and bacterial infections, the disease, especially in children. It may also cause the poem and the sensitivity of the respiratory system as a result of the escalation of dust and odors due to its storage for long periods of time over the charging period toIts arrival to merchants.

But Dr. Ahmed Bakri Shaker, a pediatric consultant, stressed that there is no danger from these clothes, as after the cleaning and washing process, adding that the infection or the virus that these clothes can carry is disposed of as soon as it is exposed to a high temperature, and therefore it cannot beA source of infection.

Dr. Sharif Haht agreed to professor of public health and preventive medicine with this opinion, saying that the process of hosting completely eliminates any disease that these clothes carry, and she has no risk to the consumer..

جوله ميدانيه داخل وكاله البلحجوله ميدانيه داخل وكاله البلحجوله ميدانيه داخل وكاله البلح