5 tips to encourage your children to sleep on time ... what is it?

  • Time:Jul 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - It is eleven o'clock before midnight, and the light of your teenage child's room is still lit.It has not yet slept ... and tomorrow is an ordinary school.And if you do a quick arithmetic, then if you sleep now he will get less than 6.5 hours of sleep, before he wakes up and prepares to go to his school.

Certainly, this number of hours of sleep is not enough, but what to do?This reality raises the concern of parents and feelings of frustration, and causes daily battles, because they are unable to persuade their children that sleep is essential, cannot be avoided.

Michelle Eikard, writer, researcher and parent of parents on how to deal with their children, said that during my work with teenagers 15 years ago, and through my personal experience as a mother, I witnessed and involved in many battles directly, which prompted me to ask a question: "Why do adults waste a lot ofEmotional feelings in order to sleep their children. "

"Sleep is one of the first indications of the success of the role of the parents with their children or not," said Christin Daily, who is the chairman of the National Clinical Practice Committee of the Behavioral Sleep Association.

The comparison may be the cause of our collapse

Daily explained that during the last twenty years, sleep has become a great emotional concern for families, adding: "Besides our desire to sleep, there are comparison cases (between one family and another)", which often feels short.

Parents are not satisfied with putting their children in bed, but rather they hope they are doing it correctly.Then they rush to follow the pages of the family living style on "Instagram", "Facebook", and the e -blogs of mothers, in search of a series of delightful advice or pictures that suggest peace for children sleeping with their parents, their faces are fresh and they threw them with love.

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"Sleep is one of the areas of health and medicine that has been strongly politicized," Daily said, as it is divided between family education based on the link of attachment and strict sleep.

This feeling does not leave us even when our children begin to sleep all night.The ongoing battles may be postponed around bedtime and patriarchal insecurity for a short time until adolescent children reach.

Return to family battles again

Usually, the tired mother says: "I know that she will get better if you slept just longer."For her part, the adolescence answers her freedom: "This is another part of my life that you want to control as well."

Scenes like this revolves around the Daily Clinic, as the expert recommends the sleep of teenagers, saying: "Do not fight something that you can not control," explaining that you cannot change the biological body watch, which may witness a transformation when children reach adolescence, and change them from loversTo sleep to two lovers to stay up, and noting that in return you can create the appropriate atmosphere for sleep that helps you succeed in this.

What is the ability of the family to control?

What motivates your child most, may be surprising to you.In addition to heavy sheets, curtains loving light, limited access to electronic devices, or room temperature monitoring, all of which may help improve sleep, applying healthy sleep habits at home by placing parents a priority for a specific sleep time, and committing to it is the matterThe only one who has the greatest influence on the young child, according to a 2016 study.

This means that if you keep the time set for sleep and the environment prepared for it, it is likely that your child has a good sleep.In addition to the renewal of energy and the improvement of mood, Daily said that "sleep during the night hours results in the greatest growth of human hormone."

Methods that help promote sleep and make it a priority

As for bed time, it may be difficult.And children who return home late, sometimes after dinner, need to eat their food and accomplish their school duties.The reflection of this may be negative in terms of applying sleep requirements.Estimating the importance of sleep as a parent often means making difficult decisions, especially when you think that sport, theater, and spend time with the family are also important.

What matters is not only to specify the time of bedtime, but set the time for waking up in the morning, exposure to the sun and eat delicious food;All signs are sent to the mind to notify that the time of activity has started, even if the start of school classes is not suitable for the new biological clock for your teenage children.

These are natural methods that help our bodies regulate their timing.Of course, it is known that the electronic devices in the room are unhealthy to sleep at an unhealthy sleep time.

Daily noted that watching TV is not harmful to teenagers before bedtime, while light emissions from a 18 -inch or smaller device affects the teenager's ability to sleep.

Parents must take care of themselves

This is another matter that you can control: your mood, health, and comfort.These are important factors that play an important role in your relationship with your children up to a healthy sleep.So, put a priority to your sleep, and your children will catch you.