Innovative techniques to get rid of traditional passwords

  • Time:Dec 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Companies for modern technologies in our time live in a technical race with pirates and hackers, by harnessing all available tools similar to fingerprint sensors and sound recognition software that brings higher safety degrees when using tools to check the user identity.

Security companies are working to develop technologies that achieve identity in order to provide them with safer and reliable means of traditional passwords. In 2012, a group of six companies formed an alliance aimed at setting standards for systems that achieve identity alternative to traditional passwords, and this alliance, which is known as ""Fedo "Currently more than a hundred members, including famous companies such as Google, Microsoft, Vava and MasterCard.

The coalition is interested in developing two ways to verify the identity of the user, both of which require storing identification data within physical equipment and not on servers - which hackers can penetrate - ensuring that they are not stolen.

One of these two methods is known as "a comprehensive verification system", a method that does not require the introduction of traditional passwords, but rather depends on the vital user data, similar to its mark, and the degree of safety in it can be strengthened by combining another verification method that relies on the introduction of secret numbers.

The second method does not completely cancel the passwords, as it asks the user to enter it and then emphasize the identity using a special physical key, which can connect to the device via the USB port or by the technology of "connecting nearby" (NFC) technology (NFC).

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Google announced last October its support for physical keys according to the "Fedo" system, adding a second security layer, and the new feature works by entering the physical safety key in the User's USA's USA device instead of writing the code sentUsually to the user's phone number, then click on the option that will appear on the Chrome browser that supports the protocol of this feature.

The key depends on the "U2F" security protocol, which is used in some sites that support the two -step verification feature, and therefore the security key can work with some services if it supports it.

For its part, she developed "Nok Nok Laboratory" - one of the members of the "Fedo" coalition - the fingerprint reader technology for the Samsung Galaxy S5, which is the first smartphone to achieve the coalition standards, and the fingerprint reader can be used to open the device lock and pay financial payments through services similar to"PayPal".

The Agnestio - a company specialized in audio verification technologies - expects to provide technical companies with their systems, so that smart devices users can lock them by talking to them, as the system verifies the "sound fingerprint" based on digital files that include user voice specifications.Communications centers benefit from the "Agnitio" technology that helps it prevent fraud by identifying people by analyzing their voices.

Apple has its own technology to verify the identity of the user through its fingerprint, as the users of the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 benefit from this technology to open the device lock and pay the payments by simply touching the sensor with the fingerprint..

The company "Dashlin" provides a system that does not replace the user's passwords, but it generates very safe passwords, the system enters them automatically in the user's services..

The "Fido" alliance aspires to reduce dependence on passwords gradually, to be eliminated permanently in the coming years, and he and other emerging companies work to develop software that achieves a variety of identity and innovative that does not depend on traditional passwords.