After the death of Madiha Kamel, they entered her bedroom and when they opened the door of the cupboard, they discovered the shock of life!The most important news

  • Time:Oct 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The late artist Madiha Kamel is one of the most famous stars of her generation, as she varied throughout her artistic history, the roles she presented, and some called her "the most beautiful face in the history of Egyptian cinema".

Madiha Kamel married three times, the first was from the businessman "Mahmoud Al -Rayes" and they had their only daughter, "Mirhan". She then married the film director Sharif Hammouda. As for her last marriage, he was a lawyer.

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Madiha wore the veil and retired from the artwork in April 1992, and her last film was the film of the Satan gate, which was co -starred with Aida Abdulaziz and Hassan Al -Asmar, and the star was played in front of her artist Hisham Abdel Hamid.

Many false information and rumors spread about the circumstances of the death of the artist Madiha Kamel, her disease and the details of the last hours in her life, but her only daughter Mirham Al -Rayes denied her and revealed the truth of this information and clarified the circumstances of her illness and the death of her mother, the great artist.

The daughter of the actress Madiha Kamel said: “My mother was not sick with cancer as some traded, but she was infected in 1986 with rheumatoid before her retirement and her life was going normal and naturally, especially after she followed with a foreign doctor who gave her a treatment that she was conducting regularly, and she was practicing her life and art naturally, and afterHer retirement caused the rheumatoid infection with the heart, and that was in 1992, and she was treated with cortisone and her condition improved greatly and returned to her life, but she endured the hardship of Hajj in 1995 and led the obligatory with her father, and she served him ».

Regarding the reasons for the death of the princess of art, her daughter said: “The death of my mother was an expected, she was like a ful and her life was normal, like any patient with a chronic disease that coexists with him and takes a treatment. Many patients coexist with rheumatoid for many years.

And she continued: “We were in the month of Ramadan and we were fascinated and it was very normal, and I entered my son Joseph and slept next to him, and my mother remained with my husband waiting for the dawn prayer, and I spoke with a number of her friends on a phone to urge them to pray Fajr, and after performing the prayer she entered as usual to her room to sleep, and she was during thisThe period preserves Surat Al -Baqara and puts next to it a booklet to continue memorization, and after the dawn prayer, the verses continue to be kept in this booklet, and it used to control the alarm at 12 noon until it performs the noon prayer ».

And she continued: «I heard the sound of the alarm continuously, so I entered to wake her up, but she did not respond, it did not occur to me that she died, and her face was illuminated and her body to us, and she continued to call her and thought that she had a fainting, so I called my husband and moved her quickly to the Institute of Heart adjacent to us, and gave her electric shocks to revive the heart, and then afterThey told us that she died, and she was shocked and I had for 12 years and I could not believe and I cannot say Mama died ».

The daughter revealed that she found in the newborn cupboard Madiha Kamel after her death a number of religious brochures that were distributed in condolences to charity to the spirit of the deceased, whose mother erected and kept her without telling her.And she indicates that she liked to see her mother's works before her death, especially the play of a very windy day, as the character was carrying her great similarity with her mother's true personality, but she was no longer able to see any of her artwork after her death..

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