A workshop in Britain to teach the method of washing the dead for Muslims

  • Time:Jan 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

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He announced in Britain the launch of a new program to teach traditional rituals to wash the dead among Muslims for the new generation of young people.

Washing and shrouding of the dead is one of the religious duties that should be implemented after death in preparation for burial.

Before the spread of the Korona's pandemic, these rituals were often implemented by elderly volunteers in the Islamic community.

But many of them still avoid mixing with people to protect themselves from infection.

A charitable association called "Saporting Humante" is now holding workshops to train young volunteers to carry out compulsory Islamic rituals related to washing the dead and preparing it for burial.

"The initiative came after Corona's pandemic spread when the deaths increased.More people were needed to help prepare funerals..

Similar activities are held in various regions of the country.

"We need six volunteers to complete one washing." Told the Asian network..

ورشة عمل في بريطانيا لتعليم طريقة غسل الميت للمسلمين

Salma said that many families were prevented during the period of restrictions that were imposed due to the Kofid-19 from performing the religious rituals of burying their loved ones..It is left for volunteers like her to wash and shroud about three bodies per day during the peak of the pandemic.

"We can receive a call requesting help at a funeral without warning," she added..

In the early days of the spread of the epidemic, there was not enough information about the virus and whether there was a risk of infection transmission from the dead person.

Many Islamic organizations, including the British Muslims Council, issued instructions on how to conduct washing for the dead persons suspected or confirmed that they have Coffee-19.

At that time, the health authorities in England said that the rituals of washing the dead and their shrouds in line with religious rituals can continue as long as it is committed to wearing protective equipment and maintaining social spacing..

The rally of origins dating back to South Asia in Britain was one of the communities that received a large share of the repercussions of the Coffee-19.

Thousands died as a result of infection with the virus, which is the reason that led "Safia" to make its decision to join a workshop in East London, who trained on how to do the washing.

Safia says: “We lost many of our loved ones during the pandem.

Khadija, 23, who is another trainee in the workshop, feels that it is important to learn the way for future generations and asks: “If we do not learn that, who will wash our bodies and bury them in this way?”.

The workshop that was held at the "Bilgrev" community center in East London was attended by about 90 women.

In front of them, methods of washing and shrouding the dead were offered to a statue such as those statues that are used in the width of clothes.

Another said, "Sameda", that she did not know that the sensitive parts of the dead body are covered with a piece of fabric during the operation, and she is as a Muslim woman who says she was worried about her privacy after death.

The Association of "Saporting Humante" says that the Koruna's pandemic was a "invitation to awakening", when the elderly were unable to carry out these tasks normally, and you see that this new program is a way for young people to return the beautiful to their community..
