Algeria news for Wednesday, July 28, 2021

  • Time:Sep 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Bachouch family demands the transfer of the body of its son, who is detained in Girona Hospital, Spain

Fatima AkoushThe Bachouch family, who live in the village of Toureth Amar in the municipality of Al-Asnam in the state of Bouira, are appealing to the Algerian authorities, led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for a quick intervention to enable them to retrieve a body Her son Muhammad has been in Girona Hospital, Spain, for more than a month.

The late Bachoush Muhammad, called Muhash bin Muhammad, was born in August 1986 in Bouira, an orphan of his father and descended from a destitute family. He traveled about 19 months ago to Spain, and died on June 21, but his deportation to Algeria was delayed for reasons unknown to the family. This made his mother appeal, via Al-Shorouk, to the foreign authorities for quick intervention in order to facilitate the procedures for transporting the body to be buried in his hometown.

Since it was informed of the death of its son, the Bachoush family sent all the documents required by the Spanish embassy in Algeria, and also sent several letters to the concerned authorities in Algeria and Spain to remove the stone from the body of the deceased and return it to the homeland to avoid burning it, but until we wrote these lines, the family has not received No response, which prompted her to write to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs again.

As a reminder, the Bashoush family, who live in the village of Tawrit Ammar in al-Asnam, have been receiving large crowds of mourners since the news of their son's death was announced, despite the fact that the body has not arrived.

The late Bachoush Muhammad, who came from a poor family, had traveled to the Diaspora, to Spain, in order to improve his miserable social conditions, but unfortunately for him, he died in mysterious circumstances, which were not revealed after the investigation opened by the Spanish authorities.

The mutated strain revives the trade in surgical masks: “death brokers” inflame the prices of prevention supplies

b. Jacob Speculation in the prices of antiseptics and surgical masks reared its head again in Algeria, with the increase in the price of a pack of protective masks, and the price of the protective mask in shops that do not have any license to sell these medical supplies increased to 45 DZD.

The prices of antiseptics increased after their stocks at pharmacies ran out, as it was revealed in a tour by Al-Shorouk, which included 8 pharmacies, that occasional merchants took advantage of the seriousness of the extremely worrisome epidemiological situation in Algeria, to achieve wealth by raising the prices of surgical masks and all necessities to prevent the Corona epidemic. Taking advantage of the high demand for it with the spread of the new Corona virus.

The data available to us showed that price increases ranged between 30 and 45 percent, following the recent rise in infection cases, which aroused the discontent of citizens, who described these speculators in prevention supplies as “crisis dealers” and a “cartel.” Tragedies” to achieve quick profit, and despite the desire of Algerians to buy surgical masks to protect themselves, the general physician, “Abdul Hamid Khawalid” at Dr. Intended for surgical doctors inside the operating rooms as a precautionary measure to protect patients, and the best are the types of N95, fpp2 and fpp3 because they are advanced respiratory masks, which purify the air while breathing in two directions, but they require training in their use so that the user does not feel suffocated.

The event merchants took advantage of the crisis of the spread of mutated strains strongly in Algeria, to raise the prices of disinfection materials, and one of the merchants in the state of Chlef says, “I buy from the capital boxes consisting of 24 vials at 250 DZD per unit at a wholesale price, and resell them for 300 dinars, and they do not exceed a percentage of My profits are 50 DZD, while the accusation is referred to brokers who control the Algerian market, and these also control the trade in protective masks, and they offer quantities ranging from 50 to 100 thousand masks for sale, and they refuse to sell small quantities.

There are widespread unhealthy masks these days, according to medical estimates, according to a specialist in preventive medicine. He confirmed to “Al-Shorouk” that masks exposed to air and moisture cause allergic diseases and problems in the bronchi, as confirmed by our speaker, Abdulaziz Aishouba, that These unhealthy masks may turn into a product that transmits germs and viruses instead of providing protection when used, adding that stored masks must be used in places far from moisture and dust, and disposed of after use in designated places.

In addition, the price of a box of surgical masks consisting of 50 pieces in pharmacies has increased to 2000 DZD, while its price did not exceed 1800 DZD previously, and at a time when pharmacies reject the accusations against them of price gouging, citing the reason for the depletion of medical masks. To the lack of supply and high demand, and to prevent the export of masks in many countries, however, the Algerian consumer sees that they are speculative networks that found in every health crisis their opportunity to achieve wealth and quick profit.

The greed taking place in the market was not limited to these medical supplies, but rather extended to various medicines and vitamins for strengthening immunity to combat “Covid 19”, similar to vitamin “C” and “D”, as the data says that the prices have increased in recent days. The latter, a remarkable increase between 30 and 40 percent, in infection prevention requirements, similar to what was observed in Oran these days, as event merchants returned to their old opportunistic habits to raise the prices of sterilization materials without prior warning.

It is known that there is a great shortage these days in masks to prevent the spread of viruses, and food merchants, tables selling cigarettes, and owners of sportswear stores found it a profitable opportunity to sell surgical masks, some of whom kept them during the previous health crisis for a period of more than six months. Inside their shops, taking advantage of the high demand for it with the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) and the Delta strain, to sell a box containing 10 pieces for 450 DZD.

It is known that the process of storing masks is subject to standards to maintain their quality, such as placing them inside closed boxes away from dust and moisture.

The bodies of four missing persons from the desert of Ain Saleh were found

Ben Aish St. Until Tuesday evening, in the Tajmut area, located 210 km from the headquarters of the state capital, Ain Saleh, the bodies of four young men between the ages of 22 and 23 years old, where the bodies were found in a very advanced degree of decomposition, meters away from two motorcycles that the victims used to move around during their tourist tour, before the fuel ran out, while the volunteer teams continued to search for their fifth companion on the same trip.

The details of the painful tragedy began six days ago, when five young men from the city of Ain Saleh decided to take a tourist trip to one of the wetlands called Halkamin, 150 km south of Ain Saleh, for the sake of rest and recreation, on board four motorcycles, to deliver They pack their belongings near a tree near Tahlkamin pond, then continue their tour through the scenic area of ​​sand dunes and mountains.

However, after the delay in their return, a number of their families moved to that area, where they found the baggage and supplies intact, with the absence of the young men, which entered into their souls fear for the lives of their children, so they decided to return to Ain Saleh and inform the local authorities of the incident, so that later A convoy of volunteers, on four-wheel drive cars and motorcycles, at the initiative of Al-Ihsan Charitable Association, left for the Tajmut area, and after the start of the search operation, the bodies of four of them were found in an advanced degree of decomposition, three of them, meters away from two motorcycles. The fourth body was found at a far and isolated distance, so that the civil protection services in the village of Arak were contacted, in order to transfer the bodies to the health center in the village, so that the center doctor decided that the bodies should be sent to the forensic doctor in Tamanrasset Hospital.

On the other hand, other teams of volunteers continue to search for the young man who is still missing, across a sandy desert area, hoping to find him. The summer period, with the authorities demanding programming projects to expand telephone coverage in the region, to prevent the loss of more human lives.

List of victims

1 Chrome Abdel Samie

2 Baghdadi Abdul Ghani

3 Dandan

4 slumber

Attempt to set fire to forests in Mostaganem thwarted

F. On Tuesday, the forest services in Mostaganem governorate were able to thwart an attempt to set fire to the Jaailiya, Tawafir, Sabaa Ayoun forests of the municipality of Ben Abdelmalek Ramadan, and the Chaouachi forest of the Sidi Ali district. After carrying out the process of monitoring and purifying the wilaya’s forests, where more than 40 rubber wheels were found dumped inside the forest perimeter, as they were collected and placed in the barn of the municipality of Ben Abdelmalek Ramadan.

Transcribers of code stop working, rejecting the 50 percent instruction

Raniah. The private carriers working on the Tizi-Ouzou-Makouda line suspended work, starting yesterday morning, without notifying the travelers, as dozens remained stuck at the city station, without a solution that would enable them to reach their destinations, most of them to work, the situation that the “Cloundestan” drivers exploited, to transport those in need. 1000 DZD to the city of Tizi Ouzou, amid the discontent of the citizens.

Private carriers operating on the Makouda Tizi Ouzou line, most of whom are owners of minibuses, did not hesitate to stop work without prior notice, refusing to implement the instructions to transport 50 percent of the citizens, under the pretext of the consequent material losses, without the slightest regard for the situation imposed by the pandemic.

The spread of garbage distorts the general view of the city of Laghouat

Sherif DaoudyThe residents of Laghouat deplore the delay in the competent authorities in removing the garbage scattered here and there across the city's neighborhoods, which were considered the first to be clean one year from the eighties of the last century, where the piles of garbage scattered in Neighborhoods, streets and roads of the city, disgraceful decoration that scratches good taste and its emissions stifle the noses, especially in the north of the city near the middle school of Mujahid Ali, which we passed by, and this is due to the terrible spread of garbage bags and various throws, especially the remnants of sacrificial animals here and there on the roadsides.

The strange thing is that the epidemiological situation in Laghouat and other regions of the country did not seem to move the consciences of local officials, especially since this coincides with a record heat wave and the resulting consequences and complications, and this is due to the great delay in removing the garbage, By the specialized institution, in parallel with the lack of follow-up to the long-standing problem, despite the renewed discussion about it on more than one level and through the platforms of a number of local bodies, but this did not change the situation, and Laghouat became a proverb in neglect and indifference, especially in the aspect of cleanliness .

What makes matters worse and disgusting is the huge delay in removing the garbage, especially in the northern side, to the extent that it now cuts the dual carriageway in one of its sides. Without the slightest movement of the officials who are supposed to pay the greatest attention to this issue in the context of improving the standard of living for the citizen, which remains the weakest link in the interests of officials until the opposite is proven in the interest of the citizen.

All inmates are participating in the rehabilitation program

Sufyan. The director of the Re-Education and Rehabilitation Institution for the Wilaya of Blida, Brigadier General Abdelmalek Balwash, confirmed that all the inmates of this institution are involved in a rehabilitation program aimed at giving them the opportunity to rebuild their lives and integrate into social life after the end of their sentence.

The officer, Brigadier General Belwash, told the Algerian News Agency that the penal institutions in Algeria have become a "model to be followed", especially with regard to the part of the program for the rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners, which makes punishment a means of reintegrating them into society.

He added that all prisoners of the institution, against whom court rulings have been issued depriving them of liberty, as well as the defendants, are involved in this program, which provides them with various types of education, whether it is proving their level or erasing illiteracy.

According to the same speaker, the administration of the institution is keen to ensure the psychological accompaniment of the inmates when they enter the prison because of their exposure to a trauma that affects their psyche, to move them to the second stage, which depends on sensitizing them and introducing them to the various options offered by the rehabilitation and integration program.

He added that the institution counts 1,022 inmates from different age groups who are registered in the standardization mode, distributed over the middle and secondary education departments, and who achieved, during the past school season, a success rate of about 90%.

The prison administration also provides the opportunity for inmates whose social circumstances did not allow them to attend school before entering the prison, the opportunity to join the literacy course, which counts 320 registered students.

For those wishing to learn a trade, the institution provides them with several vocational specializations, such as construction, architectural electricity, aluminum carpentry, welding, tailoring for men and women, as well as barbering, the director of the institution says, pointing out that a large number of prisoners have registered this type of vocational training, which counts more than of a thousand registered.

According to officer Brigadier General Balwash, “the recorded results prove that the rehabilitation and reintegration program has achieved its desired goals, most notably that prisoners do not return to committing crimes and reintegrate into society after their release from prison.”

For her part, Wassila Mhanni, a psychologist in the penal institution, emphasized the importance of prisoners continuing their academic course in order to improve their psychological well-being, noting that previous experiences as well as studies have shown that a significant percentage of those who commit crimes are “with limited cultural and educational level.”

She added that many of the prisoners who participated in the rehabilitation program constituted a station for them to rebuild a new life by learning new behaviors and ideas and developing their sense of belonging to the community.

It is noteworthy that the Institution for Re-Education and Rehabilitation in the wilaya of Blida achieved a high success rate this year in the baccalaureate degree, estimated at 87% and 65% in the end-of-intermediate education exams.

.. Examination results reflect the effectiveness of the reintegration program

The Re-Education and Rehabilitation Institution in Blida Province recorded a high success rate in the baccalaureate exams and the end of intermediate education exams this year, which reflects the success of the state-approved reintegration program for inmates of penal institutions to help them integrate into society after the end of their sentence, as revealed by its officer director. Brigadier General Abdul Malik Balwash.

The officer, Brigadier General Balwash, explained that the inmates of this penal institution were able this year to achieve “very honorable” academic results, as the success rate for the baccalaureate degree was estimated at 87%, indicating that out of 82 inmates in this penal institution, five of them passed this exam. Women, 69 of them were able to realize their dream of obtaining this certificate “despite their psychological condition due to the restriction of their freedom.”

The efforts and perseverance of the prisoners who participated in the end-of-intermediate education exams, estimated at 85 prisoners, achieved a success rate of 65%.

64% of the inmates of this penal institution who participated in the entrance exams to the University of Continuing Training obtained this certificate.

The same speaker attributed the reasons for achieving these results, which the prison administration is proud of, to the latter's keenness, since the beginning of the school season, to ensure psychological as well as educational support for the candidate inmates, in order to provide them with the conditions conducive to achieving their goal of winning these exams.

In this regard, he touched on the role of the Reintegration Department of this penal institution in sensitizing prisoners to engage in the rehabilitation program, which gives them several options to use their sentence to continue their academic career or choose to join the vocational training departments to learn a trade that helps them enter the world of work. after their release from prison.

With the aim of introducing these prisoners to the various training programs available to them, the same official says, the content of these programs is broadcasted periodically on the TV screens located in the institution, in addition to handing them pamphlets when they enter the prison, pointing out that the majority of them choose to enroll in this program as it is the only way to get them out. From the psychological state in which they live as a result of the restriction of their freedom and their distance from their families.

He added that the administration of the institution is keen to provide all the appropriate conditions for the inmates who are about to pass the baccalaureate certificates and the end of intermediate education, by providing them with the possibility of collective review inside the library, in addition to receiving lessons in regular sections under the supervision of professors in the various subjects in which they will be examined, indicating that The hourly volume that the inmates spend in the study ranges between eight and ten hours per day.

According to Mr. Balwash, the good results achieved this year are also due to the concerted efforts of the prison administration with all its partners from the Ministries of Education and Vocational Training as well as the National Office for Distance Education, which is keen at the beginning of each school season to provide CDs distributed to the concerned inmates containing various Educational programs and references.

.. looking for a fresh start

The various inmates of the Re-Education and Rehabilitation Institution in Blida, who excelled in the baccalaureate exams and the end-of-intermediate education exams for this year, agreed that their strong will, which they derived, whether from the family environment or those in charge of this prison, constituted the most important motive for them to achieve success.

In her interview with the Algerian News Agency, one of the 40-year-old baccalaureate exam winners confirmed that the moral support provided to her by her family, especially her parents, constituted a strong incentive for her to repeat this experience that she had previously gone through before entering prison, but she failed in it. Pointing out that all the five inmates who participated in this exam this year succeeded.

Algeria News for Wednesday 28 July 2021

Another 24-year-old prisoner, in turn, expressed her joy at winning this exam by achieving a score of 13.02, which turned into two joys - as she said - after benefiting from the presidential pardon and reducing her sentence by two years.

This inmate, who is the youngest inmate to participate in this exam, said that this experience helped her overcome the psychological state that afflicted her after entering prison and gave her a reason for optimism about the future that she aspires to achieve her dream of becoming a journalist.

For his part, one of the inmates who won this exam praised the appropriate conditions and capabilities provided to them by the prison administration, which did not spare them by giving them various books and references during the school season, as well as organizing cultural and sports activities to entertain them, in addition to the nature of the good relationship based on respect. Which brought them together with their teachers, as well as guards.

Among those involved in the rehabilitation program, an inmate in his forties chose to continue his studies even though he was sentenced to life imprisonment. However, he did not lose hope and was keen to fill his spare time with studies.

This inmate, who spent nine years of his sentence in prison, confirmed that he chose to continue his studies after passing his first year in prison, which he described as the most difficult period for him inside this closed environment, during which he tried to adapt to his new life, which he managed to overcome thanks to the accompaniment of psychologists. , like he said.

He considered his mother's happiness and pride in him the most beautiful gift she received after winning the middle school end exam, expressing his intention and determination to continue his studies and obtain a baccalaureate degree.

Despite the different goals and aspirations of the various inmates who passed the intermediate education certificate or baccalaureate exam, their ambition and quest for a new start in life after their release from prison remains the most important.

The Labor Party calls for declaring a state of health emergency

Yesterday, Wednesday, the Labor Party called for declaring a state of health emergency in the country, in order to harness all public financial, human and material means to confront the “spread of the Corona epidemic.”

The party confirmed in a statement, published on its official account on “Facebook”, during its weekly session and discussing the general situation in the country, that the Labor Party adds its voice to the voice of experts and officials demanding the declaration of a health emergency in order to harness all public and human financial means. The Labor Party stated that preserving the health of male and female citizens and preventing epidemics and diseases is the exclusive responsibility of the state.

The Algerian Youth Orchestra is legally established, and “Dada” promises a rich program.

Zahia. Maestro Salim Dada announces the legal establishment of the Algerian Youth Orchestra, and this is after three years of cultural activity and performances, especially training. and a number of active agencies.

The legal establishment of the orchestra came after the General Assembly, which was hosted by the Algerian National Theater on July 25, in the presence of 25 people and a judicial record.

A statement by the orchestra said that the Constituent Assembly included 19 members, and the Executive Board, consisting of 5 members, was elected, in addition to the ratification of the Basic Law.

Dad considered that the legal establishment of the Algerian Youth Orchestra is an important historical moment for Algerian music, which is the establishment of the first national symphony orchestra for youth only. The leader and founder of the orchestra promised a rich and promising cultural program for the coming year.

The list of founders included 19 names: Salim Dada, Boubaker Skini, Islam Magherif, Amal Aleeq, Hisham Sharqi, Nabil Shweiki, Abd al-Razzaq Smaida, Reda Baghiani, Lazhar Basbas, Mounia al-Hamri, Zaheer Sharifi, Aqaba Hammouche, Nawal Qurain, Ayman Saadneh, Kousila Ajrad, Reda Zanimi, Samira Aqouni, Mahdi Jama and Nour al-Huda Borwena. .

50 artists perform virtual evenings to accompany the audience during quarantine

Zahia. The Association of Modern Arts and Music in Oran organizes virtual musical evenings on the Internet to revitalize the cultural scene, as the association's initiative comes within the framework of efforts aimed at revitalizing the cultural scene and accompanying people during the quarantine period during this period in which Covid-19 infections worsened.

Within the framework of the program drawn up by the association for this purpose, more than 50 artists, including musicians and singers, will perform these evenings in cooperation with the General Directorate of the National Office for Copyright and Related Rights. The program for this activity, which began last week, included ten musical evenings broadcast on the official websites of the association, with five singers for each evening of one hour.

Politics and religion during the establishment of the Safavid state

S. The book “Politics and Religion during the Establishment of the Safavid State 1501-1576”, by researcher Ali Ibrahim Darwish, issued by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, was included in the framework of historical research whose facts are still current and influencing its events. It is devoted to studying the relationship of the “shahs” with the clergy in the Safavid state: was it a consequential relationship or an equal relationship? The book asks about the positions of scholars, were they unified or multiple? These and other questions emerge from a review of the history of the Safavid state, but they become more urgent after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, and the popularization of the doctrine of “guardianship of the jurist” as a result.

The book, which is distributed in Algeria by Naji Mega Bookstore Libraries, talks about the political geography of the Islamic world before the establishment of the Safavid state.

The book also focuses on the issue of the Safavids and religion through its study of Sufism, Shiism, and the ideological employment of religious ideas, in order to reach the fundamental reasons for the adoption of the Imami school of thought by the Safavids.

The book talks in detail about the role of the jurist in the new state, the relationship of the jurists with the ruler, and their struggles with him as well, so it is considered the most recent of what was written about the Safavid state in Arabic, and it comes in the context of growing research on this era, as the field of the “Safavid state” is witnessing a remarkable attraction Is it at the level of Arabic or English writing? For this, there are many reasons why the book falls within an introduction, conclusion, appendices, and nine chapters. However, it can be divided into three main circles. The first is concerned with the historical research of the Safavid state geographically and politically, and the second is related to the formal research of the Safavid state, which deals with its administrative and economic structures. who dealt with the relationship of religion; Specifically, the Shiite sect in the state

The first four chapters fall into the first circle, namely: the political geography of the Islamic world before the Safavid state, the emergence of the Safavid state, and the Safavid state and its neighborhood.

In these four chapters, the author succeeded in narrating the historical plot of these titles, especially his illumination of the very close history of the emergence of the Safavid state, but rather of the political and social embrace of the Safavid movement as a Sufi order.

As for the second circuit, it includes chapters five and six, namely: The Safavid state (administrative organization) and the Safavid state (economic and financial organization), in which it presents the administrative positions of the state and the policy of appointment therein, and its ethnic and religious distribution, the role of each position, and the political tensions in it.

The third circuit also included the seventh, eighth and ninth chapters: the Safavids and religion, the role of the jurist in the Safavid state, the relationship between the jurist and the Shah

Aaron Sorkin Molly's game in Riyadh Al-Fateh on August 5th

Zahia. The “Vadra Film Club” club invited the film audience to attend the thirty-first screening of the film club. Where the Aaron Sorkin movie Molly's Game will be presented on Thursday 5 August 2021 at 6.30 pm at the Cosmos Cinema in Riyadh Al Fath. The entry price has been set at 400 dinars, and this is in case the epidemiological situation improves.

The film tells the story of Molly Bloom, a young figure skater with high hopes after years of intense training under her father, Larry, who demands excellence from his three children. But during one of the qualifiers for the 2002 Winter Olympics, she suffered a serious injury from a broken branch that ran into her path, which put an end to her sporting ambitions. Rather than plunge into law school immediately, against her father's advice, she took a year off and moved to Los Angeles, where she got a job as a waitress at a club. One day, she meets the domineering Dean Keith, an ostentatious real estate developer riddled with debt, who offers her a job as an assistant and soon gets her involved in the world of high-profile poker tournaments, chatting with movie stars, singers, business tycoons and other celebrities. Molly makes a lot of money just from tips.

Here Fayrouz sang, Ben Bella addressed the women, and Elvis supporters clashed with Linda D'Souza

Zahia. The Atlas or Majestic cinema hall was previously considered greater than just a cinema hall or a secluded place in the largest and most important popular neighborhood in Algiers, Bab El Oued. Rather, this hall is considered part of the memory of Algeria, which embraced events and personalities, and its existence was linked to the most important political document in Algeria, which is the first constitution of the independent Republic of Algeria. .

The Atlas Hall, or “Majestic” as it was called in the past, is one of the largest cultural monuments in Algeria. Its construction dates back to the 1930s by the architects Guerino and Bastilica.

The construction of the hall came at the initiative of Joseph Ciberas, the man from the seventh art world who was behind the creation of several theaters and halls throughout Algeria. The Atlas Majestic Cinema was built to meet the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, which has now become the Al-Taqwa Mosque.

This hall was built to be the place where France celebrated the centenary of the occupation of Algeria. This 1,500-square-meter edifice was built in the ancient Bab al-Wad neighborhood in Algiers, and the artist Joseph Sibiras had to gather more than a hundred workers, in the face of the local employment crisis. So he brought construction workers from Italy, and he was keen to present a masterpiece that reached his ambitions in his quest to immortalize his name, so he presented a beautiful hall that accommodates 4,000 spectators, and it was classified as one of the ten largest halls in the world. At the time, the cost of this achievement amounted to more than 3 million francs.

After independence, the symbolism of the Majestic Hall continued and its symbolism changed from the cultural to the political, as its name was associated with the first constitution of independent Algeria in 1963 when Ben Bella escaped the document that was supposed to be discussed within an expanded circle to be discussed inside the hall within his narrow circle, where the President of the Republic gathered on that day 300 A delegate from the National Liberation Front, who approved Ben Bella's constitution, which was opposed by Mohamed Boudiaf, Hussein Ait Ahmed, and Karim Belkacem.

In the same hall, the first parliament of independent Algeria, or what was called the Constituent Assembly, was elected, and the number of its deputies was 196 members, on September 20, 1963, when the facts of the referendum took place on the list imposed by the Political Bureau, and on September 25, the Constituent Assembly held the first A session for him to become the official body that replaced the interim government, and the executive body whose president, Abd al-Rahman Faris, retained a seat for him in the new council, while Bin Youssef bin Khadda, the head of the interim government, was excluded from it, and the first president of the interim government, Farhat Abbas, was elected as president of this council With 155 votes against 35 white papers.

Many are the events that this hall witnessed and were linked to the memory of Algeria, past and present, including the first speech that former President Ahmed Ben Bella addressed to Algerian women, on the occasion of the eighth of March, in a gathering organized by the fighter and doctor of the revolution, Nafisa Qayed Hammoud, known as “Nafisa Liam,” the doctor’s wife Liam, who was in the third term, after Algeria was represented by “Nafisa Liam” in the celebrations of the eighth of March in Germany, she persisted in embodying the celebrations in Algeria, and she was the first president of the union after its establishment, and she supervised the gathering of more than 5 thousand women in the Atlas Hall, To force Ben Bella to go down to the "Majestic" and deliver a speech reassuring Algerian women that their status is preserved. Indeed, the late President Ahmed Ben Bella addressed Algerian women in their first Women's Day celebration on March 8, 1965, in which Algerian women volunteered to clean the streets of the capital from rubbish. After the withdrawal of the French employees, the memory of the Atlas Hall also preserves the passage of a number of great names to it, such as the Lebanese singer Fayrouz, who performed a concert with her in 1968, where she performed the song “Safart al-Qada’a”, which is a very rare song composed by the Rahbani brothers, and it is the song that indicates To the inaction of the Arabs towards the Palestinian cause, and Fayrouz called through it to restore the right of the oppressed Palestinian people and to end the existing occupation, and her first and last concert was in Algeria.

And from the same hall, the Kabyle artist Ait Menguelat also passed after a long absence, and the rebel singer Matoub El Ounas insisted on meeting his fans at the height of terrorism, and from it Warda Al Jazairia returned to sing on the anniversary of independence by order of the late President Houari Boumediene.

The most prominent event preserved in the memory of “The Atlas” is the passage of the famous singer and actress Linda D’Souza from it in the early nineties, when the singer was well known in Algeria during that period through her series “A Bag of Cartoons”, which was broadcast on the only national channel, And the singer had a large audience of young people and teenagers at that time who came to watch her performance before the supporters of the Islamic Salvation Front decided that day to prevent the concert and enter into a clash with the police forces that surrounded the place.

From a technical point of view, the hall is characterized by the open-ceiling technology. It contains a large performance hall, with an estimated capacity of 1111 seats, in addition to a multi-activity hall with a capacity of 411 seats, an honorary hall and an exhibition hall. It was restored during the era of the former Minister of Culture, Khalida Tomy. And it was relaunched and put into service in 2008, through a ceremony revived by the National Ballet.

Parliamentarians propose a comprehensive stone on the state of Chlef

B/ YacoubFour parliamentarians representing a political party in the state of Chlef proposed a 15-day quarantine that includes all public spaces, and the imposition of a total restriction on random gatherings to besiege the hotspots of Corona and break the infection Which is expanding at the state level, and the statement signed by the deputies, a copy of which Al-Shorouk received, said that it has become necessary to restrict random gatherings such as weddings and parties, funeral councils and sports tournaments, and they also submitted proposals to the office of the governor who received them on Wednesday morning, stipulating the obligation to make optimal use of energy Hospital absorption, abandoning the roofing of this capacity and raising it from 310 to 500 beds, due to what the people's representatives described as the fear of running out of oxygen.

The deputies called for framed solidarity donations to extend aid to those infected with Corona in light of the high number of injuries and deaths in Chlef hospitals, stressing that oxygen has become a popular demand, as sometimes 4000 liters are distributed to four hospitals, and this quantity will soon be exhausted in less than 11 hours.

In this way, state parliamentarians demanded the activation of the state crisis cell through coordination with the central cell to manage oxygen at the level of the first ministry, in light of the shortage of oxygen at the level of Chlef hospitals.

The people's representatives proposed, in their statement, to impose compulsory vaccination on all employees of the public and private sectors, and to take deterrent measures against everyone who abstains, given that vaccination against the coronavirus (Covid 19) is the only solution to salvation from the emerging health crisis.

In the opinion of the authors of the statement, the serious epidemiological situation in Chlef, which is characterized by a rise in critical and dangerous cases, requires the formation of mobile medical teams to target the rural and village population to generalize the vaccination process, and expand the campaign to include all groups without exception.

The parliamentarians proposed imposing a penalty against anyone who refuses to wear a protective mask, proposing an annual and exceptional vacation, and introducing a 50 percent system at the institutional level, with priority given to people with chronic diseases and pregnant women.

In this context, these deputies called for an urgent financial appropriation for the acquisition of generators, oxygen concentrators and oxygen bottles with a capacity of 50 liters from the state budget, and the involvement of municipalities through urgent financial transfers.

The initiative owners also suggested harnessing all reception structures, including hotels, residences, rest and training centers, to take care of Covid-19 patients in the face of this huge increase in infections and lethality.

As for the need to control logistical support in light of the intensification of the health crisis, the deputies asked for the need to involve all directorates, especially trade, to support hospitals with the acquisition of disinfection and sterilization equipment to break the virus infection.

According to Al-Shorouk sources, a well-known businessman in the state has embodied his promise that he made two days ago to purchase an oxygen generator worth more than 1.5 billion centimeters for the benefit of Covid patients at the Two Sisters Hospital in Chlef, while Tennis and Sabha hospitals are waiting for such humanitarian initiatives to save dozens of lives, in front of a rise in oxygen consumption from 10 to 30 liters per bed.

The drums of war on the “barricades” and the chaotic commercial expansions are beating in Oran

Khaira Ganusov No trader will be allowed to exploit any public space adjacent to his shop without a prior license, and according to a specific book of conditions, the concerned person has seen all its clauses to sign it And he assumes his legal responsibilities towards him, and this is within procedures that will be implemented in the coming days, within the framework of legalizing this type of exploitation, which has turned into chaos that greatly distorted the urban landscape, especially in major cities, according to Moaz Abed, head of the transportation department and director of the roads and traffic department in the municipality of Oran.

As for the details, the same official explained that the municipality of Oran had issued about a year ago, and in an initiative and exemplary experience, including an ideal version of a book of conditions, he said that it would refine the practices of a large number of aggressive merchants, who deliberately expand the geographical scope of their shops, by ferocious seizure And random on public spaces adjacent to it, so that this procedure provides for enabling the merchant to obtain a license that allows him to do so, but under agreed terms, allowing him to rent an area of ​​​​the sidewalk adjacent to his shop, and this is specifically for the owners of cafes, tea halls and restaurants, provided that the structure of the additional expansion Collapsible, movable and transportable, and not fixed or completed with pillars or concrete barriers that cannot be moved on a daily basis after the end of work.

The director of the roads department in the municipality of Oran also pointed out that this new legal formula, which has recently begun to be adopted in some locations at the level of the neighborhood of Colonel Lotfi and Marval, would support the municipality's revenues on the one hand, in addition to eliminating the urban distortion caused by this phenomenon. Most of the sites in Oran are subject to the whims of merchants and according to what feeds their greed at the expense of the public interest.

In parallel, Moaz Abed talked about the existence of a work program to purify public spaces from parallel trade at the level of the municipality of Oran, including the fact that his interests last month removed about 14 chaotic structures made of steel that were exploited in the unlicensed sale of vegetables and fruits in the form of - barrack - In the Bouamama neighborhood, it was also announced that a number of legal measures had been taken against the exploiters of the public spaces adjacent to the tea halls and the hookah (shisha) drinking halls, which are located near the guided circulation axis, while justice is expected to decide the files of these people to start the removal procedures, especially since those concerned do not rule. For years on exploitation licenses.

In a not too distant context, our interlocutor announced the existence of a series of meetings and negotiations currently underway between the municipality of Oran and the Directorate of Commerce of the province of Oran in order to launch a project for specialized market areas in a modern way, which would contribute more to the organization and promotion of commercial activities in Oran, as well as giving these spaces Its due value, such as allocating a market for selling fish only and it is known for that, and another for selling traditional crafts products, etc., while taking care to provide all the requirements and standards that allow the recovery of these activities and ensuring the stability of merchants at their level, similar to attaching them to a vital transportation network, ensuring security, Water, sanitation and other necessities that were tampered with in the valley of markets before it had been abandoned by its owners since its birth as a result of negligence and poor planning for its establishment from the beginning.

One of the largest oxygen production plants is suspended in Relizane

Nasser Belkacem El Shorouk learned from sources familiar with investment affairs in the state of Relizane that the industrial zone in the municipality of Sidi Khattab contains the largest factory for the manufacture of iron and steel, in addition to another factory for the manufacture of gases. The industrial, oxygen and nitrogen manufacturing plant belongs to the “Sarl Mega Steel” factory within an Algerian-Chinese partnership. It has been closed since 2019, and it was opened at that time for several months. About 50 workers were employed, but its work stopped after it became not operating at its full production capacity for related reasons. Not connected to an electrical network.

The same sources indicated that the Electricity and Gas Distribution Department asked factory officials to pay an amount of 11 billion centimeters in order to supply electricity to the factory. Huge sums of money were allocated to him, which would employ more than 700 permanent workers.

In light of the Corona pandemic, several associations and citizens of the state moved to demand the governor of the state of Relizane, Atallah Moulati, the need to find an urgent solution in order to reopen this factory, especially what is related to the manufacture of oxygen and its provision in hospital institutions across the soil of the state, as he relies on the first official in the state to expedite the overcoming The difficulties of the concerned authorities in order to remove the obstacles, in order to restart this facility dedicated to the production of oxygen of the iron waste recycling plant and the production of building materials, which has been suspended since 2019.

In the meantime, the vaccination campaign against the Corona virus (Covid-19) continues across the territory of the province of Relizane, which is known to be very popular among citizens of all age groups and even young people, in light of the large increase in cases of infection, which necessitated the application of quarantine measures in the province of Relizane for a period of 10 days. Starting from eight in the evening until six in the morning.

In addition, the vaccination process remains the only solution to protect people from infection with this mutated virus, which has sowed terror among citizens, which led them to engage in a large-scale vaccination campaign, through which the state authorities seek to reach a large percentage of the vaccination process that It was estimated at more than 50 percent to ensure adequate protection for citizens from the virus, as the state recently benefited from 18,000 additional vaccine doses by the guardian ministry, within the framework of strengthening the national campaign for vaccination against the Corona virus, Covid-19.

Al-Shorouk tried to contact the manager of Sonelgaz in Relizane to inquire about this problem, but she was unable to do so.

Society General renews its partnership with the Federation of People with Special Needs

Ahmed Alioua"Society General Algeria" announced the renewal of its important partnership with the Algerian Federation for People with Special Needs, for the tenth year in a row, during the signing ceremony that It was held at the bank’s headquarters, in full compliance with the preventive measures against the emerging corona virus, and this was in the presence of Slimane Maachou, President of the Algerian Federation for People with Special Needs, and Mr. Eric Wurmser, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Society General” Algeria.

According to a statement by “Society General” Algeria, of which Echorouk received a copy, the partnership between the bank and Al Ittihadiya is first and foremost “a story of sharing values ​​rooted in the DNA of the Societe Generale group”, and it comes to highlight, once again, the continued commitment “Society General” Algeria supports and encourages the development of Algerian sports for people with special needs and its support for the strategic plan of the Algerian Federation for People with Special Needs, as an actor committed to social inclusion, diversity and inclusion.

LG Commits to Total Transition to Renewable Energy by 2050

Munir RikabLG Electronics announced its commitment to fully transition to renewable energy by 2050 as a key factor in its sustainability strategy, on the back of its Sustainability Report. It was recently released, building on its previous promise to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 through its Carbon Zero initiative, in which the company pledged to cut carbon emissions at the production stage to 50 percent compared to 2017 standards.

The company said in a statement, of which Al-Shorouk has a copy, that the transition will be implemented from one region to another, starting with North America, as achieving this goal globally will require a diversified strategy, including the installation of high-efficiency solar panels from LG. on their buildings, using power purchase agreements that allow companies to buy electricity directly from suppliers, using Renewable Energy Credit Certificates (RECs) and in the Korea Green Installment Program and LG's domestic market to buy clean energy directly from Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO).

292 traffic accidents in cities within a week

S The National Security Services recorded 292 physical traffic accidents at the level of urban areas during the period from 20 to 26 July 2021, which resulted in the death of 7 people and the injury of 354 others.

Compared to the statistics recorded in the past week, the number of traffic accidents decreased by (-35) accidents, as well as a decrease in the number of injured by (-9), with a decrease in the number of deaths by (-6).

The relevant data indicates that the causes of these accidents are primarily due to the human element, with a rate of more than 95 percent, as a result of non-compliance with the traffic law, non-compliance with the safety distance, excessive speed, fatigue and lack of concentration when driving, in addition to other reasons related to the vehicle. .