Ibn Battuta's journey...and a walk in the land

  • Time:May 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

(Say: “Travel through the earth and see how the creation began.”)

On my last trip to Morocco, I imitated Ibn Battuta in his land, so I went east until Hafir after Oujda, then I went to Saidia and continued the journey of the Mediterranean coast until Nador, and there was a lecture waiting for me with a virtuous people, after which I wanted to follow the road to Fez until I continue to the new, but I I loved the adventure more, so I moved from there beside Al Hoceima, the land of earthquakes, then I continued from the mountains to the coast until I entered the city of the front, where there lives a sleepy, forgotten small city by the sea, mountains emerge from the depth of the water, and lives in beautiful little houses in an actual forest of trees Including the smell of jasmine and barbecue, and whole tribes of cats, and beautiful families of merry dogs, roam in an earthly paradise, as they greedily and enjoy the fresh sardine fish caught directly from the sea, no one disturbs them, and they sleep in the streets safe without meow and barking. In it, we got acquainted with the friendly policeman Othman Barhoum, who showed me the way to Tetouan without entering a lagoon (No best?). I presented him my book on self-criticism as a gift as a symbol of a healthy relationship between the citizen, the tourist and the state. I entered the lands and mountains of amazing beauty strewn with wild red roses, and I wondered why people did not care about turning them into resorts for tourists, which are gardens of delight for the onlookers. When I entered Tetouan, I was astonished by the beauty, in the mountains embracing the sea from every side, and at the resting place of Sharjah towards Tangier, where the tomb of the greatest traveler the earth knew Ibn Battuta was astonished by the beauty and mountains of nature until I was interested in buying land there, building and stabilizing! Then we continued the road to Quneitra, Muhammadiyah and Larache. And Rabat, Casablanca, and then the new city, and how do you know what is new? It's really pretty new! I could not believe what I saw I wished to meet one mosquito, but I did not see and did not bite? Its air is fresh, its people are pleasant, its food tastes good from fish that resembles dough for its freshness and the fragrance of jasmine in its aroma, and the good things are available, and the call to prayer is ringing next to the church and the Jewish temple in the Portuguese quarter, where we have seen the Portuguese watering can, which is a marvel of manufacture, built by Moroccan hands for the day of the greatest terror and the evil siege. ; They will not die of thirst and perish, until the Moroccans expelled them from it; After a long struggle, hardship, victims and blood, the new land is the land of the martyrs, if they really knew, and their rusting cannons still testify to their structure and defense. It is a marvelous city with an arm stretched out in all directions; Tetouan, Tangiers and Rabat in the north, Fez and Oujda in the east, Agadir, Safi, Essaouira, Simimo, Dechira Jihadi and Ait Melloul in the south, then turn around from it to the Toubkal and Marrakesh mountains, and how do you know what the red Marrakesh is? It is a masterpiece indeed, and a place for crying, prayer and consideration in the clouds near it, kilometers away, next to the tomb of Al-Mu'tamid bin Abbad and his beloved Etimad Al-Ramiqiah. Moreover, the city of El Jadida is linked by a highway eighty kilometers to Casablanca, the economic capital, and is surrounded by the Atlantic like the neck of a beautiful woman in her jewels of pearls. Is it not correct for a person to go there and sleep on its shore for the rest of his life? This is what I think about after I bid farewell to the lands of the Baath until the day of the resurrection. Something by thing is mentioned and here I remember the story of Ibn Battuta and his strange journey in the land. Ibn Battuta left Tangiers in the Maghreb in the summer of 1325 A.D. (1) with the intention of Hajj. He was twenty-two years old at that time (22). He never thought that he would be absent from his home (29) for twenty-nine years, to return to his homeland Mubaid. Hair is over fifty!! After he bid farewell behind his back a journey full of adventures, dangers and wonders from what he saw, he wanders the horizons and is exposed to attacks by bandits, hunger, cold and terrible fever without any antibiotic or antipyretic, in which he travels more than (120) one hundred and twenty thousand kilometers on the back of camels, mules, and sometimes dogs. In it was most of the world known at that time, from the Atlantic Ocean and the edge of Andalusia, to China, the Pacific Ocean and the Maldives, with an indefatigable passion for discovering the unknown, an adventurous spirit without limits for new knowledge every day, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge increase, and contact with different cultures, difficult languages, and different customs, And traditions that he was not accustomed to, all this as a practical application of the verse of walking the earth to learn more of the verse of creation (2) He lived through the dawn of the Ottoman Empire and the decline of the star of Byzantium, and the spread of the plague that wiped out a third of the population of Europe, who used to bathe in ignorance, and did not know the primary health rules and closed Baths (3) So he did not see any point in visiting it and considered it a land of darkness, for there is nothing worthy of seeing there. Glory be to the change of conditions?! Following in the footsteps of Ibn Battuta: The story of my going to specialize in the Western world, which teaches us the rules of health this time is rather funny. One day, two clever young men from the Faculty of Medicine came to me, and asked me to be alone for an important matter. Then one of them told me important words with his eyes shining with sincerity. Seriousness, while his owner believed in every word he said: We have heard that you want to go to the medical specialty and you will live for quite some time in a different infidel environment; We fear for you and advise you; In order not to hit the ground and to protect yourself among us?! And a while before that, a brother came to me with the same mission, forbidding me to go to the countries of infidelity and stay in the countries of the Muslims, where the Baathist plague strikes, and the necks and freedoms are cut, as was the case since the days of Kafur Al-Akhshidi? One of the wonders of coincidence is that he mentioned to me his brother who specializes in dentistry in Germany, so I asked him for the address, which was the reason for my departure to the land of the Germans, while he came to encourage me not to walk in the land, and thus I followed Ibn Battuta’s footsteps to discovering the new world and providing the knowledge that we slept about. For a long period of time, and in order to implement the Qur’anic verse, say, “Travel through the earth, then see how the creation began, and then God creates the afterlife.”

An unplanned trip: It is striking in Ibn Battuta’s journey that it was an unplanned trip, as he originally wanted to go to Hajj, but what happened was that he kept spinning and spinning without getting tired, and he was supplied from one city to another benefiting from the ethics of Islamic hospitality, and the lack of borders. Political and entry and exit visas for dozens of countries and kingdoms, so he learned more and his appetite opened to learn more about people’s customs and how they live, in light of a vast Islamic civilization, and a prevalent Arabic (global) language with which people understand where they went (such as English today), and a respectable religion when enemies look To him as an element of superiority overlooking them from above, and with a certificate (judge) recognized in the world, with which he can practice his profession in all circumstances, as is the case with a law or legal degree from Harvard University? Thus, many princes and sultans used it according to this recognized (international holiday), as well as a skillful (diplomatic) skill that he enjoyed and became more refined with the movement and contact with other cultures, thus it was (anthropology) of the first class, and the missionary of the one world state and the human being of universal culture. Ibn Battuta says in his book, which gave him the name (Tuhfat al-Nazar fi the strange cities and the wonders of travel), which he dictated to Muhammad ibn al-Jazi al-Kalbi, after the aforementioned made an introduction to the book in which he elaborated from the flood of venerations what is not worth stopping to read, and gives an idea of ​​the spirit of the age and the beginning of civilizational suffocation, Because of the book’s stuffing with boring rhetorical embellishments the following: (My departure from Tangiers, my hometown, was on the second Thursday of the month of Rajab Al-Fard in the year seventeen hundred and twenty-five 725 AH, relying on the pilgrimage to the Sacred House of God and visiting the grave of the Prophet, the best of prayers and peace be upon him, alone on the authority of Anas, accompanied by him, and he rode. The soul is very determined and longing for those honorable institutes, latent in Al-Hayazem (the collection of Hazoum, which is in the middle of the chest), so I decided to abandon the loved ones, female and male, and I left my homeland. (4) It remains for us to know that he took ten months to reach Egypt, during which he married twice, and remained on the camel’s back for a year and a half until his eyes were blackened by seeing the honorable Kaaba, during which he crossed the whole of North Africa, wiping ten He visited cities and deserts, and witnessed strange matters of people’s morals and forms, between the judge’s turban in Alexandria, which reached half the size of the mihrab, and the sugar mills in the Egyptian city of Manlui, and the Pharaonic monuments in (Akhmim), about which he said: “It is a great city, authentic in architecture, and strange in the matter of barba.” It is known by its name, and it is built of stones, within it are inscriptions and writings of the early ones, which are not understood in this era) (5) and describe the pyramids. how to build it) (6)

رحلة ابن بطوطة... والسير في الأرض

The world is experiencing a plague catastrophe, including the Middle East: From what Ibn Battuta saw at that time, the plague, which began its journey from the Crimean island to destroy Europe through the rats of ships carrying fleas in their skin, which transmit the deadly disease, and because of the spread of the frightening filth in Europe, he was not fully aware of The magnitude of the tragedy that wiped a third of the population of Europe from the map of existence, and therefore the plague was associated with the earthquake terror in history, and the scene that he saw in Damascus was diluted (so two thousand people died daily!!) while the deaths in Egypt amounted to twenty-four thousand in one day? ! And so were diseases doing at that time; People do not know how it came and how it went, and one would come while kissing the other and crying over him at the time when the disease was transmitted to him?!. In London, a third of the city was wiped out by the plague.

How did he go on his amazing journey?? His journey took on the nature of waves. In the first two years between 1325-1327 AD, he headed from Morocco to Makkah al-Mukarramah, after surveying North Africa and descending to Upper Egypt, to head from there to Hejaz via the Red Sea, until he was prevented from that goal due to a war that broke out between The Mamluks and the people of the region, so he returned to Cairo and continued his way towards Syria, Lebanon and the Levant, describing dozens of cities on this journey; Cairo is boiling with residents as if they were the waves of the sea, and the number of watermen on camels was 12,000 twelve thousand, and the boats of the Sultan (Al-Nasir) in the Nile were thirty-six thousand, and next to Al-Manluwi was the city of Minya Ibn Khasib because of a strange story (7) and Hama had the waterwheels like the revolving flanks, and in it were apricot almonds (which If its nucleus is broken, a sweet almond emerges from it, and Aleppo is of dangerous fate, and its discourse from kings is many. As far as the eye can see, and every place on its four sides I noticed its radiant radiance within sight, and to God is the truth of those who say that if heaven is on earth, then Damascus is undoubtedly) (8).. Haitham al-Maleh, who was arrested, cried out, “The destruction of Ghouta!” Then he goes on to mention the characteristics of dozens of cities that he and their people passed through, and Sana’a has paved roads. Good manners, the beauty of the images, and the extraordinary beauty of their women. Where are his eyes to see the qat, the diaspora, the civil war, and the ugliness of the streets!! As for the people of Mecca, he described them as eating only once a day after the afternoon prayer, and for this reason (their bodies became healthy and the infirmities were said in them)!! Where are his eyes to see pressure, obesity and the epidemic of diabetes! Shiraz is very similar to Damascus, except that it collapsed five, not seven, and its people were Hassan Al-Sour, who cleaned clothes. And he passed by Mogadishu and saw (and one of the people of Mogadishu eats as much as what the group usually eats from us!!) And he passed through Baghdad and described it with sadness because it was not revived after the Tatar massacre (there is gone and only its name remains, and it is in addition to what it was before As for the accidents on it and turning the eyes of the deputies to it, such as the studying deer or the statue of the imaginary imagination, there is no good that stops the eyes, and it calls from the one who is tempted to be negligent and look except for it). The destroyer of Baghdad, who did not live long after the rape of the Pearl of the Orient, and died of cirrhosis of the liver from drinking alcohol!

The distribution of geopolitics (political geography) in the era of Ibn Battuta: The political power in Egypt and Syria was in the hands of (the Burjian Mamluks), which came after the Bahri Mamluks (in which six ruled, two of whom were killed and three were deposed!) and extended from the rule of Qalawun al-Alfi from 1279 AD and ended after 21 Ruler by the Circassian Mamluks in 1382 (which in turn ended after about 130 years with the killing of Qansuh al-Ghuri in the battle of Marj Dabiq in front of the Ottomans in 1516 AD), meaning that one century of the rule of Egypt (the Burjian Mamluks) witnessed a coup every five years, killing five of them and deposing 11 of them Ibn Battuta lived through this unenviable period in Egypt. He lived with King Al-Nasir who was deposed twice (9) while he was surprised by a new spirit in Anatolia with the (brotherhood) system who were competing for their hospitality. From one city to another in the hospitality of those new brothers who will raise the flag of the Ottoman Empire over Europe for five centuries, and in Bursa he met the Ottoman Sultan (Orkhan), who strategically succeeded in penetrating the European bank for the first time, at the Dardanelles Strait, and the Dardanelles channel was crossed by King Alpha He anchored (Xerxes) in the fifth century BC, to invade Greece and was defeated in it, and Athens escaped from the yoke of slavery, thus producing Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Adrana) in preparation for the invasion of Constantinople later, but the indications that Ibn Battuta saw did not suggest that the Ottoman Empire would become a great tree that would last for five centuries. Mombasa and present-day Tanzania (10). And between the years 1330 and 1333 AD, he penetrated Anatolia and Asia to India in Delhi, where he settled and practiced the judiciary until the year 1341 AD, when the Indian king assigned him a mission to the King of China (it began with a catastrophe where everything drowned) and as Ibn Battuta described the Hur in His trips and the fever in which he sometimes had to tie himself on the back of a camel so that he would not fall, he described the cold when he entered the Volga region (and I was wearing three furs and two trousers, one of them padded, and on my feet a woolen slipper, and above it a linen dress, and above it a sandal of Burgali, which is a mare skin lined with leather mean (b) I used to perform ablution with hot water close to the fire. Not a drop of water drips but it froze for a while. If I wash my face, the water reaches my beard and it freezes. I move it and it falls like snow and the water that comes down from the nose freezes on the mustache. ). The question remains before us, how did Ibn Battuta not pay attention to Europe to visit it and learn about its tourist attractions at the time, but reviewing the civilized situation of Europe at that time makes us share Ibn Battuta in that nothing is seen and visited in this dark country!! (And I wanted to enter the land of darkness and enter it from Bulgaria and between them forty days, then I turned away from that because of the great supplies in it and the lack of feasibility) (12) And surprisingly, Europe was fighting at that time the Hundred Years’ War on the one hand, and the religious division was at its most intense, and sectarian disputes were grinding, and superstition and plague over it. They harvest minds and hearts. History tells us that the British philosopher (William von Ockham) fled to Germany when he was accused of heresy and atheism because of the publication of a book entitled VITA MODERNA.

The importance of tourism and walking in the land: It is interesting about Ibn Battuta’s journey of spiritual relaxation, interesting research, and asking about everything. When he met the father of the Emperor of Constantinople, which represented the Eastern Church, he was asked to enter the church to see it, but he was not allowed, as he circled the caves in search of the righteous When he asks about everything, he learns about the Kalija and Qamar al-Din made of apricots, which dance in the fire, the disease of elephants among Africans, and the burning of the wife with her dead husband while she is alive in India, and why this city was called (Munia al-Khasib) ) What is the meaning of the word Chalabi in the Roman language (12) and the story of the Muslim philosopher Jalal al-Din al-Rumi and his book Mathnawi, and the watermelon of Khwarazm, which has no equal in the world, and the use of paper as currency (money) in China instead of metal (cagd), coal, and luxurious Chinese carpets, and so on, this spirit The love of tourism, which the Qur’an sanctified for men and women alike (Hamidon Tourists) (Worshippers of Tourists) (14) was applied by Ibn Battuta. He used to travel and marry wherever he went without any embarrassment. His wives go with There are tourists on the journey of discovering the globe, even with the circumstances of pregnancy and the death of some of his daughters sometimes in this strange journey that no one has preceded him, including (Marco Paolo), whom Europe considered until recently that he is greater than the earth and roamed the wasteland, but recent research has begun to recognize this The important precedent for Muslims (15). The verse (Say: “Travel in the earth and see how creation began”) is a giant leap in thinking, so the quality of walking is here on earth, where events become evidence of the truthfulness of (the Book) (We will show them Our signs in the horizons and in themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth However, we note that the rickets that afflicted the Islamic world is a terrible thing, and that most of those who walked in the land are from outside the geography of the Islamic world, and the Islamic world no longer produces a new Ibn Battuta, and walking in the land is an order (or der) and not supererogatory, this is a tragedy For us, we despise the new, we are terrified of science, we are not keen on discovering the unknown, and our spirit of adventure is extinguished. Also, biographies are for (looking) that carries civilized awareness, witnesses of the world, sermons, benefit from nations’ experiences, self-review and knowledge accumulation, not for (smelling the air) and empty frivolity on the banks of lakes, and emptying sexual congestion, and looking here emphasizes the contemplation of the phenomenon (creation) specifically (The beginning of creation) and creation is a general word, so material creation is creation, organic creation, intellectual creation, as well as psychological and social. Words from their subjective spatio-temporal coordinates to enter the laboratory of the Absolute, and thus it is possible to study the universe from the atom to the galaxy, and the embryonic organic distortions at any organic level, and study psychological diseases and know their causes, ideas and their spread, calls and their beginnings, religions and their displacement in the world, and political systems and their rise and then their extinction, States, their resurrection and their demise, civilizations, their birth and their extinction are all of God’s creation in this existence, as long as everything except God was created; Everything except God is subject to this rule of reconsideration, study, research, and knowledge of the initial beginnings in it.

The story of the jurist with the lutha: In order to understand civilized sterility and its malignant roots, an exciting story came in the facts that Ibn Battuta experienced in particular, and he was a personal witness in it; She sheds light on the historical mechanism that began to gnaw at the entity of Islamic civilization, about a mentally deranged jurist who preached to people like a madman, so people rose up against him and a (boxing party) broke out with hands and shoes from one side, until the turban of the jurist (the crazy) flew and then handed him over to the judge who imprisoned him And his punishment: (I was at that time in Damascus, so I attended him on Friday while he was preaching to the people on the pulpit of the mosque and reminding them.. So a Maliki jurist known as Ibn al-Zahra opposed him and denied what he had said. The Hanbalis, so he ordered his imprisonment and his honor) (16). ينقل لنا ابن بطوطة أنه كان يقول بــ (أمور منكرة منها أن المطلق بالثلاث في كلمة واحدة لاتلزمه الاطلقة واحدة) وبقي أن نعرف من كان هذا الفقيه (ذو اللوثة)؟ كان.... (ابن تيمية).... الذي يعتبر اليوم مالك بن نبي مؤلفاته (الترسانة الفكرية التي لاتزال تمد الحركات الاصلاحية بالأفكار النموذجية حتى اليوم)(17) الذي مات بعدها بفترة خلف قضبان السجن حزينا مكسور القلب في سجن القلعة بدمشق، ودفن في مكان مستشفى الولادة حالياً المقابل لجامعة دمشق، وبجانبه تلميذه الوفي صاحب المؤلفات الغزيرة ابن قيم الجوزية.هوامش ومراجع: (1) خرج ابن بطوطة من طنجة في المغرب الأقصى في 21 يونيو حزيران من عام 1325 ميلادي الموافق الثاني من رجب لعام 725 هجري، ورجع إلى بيته عام 1354 م الموافق 756 هجري، فيكون قد استغرق من السنوات الميلادية 29 سنة ومن الهجرية 31 أحد وثلاثين سنة، ولعل هذا الفرق يشرح لنا أيضاً الآية القرآنية التي تشير إلى أهل الكهف أنهم لبثوا في كهفهم 300 سنة ثم تستدرك (وازدادوا تسعاً) فهي ربما إشارة الى السنوات الشمسية في الأول ثم السنوات القمرية في الثاني والله أعلم (2) تأمل الآية من سورة العنكبوت رقم 20 فالأمر هنا للسير في الأرض الذي غاب عنه المسلمون اليوم، وتبعاً لذلك اختفت وظيفة الشهادة، فلا شهادة بدون السير في الأرض، إذ كيف سنعاين العالم ونشهد عليه مالم نعرفه. تأمل الآية من سورة البقرة رقم 143 (وكذلك جعلناكم أمة وسطا لتكونوا شهداء على الناس) فالوسطية هنا لهذه الأمة هي التي ستقود إلى الشهادة، فعندما يغيب المسلمون عن حضور العالم سيفقدون هذه الميزة مع الزمن (3) جاء في كتاب (CHRONIC DER MENSCHHEIT) ص 345 أن عام 1350 ميلادي شهد انتشار الطاعون الذي ضرب أوربا فحصد منه مايزيد عن ثلث السكان؛ فالمدن لم تكن تعرف النظافة، فلا نظام التصريف الصحي أو جمع القمامات كان معروفا، وكانت القاذورات بكل أصنافها بما فيها المخلفات الانسانية تلقى بكل بساطة في عرض الشارع، الذي يفوح برائحة مخيفة التي كانت ميزة مدن العصورالوسطى، وأما نظام الحمامات فلم يكن معروفاً، والمعروف منه كان يتخذ لممارسة الدعارة فأغلق لمقاومة الطاعون، واتبعت مراسم تعذيب النفس وطرد الأشباح الشريرة أو حرق اليهود باعتبارهم مصدرا لنشر المرض (4) كتاب رحلة ابن بطوطة - دار صادر بيروت - ص 14 (5) نفس المصدر السابق ص 51 (6) نفس المصدر السابق ص 42 (7) تراجع القصة بالتفصيل في الكتاب، وخلاصتها غضب حاكم العراق على أهل مصر فأراد اذلالهم بارسال حاكم سيء عليهم فانتخب عامل يسخن الحمام اسمه خصيب ولكنه خيب ظنه فاحسن معاملة الناس، فأمر بسمل عينيه، فقصده شاعر بعدها وهو فقير أعمى فقال له انني قد نظمت لك مدحا كنت قد اعددته من قبل فسامدحك ولولم تعطيني؛ فاخرج له ياقوتة ثمينة كان قد خباها لوقت العسرة؛ فلما اراد الشاعر بيعها في السوق انتقل خبرها للخليفة فاكبر موقف خصيب فاعطاه مايرغب فقال ان اعيش في المنيا واموت فيها فاقطعه اياها فسميت منذ ذلك الوقت باسمه (8) المصدر السابق ص 84 (9) يراجع كتاب تاريخ الدولة العلية تأليف محمد فريد بك المحامي - دار النفائس ص 108 (10) مجلة (PM) الألمانية عدد تموز يوليو 1995 ميلادي اعتمادا على الترجمة الألمانية (11) نفس المصدر السابق ص 356 (12) نفس المصدر السابق ص 338 (13) استفدنا من كتابه بتعريف كلمة جلبي التي يحملها كاتب المقالة وهي باللغة الرومية وتعني سيدي (وجلبي وتفسيره بلسان الروم سيدي ص 289 (14) الآية الأولى من سورة التوبة والثانية من سورة التحريم والكثير من المفسرين القدماء عمدوا الى تفسير السياحة بالصيام فلم يستطيعوا تصور سياحة المرأة كون السياحة من صور العبادة، وخالفهم في هذا القاسمي في تفسيره لعدم وجود قرينة صارفة لوضوح المعنى والله أعلم (15) يراجع في هذا مجلة بيتر موسول لايتنر الألمانية عدد تموز يوليو 1995 حيث نشرت القصة بتفاصيل شيقة واعترفت أن ابن بطوطة هو السباق الأول في هذا المضمار (16) نفس المصدر السابق تراجع القصة بالتفصيل ص 95(17) كتاب حتى يغيروا مابأنفسهم - جودت سعيد - تقديم - مالك بن نبي - ص 9.