Apple smart watch saves an elderly man from death .. exciting details

  • Time:Mar 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

An Apple Watch saved an elderly person in time, while he fell and banged his head, which bled visibly. I received a message from the Apple Watch that my father wears.”Bradt explained that the message was informing him that his father had fallen violently to the ground, and attached the message to the location of the place where his father was injured, and then I went directly there, but I did not find him on my arrival.” And he continued, saying that the watch It didn't stop at just sending him a message to tell him about his father's condition, but the Apple smart watch sent a message to the ambulance that came immediately and took his father to the hospital, and then the watch sent a message to Bradit to tell him that his father's location had changed on the map.

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