After some hospitals were prevented from visiting patients and hypnotists .. These are the protocols of visiting hospitals that were identified by "Waita"

  • Time:Aug 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Public Health Authority "protect" 25 items for the hospital entry protocol to maintain the safety of patients, and visitors in light of the confrontation of the Corona virus.

The protocols included preventing visits to some patients, with their legalization of others with a limited number of daily exceeding 3 people, provided that each hospital is applied in tightening.

The protocols came as follows:

*The entry into entry to individuals is complete immunization according to the situation in the application of our "fortified" trust, and the exempted groups of the vaccine are excluded according to what appears in the application of our trust..

*The "Tawakolna" application is used to ensure the health condition and the immunization of individuals regarding Corona disease, and any person is prevented from being positive, or mixing with a positive condition according to what is shown in the application.

*Reducing crowding in rooms and stressing the application of the principle of social spacing "meters and a half" between patients and visitors

*Preventing gatherings in parking spaces or common areas inside the hospital.

*During the visit period, the number of visitors is according to the hospital policy used, while stressing the reduction of the number of visitors to the minimum, while reducing the visit period to the lowest possible period, depending on the patient's place and his health status.

*There is no more than two visitors to the patient inside the wings rooms, taking into account the area of the room and alternating the entry of visitors in a manner that ensures that the crowding is not reduced.

*There is no more than one visitor for a one -time care patient at all time.

*Preventing visitors who do not have a relationship with patients from entering the hospital as volunteers.

*Crying a visit to critical care patients (ICU) so that the number of visitors does not exceed 3 daily.

*Crying to visit children under the age of taking the vaccine to patients so that it is allowed to visit their first -class relatives, provided that the patient is complete for immunization.

بعد منع بعض المستشفيات زيارة المرضى والمنومين.. هذه بروتوكولات زيارة المستشفيات التي حددتها

*Restricting the visit in specific hours for all visitors, and it is preferable to schedule a prior date to reduce the crowd.

*Facilitating and encouraging alternative methods to communicate, such as using remote communication applications, while providing assistance from patients for patients, if necessary.

*The mechanism must include educating visitors about the precautionary procedures and conditions of the visit and include a pledge to adhere to these conditions, and it is preferable to be when reserving the date of the visit.

*Obliging the visitor to wear the muzzle all the time, and wearing other personal protection equipment correctly if necessary according to the directives of the hospital staff throughout the time of the visit, and he must cleanse his hands well with an alcoholic antiseptic before and after visiting the patient and when touching the patient's tools or property.

*The visitor is not allowed to visit non -sick people who were granted to declare them.

*Extending not to wait before and after the visit and allocate a separate place in case of need.

*The visitor is alerted to go directly to the patient's room, then leave the hospital as soon as the visit is over.

*Every visitor must stay next to the bed throughout the visit period, unless the care team directs it to another place.

*Preventing handshake and hugs between patients and visitors.

*A care presenter or one person for every patient in the children's department and the intensive care unit for newborns "Nicu" is allowed, and these visitors must be only parents or their representatives.

*It is preferable that the visit be in the critical care sections and medium care for adults and for newborns from behind a glass barrier.

*Preventing visits to Corona or suspected cases.

*Preventing visits to immunodeficiency patients.

*Create a record for visitors to the hospital.

*The request from visitors to inform hospital officials if they have symptoms of respiratory infection and when they confirm their diagnosis of Coffee-19 within 14 days of visiting the hospital.