How do you protect yourself from fishing and electronic fraud?

  • Time:May 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The National Guidance Center for Cybersecurity reviewed many important advice for citizens and residents to avoid exposure to electronic fraud and fraud.

In a tweet it tweeted through its official Twitter account: “The easiest way for hackers to get to the point is to cheat and hunt?

Avoidance of electronic fraud:

-Always check the sender, especially when opening email messages containing links or attachments.

Avoid opening e-mail messages sent from unreliable sources.

كيف تحمي نفسك من التصيد والاحتيال الإلكتروني؟

-Report all messages.

Make sure before responding to any messages or calls that require personal and confidential information.

-Pass the indicator above the list to know the location and verify its authenticity before applying pressure on it.

Do not participate in promotional shows using the official email of your employer.

– Search for grammatical or spelling errors in email messages may be an indicator of a false message.

Protect yourself when you receive messages from banks or government agencies asking you for your information or for updating your data by going back to the [source] and reaching the correct link manually.

-Install all software and system updates on your computer and check their sources.

وسوم: احتيالالاحتيال الإلكترونيالحماية من الاحتيال الإلكترونيالوقاية من الاحتيال الإلكتروني