Apple watch may monitor blood sugar

  • Time:May 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The old rumors about the Apple watch capable of monitoring blood sugar have gained some credibility through a new report from the British Telegraph. Apple has been its largest agent over the past two years, and it has a continuous supply and development agreement to develop future products.

The British Health Technology Company has developed high -resolution sensors that read multiple bloody signals that can only be discovered only using medical equipment on The way to send infrared across the skin from a unit on the back of the smart watch. Apple. >) "alt =" Apple watch may monitor blood sugar "Title =" Apple Hour may monitor blood sugar ">

The sensors in the Apple watch are now smart and capable of measurements, such as the heart rate, but blood sugar levels have always been the advantage that is seriously stripped for wearable devices. The presence of monitoring applications from the external sides in its stores. A lot of industrial interest in developing sensors to measure blood sugar that can be worn and does not require needles. His fingers in order to keep diabetes under control. To alert you to track blood pressure to problems such as stress. Assuming that it may arrive) even if the technology is ready in another way.

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