Apple develops a smart watch that can measure blood pressure on the seventh day

  • Time:Oct 29
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

السبت، 09 يونيو 2018 08:00 مApple bracelet كتب مؤنس حواساضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء

أبل تطور ساعة ذكية يمكنها قياس ضغط الدم اليوم السابع

A new patent presented by Apple in the US Patent Office revealed a new device for monitoring and measuring blood pressure through internal sensors that help measuring pressure very accurate.

According to the American website The Verge, according to the request submitted by Apple to the patent, the new device will include several cells or internal sensors, working to measure pressure, and as the image attached to the company reveals, the device is similar to the regular watch and will contain a screen and feature of Bluetooth, and thoughWhoever is separate from the hour, but it can be complementary to it.

To a large extent, this device is similar to that of Fitbit, but it is separate in itself to provide specific tasks..

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