Algeria news for Friday, July 16, 2021

  • Time:Dec 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

50 percent of the victims of traffic accidents in the coastal cities of Tizi-Ouzou are men

Rania. The security interests of the state of Tizi Ouzou indicated, in a statement issued by its media and public relations cell, that 50 percent of the victims of fatal accidents recorded in the coastal area of ​​the wilaya are considered pedestrians, due to the random blocking of roads and the failure to use overpasses or pedestrian paths, in addition to speeding. Excessive driving by young people.

In the same context, the security services of the state of Tizi Ouzou recorded during the first semester of the current year no less than 222 physical accidents across their jurisdiction in the coastal strip, leaving 253 injured, 149 of them on foot, and the counted accidents resulted in the death of 8 people 4 of which are pedestrians.

For its part, motorcycles, which are the means most used by young people in the summer season, caused in the same period in no less than 48 accidents out of the total number of authorized accidents, due to dangerous maneuvers and excessive speed on the roads.

The statement added that the ages of the drivers causing the accidents ranged between 20 and 30 years old, due to their excessive use of speed and lack of respect for the rules of proper driving.

With the start of the summer season and the intense demand for vacationers and visitors in the coastal areas of the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, both Azfoun and Tigzirt, the security services are working to intensify awareness campaigns across the roads, in the field of traffic safety and escorting drivers, urging them to respect driving rules to protect property and lives. The security interests of the Azfon and Tigzirt departments set up security formations at the level of the city centers, with the allocation of teams at the level of the beaches belonging to the jurisdiction of the national security, to ensure the security and safety of vacationers.

Sonelgaz El Harrach calls on its customers to rationalize electricity consumption

Mounir. The El Harrach Distribution Directorate of the Algerian Electricity and Gas Distribution Company has deterred all its customers to rationalize electricity consumption by following procedures during the period of high temperature, in order to conserve energy and household electrical appliances, thus ensuring quality while avoiding domestic accidents, especially for children and the elderly.

In a statement, which Al-Shorouk has a copy of, the Directorate recommended that its customers reduce the use of lamps and set the air conditioner at 24 degrees, not 18, and close the doors when using the air conditioner. Corn from five in the evening until ten at night, with the lights turned off when leaving the room.

The statement added that overloading the electrical network may cause material damage and huge financial losses to the Directorate, which leads to the replacement of damaged equipment, which may take more than 48 hours of work in some cases, and this - the Directorate adds in its statement - has a negative impact on the customer. Who will be deprived of electricity throughout the repair period.

The statement referred to the guarantee of technical and technical teams by the Directorate of Distribution in Harrach for the proper functioning of the network by providing all material capabilities while strengthening it with qualified human resources.

The Directorate of Electricity and Gas Distribution in El Harrach remains close to its customers and at their disposal through the number - Call Center 3303, which will receive their calls for 7 days.

The delegated governor of Rouiba decides to prevent gatherings of people

Nisreen Berghall, the delegated governor of the administrative district of Rouiba, has informed all citizens that it has been decided to prevent all kinds of gatherings of people, family gatherings, weddings, circumcisions, etc., given the disturbing development of the health situation as a result of The outbreak of the Corona virus “Covid 19”.

According to the statement, of which Al-Shorouk obtained a copy, the competent committees will begin, starting this week, to strengthen control over shops that do not respect preventive measures.

The statement added that control over means of transportation will be intensified, especially by wearing a protective mask and physical spacing, while limiting the number of travelers. Especially the closure of shops.

The delegated governor of the administrative district of Rouiba also calls on associations, neighborhood committees, imams and civil society in general to contribute to the need to educate citizens about the obligation to be responsible by respecting health measures to ensure the safety and health of all.

A “massive” explosion of a gas pipeline in Sidi Bel Abbes

The excavation work, which was initiated by the services of the National Office for Disinfection at the level of the Moliere and Pasteur neighborhoods in Sidi Bel Abbes, almost caused a catastrophe after the gas pipeline was hit, which resulted in a violent explosion On Thursday morning, a fire followed, and the flames continued to rise for about two hours.

The firefighting teams affiliated with the civil protection services found great troubles in controlling the fire, which spread to the drilling machine that was used to complete the maintenance of the sewage network in the aforementioned neighborhoods, and the situation lasted for about two hours, during which the civil protection interests harnessed a large number From the firefighting personnel, while the interests of Sonelgaz rushed to cut off the supply of natural gas to the two neighborhoods, despite this, fears remained of the expansion of the fire area to neighboring homes and shops, a situation that declared a state of alert that made the residents of the houses flee abroad, and await the situation from afar.

An eyewitness told Al-Shorouk about hearing a strong explosion, before he stopped at the rising of flames in the place, which made everyone flee for fear of the disaster, says the speaker, before the arrival of the firefighting personnel, who harnessed all their capabilities to control the situation, which Sonelgaz revealed In an official statement yesterday, the cause was the excavation work carried out by the Purification Bureau, which resulted in a natural gas leakage at the level of the medium-pressure distribution network, which resulted in losses in the network and the wooden electric poles located near the accident site, without recording any losses. mankind.

Registration of forest fires in Mila and Skikda

Nasim.A / Islam. A fire broke out in the area of ​​Lefkalin, located in the municipality of Sidi Khalifa, south of the state capital, Mila, on Thursday, at around four o'clock, destroying 14 hectares of forests, as it entered Civil protection agents to put out the tongues of fire before it spread to agricultural crops and neighboring houses, while the reasons for the outbreak of the fire remain unknown, in parallel with the opening of the National Gendarmerie services to investigate the incident. In addition, the flames destroyed an orchard and bushes inside a forest located in the Ashour children’s grove in the place called Al-Basbas in the municipality of Al-Ayadi Barbas, west of Mila. In the municipality of Shalghoum al-Eid, a forest fire destroyed 10 hectares of oak and Aleppo pine trees and bushes in the Daraa Lazaz area of ​​Mount Tikoya, Bir Hashem, while a vast area of ​​the forest of Mount Nicoya was rescued by civil protection personnel.

A massive fire broke out yesterday evening, at around 4:20, in the Great Beach area of ​​Blida, in the municipality of Ain Az-Zueit, in the wilaya of Skikda, to the burning of 3 hectares of eucalyptus trees, bushes, dry grass and bee boxes. The mobile convoy to combat forest fires affiliated with the Civil Protection, and its agents were able, within four and a half hours, to put out the flames, as it succeeded in saving dozens of hectares and homes from burning, while the reasons are unknown, which prompted the security authorities to conduct in-depth investigations to reveal its true circumstances.

A tourist boat that requires a Corona vaccination book to benefit from its services

B. A unique procedure that received mixed reactions, during the months of Friday, the Rainbow tourist complex, which includes several tourist hotels in Constantine and Skikda, imposed a strict condition for entry The compound is represented in the requirement that the tourist or the student of residence in the hotel must have been vaccinated against the Corona virus, by showing the vaccination book, the matter concerns all the facilities in the hotel, especially the “Royal Tulip” in the five-star city of Skikda, from a private beach to a garden Water games to swimming pools, restaurants, and, of course, hotel room corridors, and this decision caused a sensation among the hotel world in Algeria, which coincides with the peak of its tourism work and the corn of the third wave of the Corona pandemic that struck Algeria, especially since France will not start its hotels and tourist vehicles with this strict procedure unless On the 1st of the next month of August, and the idea has not yet been presented to tourist vehicles in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, and most of the Mediterranean countries, while this boat will launch its application on the third day of Eid Al-Adha through the announcement that it published yesterday on its page on social networking sites. And also on the facades of the entrances to tourist hotels.

One of the supervisors of the tourist boat said that all hotel workers, without exception, finished the second dose of the vaccine, and despite their requirement of the vaccine book for their visitors, they will not neglect the need to wear the muzzle as much as possible, as well as social distancing by placing spatial separators between one sunshade and another. On the seashore and with the distance of tables in the restaurants of the tourist boat, especially the large provision of alcohol and disinfectants in all the facilities of the tourist boat. Cultural and entertainment places, which raised the number of vaccinated people to double what it was at the beginning of the third wave of the Corona virus, in which the number of infections exceeded 1,100 cases at the national level during a single day, at its highest levels since the beginning of the pandemic.

An awareness campaign about the symptoms of sunstroke and ways to prevent it in Ouargla

Soufiane. In Al-Nasr district (7 km east of Ouargla), an awareness campaign was organized on how to prevent sunstroke, coinciding with the intense heat wave that the wilaya, like other states in the south of the country, has been witnessing since the month of June.

The organization of this awareness-raising preventive campaign, which was initiated by the National Authority for Health Promotion and Research Development in Ouargla (Forum), in coordination with the National Elite for Medical Sciences (Ouargla office), aims to sensitize citizens about the symptoms of heat stroke and how to prevent and prevent it from occurring, in addition to The risks resulting from it, according to what was stated to the Algerian News Agency, Dr. Salim Abado, head of the Forum Office in Ouargla.

The organizers also provided a number of tips and clarifications and distributed leaflets to explain how to avoid sunstroke and its seriousness, such as not being exposed to the sun for a long time, avoiding going out during the noon period, preventing people suffering from chronic diseases and children from being exposed to the sun, in addition to wearing hats that protect them from the hot sun and consumption Wide water, as mentioned by Dr. Abado.

For their part, the members of the National Elite for Medical Sciences provided some of the first aid that should be provided to the person with heatstroke, such as quickly transferring him to the nearest hospital, immersing him in cold water, and placing cold compresses under the armpits between the thighs and at the level of the neck and back.

Dr. Abado pointed out that through the waves of hot weather, the citizen is exposed to health damages resulting from the high temperature on the human body, such as sunstroke, which is one of the most severe damages resulting from exposure to extreme heat, and its symptoms include a rise in body temperature to 40 degrees and poor functions of the central nervous system. Headache, dizziness, confusion, dry skin, increased heart rate, and sometimes loss of consciousness can be fatal and require urgent medical attention.

In parallel with this awareness campaign, and given the current health situation as a result of the Corona pandemic, the campaign supervisors provided advice to citizens related to compliance with preventive measures to prevent the spread of the Corona virus and the need to receive vaccination to avoid infection with the epidemic, especially with the emergence of the third wave of the rapidly spreading coronavirus.

More than 1,000 people were vaccinated against the Corona virus in Elizi

S. More than 1,000 people have received the coronavirus vaccine dose in Illizi Province, as part of the national vaccination campaign against the pandemic, according to the Health and Population Directorate.

This preventive operation, which has been initiated since last February until now, has included more than 1,000 people of different age groups who received the vaccine dose, including health workers and security wires, as stated by the Director of Health, Mr. Ahmed Zanati.

Algeria News for Friday 16 July 2021

In the same context, he indicated that his interests are intensifying and accelerating the pace of this campaign by strengthening vaccination points, whether inside or outside hospital structures, with a wide media mobilization to sensitize citizens and urge them to take the vaccine in order to increase the rate of vaccination in the state, which contributes to achieving collective immunity. In light of the increasing spread of the epidemic and its development into new strains.

For his part, the official of the Prevention Authority, Dr. Yassin Theeb, stated that the process is witnessing “a popular demand and acceptance” among citizens during the recent period, after they were afraid of receiving the vaccine at the beginning, and reassured in this regard that “the vaccine is safe and has great effectiveness in strengthening the immune system against risk of contracting the virus.

Within the framework of efforts to address the pandemic, the state authorities decided to strictly reactivate prevention measures by intensifying campaigns to sterilize streets, public squares, and facilities that receive the public on a regular basis, while launching a wide awareness campaign with the participation of several sectors and associations, through which it calls on citizens to raise sense, preventive awareness, and commitment. With all preventive measures, especially wearing a mask and respecting the rules of physical distancing in public places and spaces.

A citizen in the valley appeals to the President of the Republic to recover his agricultural land

Yousef Razzaq SalemThe life of the farmer's family, Dardouri Al-Hadi, turned into a real tragedy, after he was semi-paralyzed in one of his legs, due to the attack on his land, he said, and the uprooting of his palm trees And dredging his crops, pivot sprinklers, as well as the stable for dairy goat breeding, in the agricultural region and Zeiten in the municipality of El-Wadi.

The local authorities chose the area of ​​Wauzeitin to carry out social quotas on it, and according to Al-Falah Dardawi’s statement to Al-Shorouk Al-Daily, last week, bulldozers uprooted a number of his twenty-year-old palm trees, which caused him a psychological setback. Severe strokes that almost paralyzed his leg.

And he added, with tears falling from his eyes: “I lost my only livelihood, and I live from the alms of people and the aid of benefactors to sponsor my ten children.” The speaker revealed, in which words could hardly come out: “I lost my wife two years ago, and now I am losing my source of livelihood.” The only one, and forcibly and unfairly imposed unemployment. He explained about the details of the tragic death of his wife that one day in the year 2019, his wife was inside the goat breeding stable, doing the milking process as usual, and suddenly and without warning, she heard the sound of a bulldozer coming from behind her, so she was terrified of fear and panic, which caused her a severe psychological setback and she passed out. On it, and several days remained in that sick condition until the soul surrendered to its innocence.

Dardouri Al-Hadi appeals to both the President of the Republic and the Minister of Agriculture, the need for urgent intervention to return his land located in the agricultural region and Zeitan, which he has owned for decades and which is his only source of livelihood, at the same time surprising at the audacity of the local authorities in the state to establish thousands of social allotments in An area known for centuries as an agricultural area par excellence and producing the best types of dates. He concluded his speech by saying: “My only hope after God is the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune,” especially as he said, “He does not even have the expenses of the judiciary to prosecute the aggressors on his land,” he said.

80 families benefited from the city's gas connection in Tamanrasset

Sh. At the end of last week, 80 social units in the Tafsit neighborhood of Tamanrasset city benefited from the connection to the city's gas network, as the residents of the neighborhood approved the operation, after years of suffering with the scarcity of butane gas bottles, especially in the winter.

The process comes within the framework of the sectoral program of the State Energy Directorate for the year 2021, which aims to expand the process of connecting to the gas network to all new neighborhoods, within the framework of the subsidized land program, where more than 5 thousand young people benefited from financial support to build housing, and during his supervision of the inauguration process The project, the governor affirmed, is an ambitious program to connect the neighborhoods with all networks, starting with the construction of roads and access to electricity, water and gas by the end of this year, in order to improve the level of services. The recent process of linking the neighborhood of Tafsit with gas comes to raise the coverage rate at the level of the municipality headquarters of Tamanrasset to more than 75 percent of the number of residents, pending the generalization of the process to the rest of the municipalities of the wilaya, noting that the supply of gas to the wilaya comes from Ain Salah through a pipeline along 700 km.

The arrest of an international drug dealer and baron in the valley

Walid. Elements of the state interest of the judicial police in the security of the state of El-Wadi managed to overthrow a person, in his forties, who hails from the capital of the state, the subject of judicial follow-up and an international research publication for his involvement in international drug trafficking, and the seizure of a significant amount of drugs.

The reasons for the operation, according to a state security statement, came after the exploitation of information indicating the presence of an implicated in the aforementioned actions, in one of the residences at the level of the municipality of the valley, to prepare a solid operational plan, in coordination with the competent judicial authorities, where an order was issued to search a residence The suspect, to be arrested immediately after that, where he was seized with 14 cans of drugs, the weight of which was approximately 1.5 kg of treated kif, 292 hallucinogenic tablets, and an amount of money from the proceeds of promotion, along with a white weapon, and after completing the investigation procedures in the case, it was Presenting the person involved before the competent judicial authorities.

The Scientific Committee confirms: avoiding family visits on Eid days to avoid the spread of Corona

Q. The Scientific Committee for Follow-up and Monitoring of the Corona Epidemic called for the necessity of adhering to preventive and reduction measures, but rather avoiding family visits during Eid al-Adha, to avoid transmission of infection With the proposal to implement the health protocol approved last year, starting next week.

The member of the scientific committee, Dr. Noureddine Ismail, stressed in a call to the radio channel on Friday, the importance of respecting preventive measures with all rigor and awareness, especially at the present time, as Algeria is witnessing a significant increase in the number of people infected with the Corona virus, which has exceeded the threshold of a thousand.

Nour El-Din Ismail also focused on the necessity of greeting remotely during the Eid al-Adha days, instead of direct physical contact and contentment with the telephone, or what was recently called electronic greeting.

Ahmed Tounsi competes for the Al Jazeera Documentary Awards for his film “My Photographer”

Zahia. The director, Ahmed Tounsi, is competing for the Al Jazeera Short Film Awards for his movie “My Photographer”.

The film was produced by Khaled Shanna, and entered the competition along with nine other films. The work tells in seven minutes and four seconds the story of a young man named Ahmed Tounsi, who left his city, to return after 22 years, carrying his lens, and making a film about the oldest and most famous photographer in Biskra. He is Abd al-Razzaq bin Issa, and he was the first to take a picture of him in his childhood.

This work is considered the only representative of Algeria in the Al-Jazeera Documentary Competition, which was crowned in its latest edition by the documentary “Beautiful in the Time of Movement”, directed by Abdel-Rahman Harrath.

The film's director had posted the film on the competition's YouTube channel on July 7. And achieved more than 35 thousand views.

The former Minister of Culture, Malika Ben Douda, had tweeted, the day before yesterday, calling for support for the work through a sign of admiration through the link to the work, and she said: “Let us all support this nostalgic work for this upcoming creator.”

For reference, the Al-Jazeera Documentary Competition for the Short Film, in its second edition, is a competition for students and youth, which is held under the supervision of Al-Jazeera Documentary Channel, and ten films participate in it: “My Photographer” by Ahmed Tounsi, “Childhood After the War” by Hussein Ahmed, “Yasmine And Russell” by Doaa Ibrahim, “Sick” by Elias Rahmouni (Tunisia), “Nafisa Mohajer” by Ayman El Hashemi, “Dakan” by Omar Abdel Salam Hussein, “Faslah” by Abdel Rahman Samir Rushdi, “On the Brink of Oblivion” by Abdel Hadi Khalil, “Sayad” by Mahmoud Fouad, “January 8,” by Ahmed Essam El-Sayed.

Wahhabi Islam in the face of the challenges of modernity

S. The study of fatwas, as legal sources, drew the attention of Western researchers in Islamic law, but their studies dealt with the forms and procedures of fatwas more than the content of these fatwas.

See the book “Wahhabi Islam in the Face of the Challenges of Modernity,” by academic Muhammad al-Atawneh, published by the Arab Network for Research and Publishing, Dar al-Ifta, which is one of the official Saudi religious institutions responsible for issuing fatwas.

It also examines the challenges faced by this scholarly body in applying Wahhabi interpretations of Sharia law in the face of the challenges of modernity that followed in the late twentieth century, and studying the scientific goals to explain the nature of these fatwas, whether in their content or in the methodology used in their formulation. The content contributes to understanding Islamic jurisprudence, while the methodology contributes to understanding the principles of jurisprudence.

On a practical level, this book focuses on how contemporary Saudi Wahhabi muftis deal with the practical challenges of life in the context of the increasing socio-economic and administrative complexities in Saudi Arabia.

The author seeks here to analyze the responses of the traditional Saudi legal system to the challenges faced by Saudi society in the late twentieth century, and adopts a study of the dissemination of Islamic principles and trends from the perspective of the muftis, the sources used, and the way in which they are approached.

This book, which is distributed in Algeria by Naji Mega Bookstore Libraries, consists of an introduction and six chapters. 1953 AD, he talked about the muftis and fatwas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, explaining the lineage of the Wahhabi muftis, the institutional manifestations of the fatwas, and talking about the early fatwas and the crystallization of Wahhabi Islam.

In the second chapter: he talked about Dar al-Iftaa (1971 AD - 1999 AD) from a historical perspective, including its creation, the composition of powers and functions, and the procedures for issuing fatwas. The position of Grand Mufti, and for Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz in particular.

The third chapter was devoted to talking about muftis and the state and society, and it dealt with talking about muftis and politics, and muftis in society. As for the fourth chapter, it was to talk about modern Wahhabi jurisprudence, talking about Salafism as the spirit of Wahhabi legal thought, and about the conceptual, theoretical and legislative framework of Dar Al Iftaa, and by it it means: the fundamentals of jurisprudence and ijtihad, imitating the opinions of other scholars and following a certain jurisprudential school of thought, and the methodology in weighting and evaluating evidence.

The fifth chapter came to talk about the forbidden heresy that is in contrast to the Sunnah, so it talked about heresy in Islamic law, and heresy in Wahhabi thought - as he put it - then he indicated the limits of change on some taboos.

The sixth and final chapter made it to talk about Wahhabism in the context of application, explaining flexibility in application towards some variables, such as flexibility towards permissible change, and giving an example with the issue of depicting animate beings, and the issue of appearing on television screens, and in financial matters he talked about banks, as well as He also talked about some medical issues; Such as the ruling on dissecting corpses after their death, the ruling on organ transplantation, and others.

Cultural institutions cancel their activities in several states, Corona imposes a state of closure again

Mahmoud bin ShaabanThe various institutions affiliated with the culture sector announced the postponement of their activities, and the cancellation of some of them, across the various states of the country. This is after the resurgence of coronavirus infections, which forced the authorities to put in place strict measures to limit the exacerbation of the crisis.

The spread of the Corona virus “Covid 19” has recreated the scenario of closing some recreational spaces, in many regions of the country, and preventing gatherings, weddings, and various events. The situation did not exclude the entertainment spaces affiliated with the culture sector, such as the houses of culture, theaters and cinema halls, which were forced to cancel their programs and postpone some of them to later dates, as the Algerian National Theater Mohieddine Bachtarzi was forced to postpone the artistic concert that was programmed for today by the “Millennium” cultural association. The third, to honor the artists Mahdi Tamash, Ahsan Al-Saadi, and Abdel-Latif Mariwa. The performance of the play “Street of Hypocrites” directed by Ahmed Razak was also postponed, after it was programmed for 05 days, as indicated by the statement published on the page of the Algerian National Theater.

The regional theater, Mohamed El-Taher El-Ferqani in Constantine, also announced, through the statement it published on its official page, the suspension of all cultural activities and gatherings of all kinds at the level of its spaces, until further notice, and a rich virtual program, which will be broadcast through its electronic platforms. This is in order to preserve the safety of the public, especially with the significant increase in the number of infections with the new Corona virus, which the House of Culture Malik Haddad complied with in the same state, as it announced the suspension of all cultural activities, including meetings, parties and artistic performances inside the halls until further notice.

The regional theater Kateb Yacine of Tizi-Ouzou published a statement issued by the wilaya, requiring the prevention of demonstrations of any kind and nature, which would attract the public or constitute hotbeds for the spread of the epidemic, and the Arts and Culture Foundation in Algiers announced the suspension of all its cinematic performances in the Sahel cinema hall. Glance until further notice.

Two victims in two separate traffic accidents in Skikda

Last Thursday and Friday morning, two people, aged between 26 and 55, were killed in two separate traffic accidents. The first accident occurred, at around 10:52, at the level of National Road No. 44 linking the states of Skikda and Annaba, and exactly in the Hamroush Hamoudi area of ​​the Hammadi Karuma municipality in Skikda, and it was a car swerving and colliding with a trailer truck that was parked next to the road, where the victim was transported. The 26-year-old was taken to the Medical Emergency Department of Skikda Hospital, where he breathed his last, while the second accident occurred on Friday morning, at around seven o'clock, and consisted of a car running over an unidentified person, whose age ranged between 50 and 55 years.

Inauguration of a new department for illegal drug trafficking

Nawara. On Thursday, July 15, 2021, in Algiers, the Director General of National Security oversaw the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Central Administration for Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Directorate of the Judicial Police, in Oued Smar, in the capital. By the way, Police Superintendent Muhammad Shaqur, Director of the Judicial Police, confirmed that this central authority has national jurisdiction and an operational nature par excellence in combating organized drug trafficking networks, in coordination with security partners and the competent judicial authorities.

It should be noted that, in the context of combating illegal drug trafficking, this operational department has managed, during the last 3 years, to handle 96,155 drug-related cases, which resulted in the seizure of 23 tons, 763 kg, 992 grams of treated kif, and 7,012,488 tablets of psychotropic substances.

Arresting a Person Who Tried to Slaughter His Brother in Bordj Bou Arreridj

Warda Boujemlin The National Gendarmerie in Bordj Bou Arreridj managed to arrest a person who tried, Thursday evening, to slaughter his brother from vein to vein, leaving him soaked in his blood and fleeing to a forest adjacent to the crime scene.

The details of the horrific crime dealt with by the National Gendarmerie go back to the evening of yesterday, when the perpetrator, a man in his forties, tried premeditatedly to kill his brother, who is two years younger than him. In the Tekstar region, before he was arrested by the National Gendarmerie after combing the area, where he is being interrogated regarding the motives that made him slaughter his brother, while the latter is in the Lakhdar Bouzidi state hospital for treatment, as the medical team treating him confirmed that he is in Intensive care after being slaughtered and his condition is very critical. It should be noted that the two brothers - the perpetrator and the victim - hail from Jijel and reside in Constantine.

A fire deprives 800 customers of El-Akhdaria in Bouira from electricity

Rehab. 10 electrical transformers supplied to residences in Lakhdaria in Bouira were damaged, after the fire that broke out in the forests of Lakhdaria damaged the 30 kV medium-voltage electric line, which led to the deprivation of 800 customers, distributed across a number of neighborhoods of the city, from electricity supply, including the activities area in El Akhdaria, Neighborhood Belazem, Zhoun neighborhood, 250 residences neighborhood, as well as 201 residences neighborhood, where the fire that broke out at the beginning of the week destroyed the medium-voltage electrical-pneumatic network, before the civil protection agents intervened to put out the fire, whose tongues, due to climatic factors, spread to the heights of this mountainous region, which increased The difficulty of extinguishing it, and the technical aids of the electricity boycott are transferred to the scene of the accident to repair the faults and replace the electric line that was damaged, and thus ensure the return of electricity supply to the affected neighborhoods and areas.

Thirty-year-old runs over his son with a cement mixer in Laghouat

Sherif DaoudThe residents of the municipality of Sidi Makhlouf in Laghouat live from Wednesday to Thursday night on the news of the death of the 3-year-old “B.T.Y.” It was driven by his father, as he set off in front of the door of the house after Maghrib prayer on Thursday without knowing that his son was playing under it, so the tragedy occurred, which left a deep impact on the souls of the residents of the municipality of Sidi Makhlouf, and plunged the father and his wife into a state of great hysteria, according to the testimony of those who lived through the event at the time.

The security services intervened and opened an investigation into the circumstances of the case, while the civil protection services moved and evacuated the body of the victim, who was buried on Thursday.