A way to survive and ensure the continuity of marriage .. Why should you laugh more?

  • Time:Jun 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN)- Everyone loves to laugh from time to time ... and science also supports this feeling.

Studies have shown that laughter is linked to our physical, emotional and mental well -being, and it is even associated with our relationships.

Here are some things that you may not know about laughter.

Laughter was a way of survival

Laughter is believed to have evolved as a form of social interconnection in animals and as a way to express a fun intent, as many mammals laugh when they are tickled.

But humans do not need a physical catalyst for laughter, although we cannot laugh when we feel tickled.

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Janet Gibson, a professor of cognitive psychology at the Greenil College in Iowa, said laughter has evolved in humans as a signal signal.

"Laughter has always been an external signal that can tell the group that everything is fine, and we can relax. There is no need to worry or a threat because of what is happening around us.Thus, this will really be a great survival tool for groups of people. "

Anthropologists believe that laughter is universal, but this does not mean that every culture finds the same funny things.

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Laughter is amazingly complex, as it shares in multiple areas of the brain and body.

It is believed that the anterior lobe helps you explain the different parts of the information you receive, whether they are voices or pictures, then decide whether it is funny or not.

In the audio blog, Goda explained that this leads to an emotional response to the barefoot device, which controls feelings such as pleasure and fear, and this in turn stimulates the kinetic cortex.

Sophie Scott, professor of cognitive neuroscience at London University College, said laughter could give you a pain reliever.

Once you laugh, your adrenaline level decreases.Over a longer period of time, the levels of the cortisol stress hormone decrease.

As such, laughter can improve your mood and make your physical and emotional response to tension less severe, according to Scott.

She said, "You are more relaxed, less tense, and you have a nice feeling of vitality," she said.

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The husbands who laugh together together

A study conducted on husbands at the University of California, Berkeley, for more than 150 long -term relationships that started in 1989, suggested that laughter is the glue that keeps people together.

The study team, led by a professor of psychology, Robert Livinson, found that satisfied husbands laugh more than non -satisfied husbands.In one of the experiments, the husbands were asked to discuss a problem or a conflict in their relationship while filming the video, and the lying detection device measured different physiological and emotional signs.

Laughter during the stressful conversation was linked to the feelings of the feelings more positive.

Scott said that laughter could make it easier for couples to communicate and maintain relationship links.

The inappropriate laughter can sometimes be a sign of a mistake in perception.One study found that one of the early signs of dementia is a sense of humor and laughter in inappropriate moments.

In addition, laughter does not always accompany real feelings, but can also be for social presentation.People will use laughter to defuse hard situations or joking to break the ice.

Laughing with others is more likely to happen 30 times more than it happens when one is alone.It is also meant, it is also likely to laugh if you hear someone else laughing.

"It is just a tool in your medicine cabinet that helps you feel better ... and I would like to say it is free ... is a great tool for using it and should not be dispensed with as ridiculous or worthless."