9 tips make you 10 years younger

  • Time:Jul 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

You can be the person who says everyone looks great for his age, according to what Eat this not that reported, quoting a professor of dermatology and director of the dermatology department at Mount Cenie College, by doing the following steps:

1- Not to rub the eyes

The skin below and around the eyes can be more delicate and fragile, and the features of the older age easily appear on that area of the face.Dr. Lamb advised not to rub the eyes and the areas surrounding them, because rubbing can cause micro -blood vessels, which leads to bloating or the appearance of dark circles and sagging skin around the eyes.

2- Vitamins C, A and E

The use of good serum or topical paints rich in vitamins C, A and E achieve amazing results and worth it.

3- 8 cups of water

Eating 8 cups of water per day can prevent the skin from appearing scaly and faded.More hydration of the skin can also be granted using topical products that contain urea, vocal, ceramide and hyaluronic acid, and if the bedroom or office is very dry, Dr. Lamb recommends using a hydration device for rooms and avoiding bathing with hot water also for a long time, because it affects the skin and the skin with dryness.

4- Rinse the conditioner with cold water

Also, hot water can cause dryness, the use of a little cold water can give appropriate hydration for hair and skin.Dr. Lamb explained that rinsing conditioner after washing hair with shampoo could give hair more shine.

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5- Sunfed products

Dr. Lamb stressed that "the use of sun protection cream is the best way to help maintain the skin to look young and healthy," noting that in the event of staying abroad during the day for long periods of time, sun protection cream must be re -painted "every 90 minutes".One study showed that the use of sun protection cream every 90 minutes makes skin aging by 24% compared to using it once.

6- Sufficient installment

Stress hormones and lack of sleep really work to break collagen and accelerate aging, not to mention that with age, lack of sleep can lead to memory, irritation, depression, or even more falls and accidents.Lamb recommended, "I went to sleep and wake up early, with a sufficient number of good sleep hours.

7- Smiles and laughter

Dr. Lamb advised to smile and laugh from time to time because "just smile, good relations and pure joy helps make a person look younger."

She added that there is a biological reason for that is that laughter increases vascular functions and relieves stress, which are two main indicators that can lead to a more youthful appearance.

8- Wearing hats

Wearing a hat while hiking or when there is in open places during the day for a long time, which is the same as the importance of using sunscreen preparations, explaining that it is a pre -emptive approach that can cost low sums but it prevents a lot of suffering and pain later, as excessive exposure to sunlight can lead to injurySkin cancer.

9- A healthy lifestyle

Experts advised to follow a diet rich in "proteins" free of fat, fiber and healthy fats and exercise exercising while making sure to enjoy the joys of healthy life free of diseases and tension due to age leads to a state of youth glow, despite the appearance of some wrinkles or otherThe features of aging.