5 simple ways to lower high blood pressure

  • Time:Aug 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

High blood pressure is a major contributor to the death of nearly 18 million people around the world every year.

Although there are a number of common drugs that patients resort to controlling their blood pressure levels, there are some alternative treatments that some resort to..Here are five simple ways that help lower high blood pressure according to a new study published on the American "Studyfinds" website.

Doing mental alert exercises

The method of liquidation of the mind and focus on the current moment is known as the mental alert training training, which studies show that it can be beneficial to patients with blood pressure because it improves attention control, organizing feelings and self -awareness of daily habits, and the study published by the site found that it has led to a significant improvement in pressure readingsBlood for the participants.

Walking 10 thousand steps every day

The study, conducted at the University of "Brown", found that the more the number of steps that a person walks every day, the more likely to preserve blood pressure and heart health, as more than 600 people were asked to wear a smart hour to record blood pressure readings per week for several months, And the results showed that the systolic hypotension has decreased by 0.45 points per 1000 steps taken by smart watch users every day, and in light of this, walking 10,000 steps per day reduce blood pressure by more than four points.

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Eat tea, cocoa and foods rich in flavanol

The study says that the other way in which patients can reduce the risk of high blood pressure is to adjust their diet, as it found that diets that contain a high percentage of flavanol, including apples, berries, cocoa and tea have a strong relationship with blood pressure..

The study examined the diets of more than 25 thousand people to monitor what each participant eats in addition to recording blood pressure readings, and the results revealed that the people most taken for flavanol have less blood pressure than those who take a few of them.

Drink berries juice

The study showed that drinking people with high blood pressure mulberry juice can in the long run to lower blood pressure and improve blood vessels in general, due to its ability to reduce infections in the body.

Eat yogurt every day

Yogurt contains bacteria that enhance the secretion of proteins that reduce blood pressure, and also contains a group of nutrients, including calcium, magnesium and potassium, which participate in regulating blood pressure, and according to the study, eating yogurt on a daily basis is the key to lowering blood pressure readings.

The study showed that participants with high blood pressure witnessed lower levels after eating small amounts of yogurt regularly, and the results were better for people who eat yogurt on a daily basis..