An Omani innovator develops a smart watch to monitor and track Corona infection

  • Time:Dec 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Doctors say that the key to controlling the emerging “Corona” virus is to monitor infection rates, and in this context, the Gulf countries have demonstrated effective health care protocols, tracking and tracking the spread of the disease and infection rate, in order to prevent the spread of infection.

Thermal cameras and laser scanners at airports, shopping malls and checkpoints in Middle Eastern cities have helped report symptoms of the virus, and rapid tests have been developed to accurately confirm infection.

An Omani inventor develops a smart watch to monitor and track infection Corona

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In addition, the Omani researcher Dr. Nassar Al-Bassam and his team at the Middle East College designed a smart watch that can successfully indicate the symptoms of disease for the individual who wears it, and included a device to read warning signs, such as: body temperature, oxygen levels and heart rate.

The watch, according to times of oman, can sense infection with the virus from sound waves, through the way a person coughs. This smart watch, designed by the team, can alert the authorities to the presence of infected people who violate the rules of quarantine, and transmit to the authorities information related to their whereabouts. On the other hand, the watch can allow doctors to monitor the development of the patient's condition. The watch also protects the wearer by warning him of quarantine violators, within a radius of 100 meters around him.

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