A doctor on a bicycle... The story of the "trend" picture in Lebanon

  • Time:Apr 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The image of a doctor specialized in gynecological surgery, Zaki Suleiman, spread widely on social networks in Lebanon, on Saturday, and appeared in it, dressed as a sports cyclist, and in his arms the newborn who supervised his birth process.

Suleiman, a doctor at Rizk Hospital - Lebanese American University in Ashrafieh, east of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, had posted his picture with the baby on his Facebook page.

خاص طبيب على دراجة.. قصة الصورة

Suleiman told Sky News Arabia: "It is not the first time that I publish a picture of me with a newborn, but I have done this repeatedly, especially during the time of the October Revolution, but this picture attracted many followers."

He added, "I knew that the mother's birth was at dawn on Saturday, but I was not able to obtain gasoline (for my car), and because I do not want to stand in queues of humiliation and refuse to do so, as I refuse to buy gasoline from the black market and the monopolists (...) I decided to ride My bicycle and I quickly set off from the Ain Saadeh area in Mount Lebanon down towards Beirut to catch up with the woman moments before the birth.

He said, "What I did, I do it daily because of my sporting hobby. I am an athlete, but I decided to take the picture today with the newborn and published it with a comment that said: Keep this picture, little one. One day your father will tell you that your doctor came on a bicycle to secure your birth. I was born At a time when gasoline, medicine, electricity and food are scarce, and in a country where 90 percent of its citizens are without dignity.”

And the doctor added: "I had previously participated in the October Revolution, and published pictures of the newborns who saw the light in that period, but they did not receive the fame and follow-up that the picture received today."

In addition to his medical work, the Lebanese doctor Zaki Soleimani is a professional athlete, as he participated in jogging races, swimming and cycling, which seemed to be his companion during the difficult days in Lebanon, due to the severe shortage of fuel.