A new invention that turns fingers into an instrument of intelligence.

  • Time:Jun 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

American researchers have been able to invent a device that collects sweat drops from the tips of a human hand, to operate some electronic devices. The device is a wearable strip around the fingers, generating electricity from sweating fluids, while sleeping.

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It is known that the fingers are constantly sweating, so the device can operate smoothly, without any effort being made by the user. The device, according to its creators, is a step forward to make the appareable devices more practical, outdated and accessible to anyone. The new bar uses a system for generating power from moisture at the fingertips, whether the user is asleep or sitting quietly.

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Device specifications

Thanks to the smart makeup in the device, the fluid of the body collects the liquids of the conductor and treats the spoons of the conductors. The new invention produces small amounts of electricity when it is compressed down or on the console or at a light click. Researchers say the device is capable of operating low-energy electronic devices, such as a smart watch, but is not yet suitable for the continuous operation of high-performance electronics such as smartphones.

Fingerlimbs, which are filled with more than a thousand racial glands, can produce between 100 and 1,000 times more saline than most other parts of the body, knowing that it may be difficult to observe the extent of finger sweating, because the fingers usually evaporate from the fingertips.

The electrodes refer to enzymes that lead to chemical reactions between lactates and oxygen in the fluid of the plant to generate electricity. There is a slide below the electrodes made from an electropressurethat generates more power when pressed. Electrical power is stored in a small condenser, when it is worn or on a bandage, and then the capacitor can be unloaded to supply low-energy devices.