A doctor for Al Ain News: Sinus patients are more likely to have a Corona

  • Time:Feb 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

"Al Ain News" conducted a dialogue with a consultant of ear, nose and throat surgeries to identify the causes of sinus infection and how to prevent them..

Thousands suffer from sinus problems that appear clearly with the changing seasons of the year or climate fluctuations, especially accompanied by dust and dust, and its most prominent symptoms in many are manifested in difficulty breathing, blockage of the nose and severe headache.

"Al Ain News" conducted a dialogue with the doctor, Imad Abdullah, a consultant surgery, perspectives, nose, ear and throat in Egypt, to learn about the causes of sinus infection and how to prevent them.

Abdullah warned of the risk of infection of the sinus patients with the "Coveyd-19" virus as the most vulnerable to that as a result of the presence of their respiratory problems, and clarified the ways to deal with muzzle and use alcohol in ways that they do not exacerbate their sensitivity..And to the text of the dialogue:

Are the sinuses a disease?

The sinuses are not a disease, but rather a natural matter that must be present in any human being, which are air voids that are located around the nose and eyes specifically, and there are two pockets outside the nose and the bottom of the eye called them "artistic pockets" and two others above the eye below the brain called them "front pocketsAnd two other behind the nose and the eye are called "bored pockets.".

Whoever suffers from the absence of one or more pockets, he suffers from a birth defect, but it does not require medical intervention except in the event of a health problem.

What is the function of the sinuses?

The sinuses play important roles that those who suffer from problems are lost, the first of which is an aesthetic function as it gives the face the aesthetic form that appears to be, and without them it takes a flat shape, the second is the function of adjusting the air temperature to suit the body temperature, and the third is the ringtone and without it becomes muffled.

What are the most prominent causes of sinus problems?

Sinus may be inflamed as a result of various causes, including allergies or poor nasal ventilation as a result of a break in the nasal barrier or confronted, or because of a congenital defect in the pockets or nose, also as a result of tooth problems, given that the pockets fall on them and are affected and affected by them.

طبيب لـ

Finally, as a result of weather changes, inhalation of dust, smoke, smells, chemicals, and everything that would irritate the nose lining membranes.But the two most prominent problems that may appear are allergies and normal and chronic sinusitis.

ما الفرق بين حساسية الجيوب الأنفية والالتهاب العادي أو المزمن؟

Allergy is an exaggerated reaction to a natural influence, and it occurs when swelling of the mucous membranes lining the nose as a result of any irritable width such as smoke, dust, odors, etc., and occurs as a result of genetic, environmental and anatomical factors, and its symptoms include the inability to breathe as a result of the closure of the nose, as well as sneezing and headacheContinuous.

As for inflammation, it occurs as a result of the infection of the membrane surrounding the sinuses with a bacterial infection that multiplied after its accumulation as a result of the blockage of the discharge, and its symptoms are similar to allergies and it is difficult to differentiate without resorting to a specialist.

وكيف يفرق المختصون بين أعراضهما؟

The two types share a number of symptoms, including the mute nose and secretion, whether in front or back, and finally headaches, but in the case of allergies, the obstruction is often mutual between the two holes and fast during the day, every two hours, for example, and transparent water secretions, and the headache distinguishes our first sign a headache that fluctuates between intensity and calmThe second increases when bending down.

As for inflammation, the blockage closes the nose, whether or two, and the two mucous secretions vary between yellow and green, and the headache is associated with exposure to irritation, whether dust or smells, and others.

When does the sinus problem require surgical intervention?

Initially, there is a treatment for each case of sinus problems. For example, the sensitivity requires taking the patient with a treatment with a doctor who always continues or gets the so -called "immunotherapy" and this protects him from an allergy again..

As for infections, good ventilation requires constantly washing the nose, and in chronic cases, the patient continues a type of antibiotic by prescribing a doctor.

Consequently, we do not resort to surgical intervention except after the failure of drug therapy to solve the problem, and to ensure that there are no problems related to the nasal ventilation or defects in the nasal barrier that cause the problem.

Is permanent prevention of sinus infection?

Yes, it is better than the treatment in temporary cases, and it begins with the correct diagnosis to know the type of infection that the patient suffers from to treat the problem from its roots because the treatment of infections is different from fungi and allergies, and often congenital defects require medical intervention.The general treatment for sinusitis cases protects the patient from surgical intervention.

هل تسهم إجراءات الوقاية من كورونا في الحد من إصابات التهاب الجيوب الأنفية؟

Initially, those who have sinusitis or allergy problems are often the most vulnerable to "Kovid-19" as a result of their suffering from respiratory problems, and they must beware of using alcohol and wearing a muzzle because they multiply the problems of sinus allergy, and this does not mean not to use them, especially in light of the lack ofThe presence of alternatives to deal with Corona's outbreak.

How can sinus allergy patients use alcohol and dove?

The muzzle has to wear it in closed places or in the case of crowding and mixing with human beings, but in the places the good self -ventilation that applies social or empty divergence of humans can be removed, and in the case of alcohol, the hand should not be placed on the face or next to the nose to prevent irritation.

هل نسبة من يعاني من الحساسية كبير؟

In the latest statistic, the number of people suffering from sinus sensitivity was published at 23% of people, and the number is expected to become 33% by 2030, due to industrial pollution, penetration into the lives of cities and displacement from places with a green environment, which increases the cases of exposure to chemicals, smoke and resulting smellsOn industrial operations.

هل هناك مشاكل أخرى تصيب الجيوب الأنفية؟

Yes, there are greater problems of allergies and infections, including sinus diets and birth defects, and the latter suffers from 50% of people, as well as tumors with their benign and malignant types, but the incidence rate is not large, especially the latter that causes bone erosion and beating the brain, and the most famous tumors in this regionIt is a limited malignity that has achieved good results in treating its conditions.

What are the signs of sinus tumors?

The most important important signs double the inflammation and the deterioration of the condition for the worst despite undergoing treatment, and this is the opposite of acute infections that are treated within 12 days, the change of facial features and cheek tumor, the presence of a bad smell that comes out of the nose, and also the presence of mucus mixed with blood.

In the event of these signs, it is necessary to resort to a specialist to determine the nature of the problem in light of the similarity of these symptoms with the complications of chronic sinusitis.