After diagnosing the first infection with the new Corona virus in the UAE... the Ministry of Health answers the most frequently asked questions

  • Time:Sep 04
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- What are the symptoms of the new Corona virus? How can you protect yourself? In light of the global concerns regarding the outbreak of the new Corona virus "nCoV-2019", the Ministry of Health and Community Protection in the United Arab Emirates answers the most frequently asked questions regarding the new Corona virus.

The National Health Commission of China announced that the total number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the country reached, on Wednesday, 5,974 cases, including 132 deaths.

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The UAE Ministry of Health and Community Protection also announced the diagnosis of the first case of the new Corona virus on Wednesday in the country, according to the Emirates News Agency. The official "Wam".

In light of the global concerns about this virus, the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention answers the most frequently asked questions regarding the new Corona virus.

What is the new coronavirus "nCoV-2019"?

The new coronavirus (coronavirus) is a new strain of coronavirus that was first identified in a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China .

What is the source of the new Corona virus?

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The ministry indicated that the source of the new Corona virus has not yet been determined, as it is considered Coronaviruses are “a large family of viruses, some of which cause illness in people and others that spread between animals, including camels, cats, and bats.”

After the first case of novel coronavirus was diagnosed in UAE.. The Ministry of Health answers the most frequently asked questions.

It was reported that many of those infected with the virus in Wuhan were in contact with a large seafood and animal food market, which indicates that the virus likely emerged from an animal source.

What are the symptoms of the new coronavirus and ways of transmission?

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Symptoms of infection with the virus include respiratory symptoms , high fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, and symptoms develop into pneumonia.

The method of infection has not yet been discovered, but based on the information currently available, it is likely that infections among humans resulted from contact with animals infected with the virus, and the virus can be transmitted from one person to another.

What are the modes of transmission of the new Corona virus? How can I protect myself?

Although the method of infection has not yet been discovered, the UAE Ministry of Health and Community Protection recommends the following advice:

Is it safe to travel to China? And what if you recently traveled to China and got sick?

The ministry also stated that it is preferable to avoid unnecessary travel to China, and in the event that travel is necessary, be sure to follow the advice mentioned above.

If you are in Wuhan and feel sick, have a fever, cough or have trouble breathing within 14 days of leaving the city, you should:

Is there a vaccine to prevent the spread of the Corona virus?

There is currently no vaccine to protect against the new coronavirus, nor is there any specific recommended antiviral treatment.

Therefore, people who develop the disease should receive supportive care to treat symptoms.

Should I be concerned about pets or other animals?

There is no reason to believe that animals in the UAE are a cause for concern, however, the ministry recommends that people who travel to China avoid live and dead animals.

How long does it take for symptoms to appear?

It is not known exactly, but it is most likely between 2 and 14 days.

What should I do if I develop symptoms of illness?

If you have respiratory symptoms, with or without fever, and no history of being in China in the past 14 days, please consult your doctor.

If there is a history of travel to China, the Ministry recommends visiting the emergency department.

Is the virus transmitted through goods imported from China? Are imported foods and other products examined?

There is no scientific evidence yet to prove the transmission of the new Corona disease through goods, but rather the source of infection is likely to be animal. Current information indicates that the new coronavirus can be transmitted from one person to another.

How does the UAE deal with travelers coming from China or areas where the new Corona virus "nCoV-2019" has appeared?

The UAE has established procedures for travelers coming from China or areas where the Corona virus has appeared The new, which guarantees the prevention of infection, and cooperation has been made with airports and border crossings with a mechanism to deal with suspected cases, and send them to agreed hospitals to deal with the case, and conduct the necessary checks.