Abu Dhabi airports launch the first laboratory in the region to check Corona .. immediate service

  • Time:Jan 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Abu Dhabi airports launched a laboratory for the new instant "PCR" examination, the first of its kind inside the airports in the region, for a quick examination of the Corona Corona "Coffee-19" virus.

The new service comes in partnership with "Pure Health", the largest operator of local laboratories, and the "Ambassador of Health Care" company, and with the aim of enhancing efforts to resume flights, facilitate quarantine procedures and track people with the virus..

This step also comes based on the directives of His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Airports, aimed at contributing to limiting the spread of the virus and continuing to provide an easy and comfortable travel experience for travelers, in the context of the efforts made by Abu Dhabi airports to ensure health and safetyTravelers and employees at Abu Dhabi International Airport.

The examination of the new "PCR" serial "PCR" analysis, which is available to all travelers coming to Abu Dhabi for free, is one of the fastest examinations of its kind in the world, through which more than 20 thousand examinations can be conducted per day for travelers and employees, and obtaining the result within 90 minutesFrom the examination.

The largest laboratory operator

"The provision of a rapid examination of the Corona virus at Abu Dhabi International Airport through the new" PCR "examination laboratory, and in partnership with Pure Health," the largest operator of local laboratories, and the "ambition for care company is a prominent achievement added to the marchThe entrepreneurial company in strengthening international efforts to resume the operation of flights safely and contribute to the revival of the aviation sector..

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He added that the launch of the first new immediate examination laboratory of its kind inside the airports in the region reflects our commitment to Abu Dhabi airports to continue our efforts to provide everything better than advanced and innovative technologies to ensure the provision of a safe and comfortable travel experience for all travelers through Abu Dhabi International Airport, and that the immediate examination service will not contributeOnly in restoring the confidence of travelers across the airport, it will also enhance the efficiency of our operations and our role in supporting global efforts to reduce the spread of the virus.

the conditions

All travelers coming to Abu Dhabi International Airport will be subject to buildings No. 1 and 3 for a quick inspection for free in the immediate examination laboratory, and the test results will reach them through short text messages on their numbers or via the "WhatsApp" application.They can also get the results via the electronic fortress application.

Before leaving the airport, they must go to the "PCR" test tent connected to the airport, where a smart electronic bracelet will be installed to monitor travelers and make sure they adhere to health insulation for 10 days.

Travelers coming from the green countries set by the Abu Dhabi government, who, upon their arrival, are the result of a negative examination of the "PCR" test of health insulation procedures.It is also excluded from the health insulation procedures involved in the national vaccination program for "Kovid-19", and volunteers in the third stage of clinical studies of the vaccine, who have a "star" sign or the letter "e" in the application of the fort, when they return from travel.

Also, the test for transit travel.

Safety of travelers and employees

The laboratory has been developed and operated by "Pure Health", the largest operator for local laboratories and the "Ambitious Health Care" company, which is based in the United Arab Emirates, and the examination service is available around the clock, and the total number of employees who work in the laboratory is to provide it to 190 employees and fallsLaboratory on an area of 4000 square meters.

The launch of the new service at Abu Dhabi International Airport came within the framework of comprehensive precautionary procedures and measures and initiatives launched by the airport to ensure the health and safety of travelers and employees in its facilities and facilities, which included the launch of the Health and Safety Ambassadors Initiative devoted to supporting and assisting travelers by answering their questions related to ways to preserve their healthAnd their safety while traveling, and advice to them about how they remain safe.In addition to inviting all those present at the airport to adhere to social spacing procedures, wear personal protection equipment, and provide sterilizers for hands.

It is noteworthy that Abu Dhabi International Airport has applied a set of new technologies in all its facilities, which included the launch of the Straix sterilization gates, the non -elevator intercourse control systems, and thermal monitoring cameras that depend on the latest technologies of artificial intelligence, and heat sensors to track the movement of people,And helping airport staff to identify people who have symptoms.