• Time:May 31
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Amman-(AFP)-Its slogan is "Tomato Head" not "Refresher." However, in just eight years, a Jordanian company, Tamam, has already been able to nip up a large part of the lucrative market for the purchase of mobile phones in Arabic.

The founder and executive director of the company, Hossam Hamou (38 years old), told the agency that "the Arab content on the internet does not exceed 1%, despite the presence of more than 400 million Arab users of smart mobile beads."

شركة أردنية تريد فرض نفسها في سوق الألعاب الإلكترونية للهواتف الذكية

“There is a very big gap in this market that we are trying to close,” adds the businessman from his elegant office in Amman.

Hamo founded Toma in 2013 and was the first Arab company to receive investments from the 500 Startsup programme in Silicon Valley, California.

In eight years, the company has grown from one employee to about eighty who are transforming mobile games into Arabic, as well as adapting content to Arabic culture.

“Unfortunately, when we write Gims” (ed) in Arabic when searching in application shops, there are millions of toys. But when we look for it in Arabic, it does not count for a few thousand. ”And the mother of Nahda about these games.