The Apple watch reveals a lack of myocardialism

  • Time:Dec 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Apple Watch appeared frequently in the stories, as it warned its wearer of potential heart problems, and it was praised as an early warning system for serious heart and blood vessels problems.In one newly reported cases, the wearing Apple provided a better evidence of the hospital equipment..

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A new article from the European Heart Magazine tells the story of a 80 -year -old woman who lives in the German city of Mainz, who revealed her smart watch from Apple about evidence of a heart condition that he was neglected by the electrical planning of the heart in the hospital during the diagnosis.

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The woman arrived at the University Medical Center in Mainz, complaining of chest pain and irregular heartbeat with a feeling of dizziness, which are symptoms described as exemplary symptoms of angina..

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Doctors in the hospital conducted a traditional electrical planning of the heart, which revealed that there was no evidence of lack of perfusion, but the patient offered the doctors the results of the ECG tests that she conducted via (Apple Watch), which included "tracking with a noticeable decrease in the ST section, which isA guide that led to the negligence of the medical team for further diagnostic measures.

Although the hospital equipment does not show that it has a lack of perfusion, the doctors noticed through the results of the watch that there is evidence of a lack of muscle muscle, which occurs when the blood flow to the heart decreases, which prevents the heart muscle from receiving an adequate amount of oxygen, usuallyThe low blood flow is caused by partial or complete blockage of the arteries of the heart.

The patient was transferred to the catheter laboratory, which showed the authenticity of the Apple Smart Hour notes, and was treated with a pillar of the coronary artery, and left the hospital the next day.

The article from the European Health Journal concluded that (Apple Watch) can be used to detect a heart muscle lack."The development of smart technologies paves the way for the new diagnostic capabilities, and therefore, Apple Watch can be used not only to detect atrial fibrillation or ventricular atrial delivery disorders but also to detect a lack of myocardial muscle.".

It is noteworthy that Apple has added the Electrical Heart Planning feature (ECG) with the fourth generation of its smart watch, and current speculation indicates that the next generation of the Apple smart watch may include an advantage to detect the level of saturation of oxygen in the blood, in addition to the improved electrical heart planning feature.