10 practices that turn you into a "green citizen" .. including your home furniture and your means of communication

  • Time:Feb 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

"Al Ain News" collects the 10 most prominent practices that you can contribute to controlling climate changes, and becomes a "green citizen", so to speak.

While leaders and government representatives meet at the Glasgow Summit to develop policies that govern the trends of countries about trying to control climate change, as a citizen can be part of the solution and help in achieving this goal.

And you have to be an active participant to adhere to green practices in your life, which can turn you into a "green citizen", so to speak.

Al -Ain News collected the 10 most prominent practices that you can contribute to controlling climate changes, namely:

1- Organic food

Agriculture contributes to a large percentage of global warming emissions that cause climate change, and 17 % of these gases come directly through agricultural activities and from an additional 7 % of 14 % through the additions used with lands, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development..

And many experiments show that organic agriculture can contribute to reducing emissions, as the use of organic fertilization compared to mineral fertilization increases the organic carbon of the soil, thus isolating large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to the soil, and also helps to avoid soil emissions from oxidesNitrose and methane.

Therefore, your support for these agricultural practices by buying their products and preferring them over others, makes you a contribution to controlling climate changes.

2- Organic clothes

As your preference for organic food, in support of environmental practices, your wearing of organic clothes represents additional support for the environment.

And organic clothes, are made of plants such as cotton or linen, which are organically cultivated, and by purchasing the pieces that were adopted by the standard of international organic textiles (Gots), you ensure that your clothes are free of chemicals and toxic pollutants, from harvest to the factory and then consumer.

And when it comes to the specified Gots, keep in mind that the Gots Classification product must contain at least 95 % of the approved organic fibers, and on the other hand, the product with the rating must contain "made of organicAt least 70 % of the approved organic fibers.

3- Organic water bottles

It is not possible to live without water, for this reason every person has a day or plans to have a bottle of water while leaving the house, so make sure if you want to support the environment that your bottle is reusable, which is these bottles made of stainless steel or glass, and stay as much as possiblePlastic bottles.

According to the latest research, the value of the reusable water bottles market reached 61.74 billion US dollars in 2020.

The increase in the size of this market leads to overcoming the problem of threatening plastic pollution for the seas and oceans, according to a study prepared by a team from the Greek Marine Research Center, and published in October in the "Forentire Inn Marin Science" journal, about 3 thousand and 760 tons of plasticShe is currently floating in the Mediterranean Sea.

Plastic pollution affects all levels of marine biological diversity, where there are accurate and large plastic molecules on the surface of the sea, beaches, the sea bottom and inside the bodies of large and small seafood, and it has also been reported that humans eat plastic through the consumption of seafood.

In the event that the plastic is not met to be the fate of the waterways, it is also burned and recycled is polluted to the environment, as the burning of plastic waste is responsible for 15 million tons of carbon pollution.

Also, the so -called "chemical recycling", which usually uses a high temperature to dissolve the plastic into component parts, can add another 18 million tons by 2025, according to a report issued by the Bennington College and the non -profit plastic organization.

4- Organic furniture

When buying your home furniture, you may need to reduce attention to elegance, and give more attention to the material from which the furniture is made, in order to be toxic and compatible with the environment.

Traditional inorganic furniture contains chemicals that are likely to be dangerous, including compounds known as volatile organic compounds (VOCS) or semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and can be edited by our furniture through a process known as gases, and this causes the smell "new" newFrom the furniture.

The more we use a certain piece of furniture, the worse, as the heat of our bodies leads to the transformation of more vehicles into gas, and while the furniture will launch a fewer number of flying organic compounds over time, but it can still last for a long time after the smell disappears.

While we breathe that, this is not the only danger that these chemicals pose, and the worst of that is that it can be found after that in the dust of the house, which spreads on each surface, and then we can swallow it easily by us, our children or your pet.

In addition, there are a lot of chemicals used in the production of furniture more than you think, including "formaldehyde", which is found in compressed wood products such as compressed wood and plywood, and can also be found in adhesive materials as well as some fabrics.

The danger of this substance is that it is non -color, but its strong smell causes dryness, cough, cough, redness, eye and asthma, and is considered a carcinogenic material in the event of long exposure.

Other materials are what is known as "plasticizer", and can be found in carpet support, shower curtains, furnishings, tablecloths, and floor tiles, and exposure can disrupt the production of testosterone.

There is a third material known as "Vinyl acetate", which is found in the paint materials that are painted by furniture, in addition to some adhesive materials, which are classified as a carcinogen, and there are reports that they cause difficulty breathing, inflammation and coughing.

Finally, there is a substance called "flame inhibitors", which are used with mattresses and sofas, and cause problems in the lung, heart and eye.

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And of course, the best way to protect yourself from these toxins is to invest in non -toxic furniture when you are ready to buy something new, and there are many favorite brands for those who want to buy environmentally friendly furniture.

5- An environmentally friendly transmission means

The environment is severely hit every time many cars collecting together at one time and emitting harmful pollutants in the air.

This negative impact occurs at any time when any vehicle is not an environmentally friendly means of transportation on the road, and this has become a great concern for many countries. For example, transportation represents about 29 percent of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, which makes them.The largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Thus, you can help your behavior to alleviate this damage by using environmentally friendly transportation, and in this framework, bicycles are an old way to reach the places you want to go to, and at the present time, bicycle lovers enjoy wide choices.

Electric motorcycles are especially popular among cyclists, mainly due to the safer than moving panels, and there are steam bicycles for people who weigh more than 250 or 300 pounds, and this makes them a choice available for heavyweight passengers as well.

Another available option is to use electric cars, and they can also join initiatives such as "common cars", in which individuals gathering to one place gathered within one car, and this greatly reduces the number of cars on the road, which reduces harmful emissions and traffic, and has arisenSome American states, such as Arizona, combine this practice into its bases and regulations, so that it can get a large fine while driving on your own.

The use of public transportation is also one of the environment conservation tools, and public transport usually follows the same as the model of using joint cars, it may be useful to leave your car at home sometimes and take the public bus and independently of the public bus.

And if you can dispense with any means of transportation, and go to your destination on foot, do this without hesitation, and this will save you money and also prepare a great exercise, and helps you to liquidate your mind, and what you have to do is, whether buying fixed walking shoes, and thus you can help the environmentAnd help yourself.

6- Green cosmetics products

With the continued increase in general interest in sustainability, many cosmetic manufacturers are looking for more environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly components for their products, and the benefits of "green" cosmetics extend beyond environmental goals, where increased studies show the traditional cosmetics toxicity, and the cosmetic market continuesNaturally growing quickly and continuously.

You can support the environment by contributing to supporting this important market, for example, instead of deodorants that use specially -friendly ingredients such as aluminum, you can use natural deodorants instead, as they are made without using aluminum, and only include natural ingredients that are not harmful to the environment.

There are also some companies that provide hair care products with sustainable and environmentally friendly sources, such as the leading hair care company, and in the skin care field the brand offers a group of the best products free of harmful chemicals.

There are also companies that prepare their products from vegetable sources, and they are filling them in bombible packages to get rid of the problem of plastic pollution, and the company (Ethique) is a leader in this field, and it has a selection of products, from shampoo to refreshments and body wash..

7- Organic shopping

If you decided to support the environment in all previous options, it is not acceptable to continue in inappropriate practices during your shop.

Plastic bags contain a large high amount of lead, they are manufactured from oil materials, and they are also not subject to organic decomposition, and when throwing them under the sunlight, very harmful gases come out, and they need long periods of up to 1000 years to decompose naturally, and therefore we find that the only way to get rid ofIt is burning it, but it causes air pollution and water, which leads to the contamination of crops and disease.

A report by the World Nature Fund revealed the death of 100,000 whales and a marine arms annually as a result of eating plastic bags, and 70% of the death of livestock in the Mauritanian capital "Nouakchott" from sheep and goats is the result of these bags, and therefore many African countries banned the use of plastic bagsIncluding Rwanda, which was the leading country in the field of stopping the manufacture and use of plastic bags in 2004, followed by Eritrea, Mauritania, Cameron, Tanzania, Uganda, Mali, Malawi, Senegal, South Africa.

And the alternatives available to these plastic bags are the dissolving paper bags, and this means that these bags can degrade in the soil with the help of bacteria, and it differs from the plastic bags that can take a thousand years to decompose.

You can also use fabric bags made of sustainable organic cotton, and this product can be used more than once, and you can by preferring to use money and support the environment.

8- Recycle your electronic waste

It is not correct to be supportive of the environment in all previous practices and get rid of your electronic waste in a way that poses a great danger to human health and the environment..

Electronic waste is the product of the consumption of equipment and electronic devices, and their size in each year is between 20 to 50 million tons all over the world.

To contribute to solving this problem, you must communicate with environmental societies interested in collecting this waste to direct them to the factories concerned with recycling and benefiting from them..

The "Expo -2020" exhibition in Dubai this year witnessed an innovative recycling experience, which was displayed inside the "i Lab" exhibition, in the Austrian wing, and depends on microorganisms, where the electronic scrap will be converted into fodder to these creatures, then rare minerals are extracted from them.

The rare minerals are a group of 17 integrated metals in electronic devices from smartphones to coffee machines, and the demand for them is increasing significantly, including Lanathanom, Serum, Newmium and Etrium, and between 90 and 95 percent of the global production of these materials comes from China.

In this method, the e -scrap is converted into a dissolved powder in nitric acid, and the next step will be to add a nutrient solution with a specific formula with a dissolved powder, as well as the organism used in the process, such as algae, fungi or bacteria such as Bacillus Subtilis or coli bacteria(Escherichia coli), then rare earth elements are removed from living organism.

9- Make energy in your home environmentally friendly

Traditional energy sources can cause several different types of pollution, the most common of which is air pollution, acid rain and greenhouse gases, as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels. To produce electricity, chemicals and particles are released in the atmosphere..

Therefore, it can be supportive of the environment if you decide to be environmentally friendly energy sources, such as using solar energy to produce electricity.

In this context, you must also be careful to use re -charging batteries, given that the batteries consist of different chemicals and substances that are not especially good for the environment, it is only logical that throwing them into the garbage is not a friend of the environment.

For this reason, you should buy two sets of rechargeable batteries, charging them regularly and reuse them instead of getting out and buying more batteries that are used once.

10- Using environmental friendly cleaning products

If you are one of the ones who decided to win the environment in your daily practices, it is not logical to be concerned only to search for companies that are replaced in filling their plastic product, with more sustainable options such as glass, regardless of packaging, attention must be paid when it comes to cleaning products, with the environmental impact of the existing chemicalsIn detergents.

We seek to use severe and toxic ingredients to kill bacteria and reduce the accumulation of grease and dirt daily, but this should not be at the expense of our health and our environment, because many cleaning products use chemicals that can be harmful to children or pets if they are taken by mistake or cause interactionsDisturbed if your skin touches.

Some studies proposed a link between the use of cleaning products and increased air pollution inside, when they are washed away, you find their way to waterways, as a study in Britain revealed, where it can affect wildlife and put additional pressure on processing stations to maintain water cleanliness.

The good news is that there are many non -toxic alternatives that work efficiently in cleaning, and their smell is better, so always look for these alternatives for yourself and your environment.