In Hassan's mausoleum.. "Benkirane Orchestra"

  • Time:Sep 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

On the fifty-fifth anniversary of his death, the spirit of the late Sultan Mohammed V was able to gather the various spectrums of the state and its senior men in politics, security, the army and parties.

While the entry of a number of party and political leaders, a number of government ministers, and even some high security and military figures, to the tomb of Mohammed V to have mercy on his soul was “normal”, as they did not attract the attention of many, and they passed “unnoticed”, two figures in particular They received a lot of attention and follow-up.

The first figure is the Director of National Security, who also wears the hat of the Director General of the Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance, or “the first intelligence man in the Kingdom,” Abdul Latif Hammouchi, who as soon as he got out of his car in his formal uniform and tall stature, a commotion and agitation ensued. emergency in place.

In the tomb of Hassan...

Many photographers gathered with their photographic equipment, as well as citizens and curious people, around the door of the tomb of Mohammed V, when they learned that Hammouchi had come to carry out the duty of mercy on the soul of the grandfather of King Mohammed VI today, corresponding to the tenth of Ramadan..and the high security official stopped only a few times To shake hands with those he knows on his way to the shrine.

As for the second figure who caused “pandemonium” in Hassan Square, not far from the tomb of Mohammed V, it is the head of government, Abdelilah Benkirane, around whom a number of citizens, men and women, tried to provide him with requests or complaints, leaving him to himself Unleashed to take pictures with them.

Benkirane created a festive atmosphere amid an atmosphere of mercy for the soul of the “liberator of the country” and the deceased of the Moroccan nation, the late King Mohammed V, as a number of ministers and leaders of the Justice and Development Party lined up behind him on the thresholds of the shrine, and he stood in front of them, as he resembled the late famous maestro Mohi Achiban.

The “Bankiranian Orchestra” turned into a real spectacle punctuated by smiles and resounding laughter that the Prime Minister exchanged with the rest of the members of the “class”, including Muhammad Yateem, Mustafa Al Khalfi, Abdel Aziz Al Ammari, and Najib Boulev, before Benkirane called out to Nabil Benabdallah, Minister Residential, to join the orchestra.

On a related level, the leaders of the three armies, by land, sea and air, reunited at the tomb of Mohammed V, and high military and security figures attended, most notably Mohamed Yassin Al Mansouri, Director of the General Department of Documents and Documents, and General Ducourt Drame Hosni Benslimane, Commander of the Royal Gendarmerie. While the absence of General Doucour Darmy Bouchaib Aroub, who is in a period of convalescence after a serious health problem, was recorded.


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