Al -Arifi explains the truth of the fatwa "preventing" the girl's retreat with her father: I am a father of nine girls "my heart"

  • Time:Mar 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- The Saudi preacher Muhammad Al-Arefi strongly denied that he had said that it is not permissible for a daughter to sit with her father except with a Muharram, in response to the rumors that reach him about that fatwa from time to time, he confirmed During which the case was related to a special case in which a father molested his daughter.

And Al-Arifi stated that five years ago, on a fatwa program on Dubai TV, a distressed mother called him, and stated that her husband was harassing his teenage daughter, and that he was trying to leave her alone in any part of the house, or sneak into her room sometimes late, claiming that he wanted to check on her. .

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Al-Arifi clarifies the truth about the fatwa of 'banning' khilwa The daughter with her father: I am the father of nine daughters who “own my heart” title=

And he added, in a post on his official Facebook page, that he assured her at the time, "This is a heinous act, a violation of common sense, and that his principled opinion is that the mother should ensure that the daughter is not alone with her father, except with the presence of a third person with them." He also asked her to "make sure that the girl does not wear in front of him tight clothes that show the details of her body, or short clothes..."

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Al-Arifi indicated that he advised her to "be patient until God provides the father with guidance and righteousness, or provides the daughter with a husband who chastises and protects her."

The preacher concluded that it is impossible for him to say this thing while he is the father of nine daughters who "possessed his heart" and that his previous answer is for a specific situation experienced by a "abnormal father."

Keeping in mind that CNN Arabic cannot verify the validity of the information transmitted through social networking sites.