9 symptoms of breast cancer every woman should know

  • Time:Sep 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

About one million and 380 thousand new cases of breast cancer are recorded every year, and 458 thousand deaths occur due to it, of which 269 thousand occur in developing countries. That is, most deaths are recorded in poor and developing countries, and this is due to the lack of awareness of the disease and its late detection, which reduces the possibility of recovery and raises the risk of death.

Breast cancer occurs when some of the cells in it begin to grow abnormally as a result of a mutation or change in the genetic material, and then spread to the rest of the breast areas and to the lymph nodes, and from there to other parts of the body. Breast cancer usually begins in the cells of the ducts that produce milk, and it may also begin in the glandular tissue of the breast.

Breast cancer is not limited to a specific age, but young girls also get it. Because there are many myths surrounding this type of tumor, women may be confused about following precautions for prevention and treatment.

The German Federal Center for Health Awareness says that early diagnosis increases the chances of treating breast cancer, so women must undergo periodic examinations starting from the age of 30.

While lumps and bulges are the most common symptoms of breast cancer, there are other possible signs that should be seen by a doctor.


In her report, published by Readers Digest, in its Australian version, writer Lisa Milbrand said that in a post that was widely circulated on social media, only one symptom appeared. For a woman who had cancer, it was represented by the emergence of boils on the edges of her breasts.

In general, women may overlook this sign of a lump during their monthly self-examination. In this context, oncologist Dr. Anita Johnson indicated that the doctor should examine any boils or contractions that appear on the skin of the breast.

Skin irritation

The author stated that there are many reasons that may contribute to skin irritation, such as wearing an inappropriate bra, heat rash, contact dermatitis, or other skin problems.

9 Symptoms of Breast Cancer Every Woman Should Know

In rare cases, skin irritation can be a symptom of breast cancer. In this regard, gynecologist Jessica Shepherd said, "It is necessary to see a doctor when you notice strange redness, swelling, skin irritation, itching, or a rash on the breasts for a period longer than expected."

Nipple secretions

The author added that you should not worry about breast secretions if you are pregnant or in the process of breastfeeding your child. As for the rest of the women, the doctor should examine certain types of secretions. In this context, Dr. Shepherd said, "Nipple discharge that is green or yellow in color or that comes out with blood can be a symptom of breast cancer."


Dr. Johnson indicated that the appearance of dark marks and freckles on the skin is not just a sign of the necessity to visit a dermatologist, but it can be an indication of the presence of a rare and more aggressive form of breast cancer called breast cancer. inflammatory.

Johnson added that if you notice new spots of freckles appearing, you must consult a doctor, and Johnson continued her speech, saying that "inflammatory breast cancer is rare. Therefore, there is no reason to panic."

Red spots or bruises

Other symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer can include red spots or bruise-like marks on the skin, Johnson said. And Johnson suggested, "getting an appointment with a doctor in the event that these red spots spread and remain for more than two to three weeks."

On the other hand, we must bear in mind that this type of cancer is rare, as many types of red spots that appear on your skin, such as cherry hemangiomas, can be completely benign.

Changes in the nipple

The author mentioned that the shape, size, or color of the nipples do not change unless pregnancy occurs. On the other hand, Dr. Shepherd said, "If you notice any changes in the shape of your nipples, you should have a breast cancer examination. These changes may include a retraction or contraction of the nipple." For her part, Dr. Johnson stated that the feeling of itching and the appearance of crusts on the nipples may be a sign of Paget's disease, which is a rare form of breast cancer.

And Johnson continued her speech, saying, "This disease can appear in the form of crusts on the nipple or a dry layer of skin, whether on the nipple or the skin around it, or on both, and it may cause tingling or a feeling of burning. In fact, there are many reasons for the feeling Itching and scales appear on the breasts, so try to talk to your doctor about your concerns."

A change in skin tissue

The author indicated that changes in the skin of the breast could be a sign of something wrong. In this context, Shepherd said, "Breast cancer can sometimes cause a change in breast tissue. Redness of the skin and bumps appear due to inflammation of the breast tissue as a result of the presence of cancer cells that would block small lymph channels inside the breast, and fluid accumulates."

Swelling or pain

Breast swelling or tenderness is a common issue for women during their menstrual cycle, and it can even be a sign of early pregnancy. For this reason, women often overlook this sign as a symptom of breast cancer. Shepherd advised, "If one of the breasts appears enlarged or swollen, you should examine the breast. But if the tumor is deep, you may not feel it. On the other hand, you may experience some swelling."

For her part, Johnson said, "It is possible that you will not notice a lump in the breast, but if you feel a lump under the armpit, it may be a sign of an enlarged lymph node. In addition, the lump may be a sign of the beginning of the spread of breast cancer When you do your monthly breast self-examination, always check for lymph nodes under the arms.”

Change in the size or shape of the breast

Johnson stated that the occurrence of weight gain or changes in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy or breastfeeding can affect the size and shape of your breasts. If the shape of your breasts changes suddenly for no reason, this may be a sign of cancer. Therefore, you should make an appointment to see your doctor and get tested. Johnson added, "It can happen a week before menstruation. Therefore, you need to wait a week after menstruation ends to see if the breasts return to their normal size. On the other hand, if this change occurs in both breasts, it is most likely not due to breast cancer".