A shocking statement from an American doctor: The cloth is just a face of the face

  • Time:Jul 28
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

As Omekron's outbreak continues, some experts say it is time to reconsider your mask options, especially if you are still wearing a variety of fabrics.

Dr. Lina Wayne, an emergency doctor and a visiting professor for politics and health management at the Milkin Institute for Public Health at George Washington University, said:..It has no place in the outbreak of Omekron..

تصريح صادم من طبيبة أمريكية : الكمامة القماشية مجرد زينة للوجه

She added, "We need to wear a surgical muzzle of at least three layers." This is known as the disposable face mask and can be found in most pharmacies and some grocery stores.

And she continued: "You can wear the cloth over it, but do not just wear the cloth of cloth alone.".

Wayne added that KN95 or N95 masks should be worn in crowded places.Which can be cheap.

In the first months of the epidemic, health experts did not encourage the common people to buy N95 masks.Because healthcare professionals faced a lack of personal protection equipment.

She concluded: "Several months have passed since the N95s supply has become a problem.".