How did e -commerce sales increase in the Corona crisis?

  • Time:Dec 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dependence on digital shopping or through the pages and sites of "Online" shopping is easy and preferred for many citizens, and with the Corona virus crisis and the partial closure that we witnessed during the first period of the crisis increased its pace, which increased the volume of electronic commerce..

In the context, Dr. Ibrahim Ashmawi, First Assistant Minister of Supply and head of the Internal Trade Development Authority, said that in 2021, the value of trading exceeded approximately 4.9 billion dollars compared to 3.6 billion dollars before the Corona's pandemic spread, along with 5 times the current value of e -commerce, which is also done through cash payment when receiving the products that are purchased electronically.

Corona electronic factor crisis and the availability of products through applications that are pleased

Dr. Fadi Ramzi, a digital media teacher at the American University, says about the nature of increasing the volume of e -commerce during the last period, that this increase is due to 3 main reasons, the first of which is the Corona virus crisis and was a reason for citizens not to leave the homes, so the easiest to request the products they need, medicines, food and a lot ofThings through websites, adding that the citizens' fear of mixing in order to avoid infection with the Corona virus..

He continued: «The spread of electronic platforms, their applications and other groceries, pharmacies, and the majority of products that we needed to go down for them, provided citizens with a lot of trouble and ease of demand through the Internet, which contributed to increasing e -commerce because it is easier and security and obtaining all products from home».

"Ramzi" said in a statement to "Al -Dustour" that the majority of trade in Egypt is based on payment when delivering so that the buyer reassures the reality of the product he requested and does not pay for it except after making sure that it is the same product that he requested with the specifications that he identified, explaining that despite that, the citizens areThey do not trust electronic payment yet before the delivery process.

The role of the state in encouraging e -commerce

كيف ارتفعت مبيعات التجارة الإلكترونية في ظل أزمة كورونا؟

The state helped increase the size of this e -commerce that has become the age of trade in the whole world, through many of the aid it provided.

Egypt hands platform for promoting handicraft products

Where the Ministry of Local Development has established the e -commerce platform to market the products of hand and heritage governorates under the name of Egypt's hands;It aims to support women's handicrafts in the governorates to enable them economically, improve marketing capacity, increase sales and purchase opportunities, and help in reaching markets.

Mamdouh El -Sherbiny, Executive Director of the Handicraft Chamber, commented on this step, saying that e -commerce imposed itself on the world after the Corona virus crisis, and therefore the state, manufacturers and producers had to keep pace with this trend, from this standpoint this platform serves crafts and manual products.

"Al -Sherbiny" explained in statements to "Al -Dustour" that electronic commerce provides flexibility in dealing between the seller and the buyer and the optimal choice of the required product with the required specifications and at the specified price that the seller displays, and there is no process of separation in the direct purchase process.

Registration of small and medium enterprises products in the context, the country opened the door to small and medium enterprises products to register its Egyptian products on the electronic platform for small industries to open more foreign markets for these products to promote small, medium and micro projects.

This is through several stages, the first of which is the acceptance of the product, according to special requirements so that no product may be registered in violation of the specifications or causes problems, but these stages will take place with facilitated requirements, the aim of which is encouragement, but within the framework of the law.

Training courses for the importance of e -marketing and e -commerce

The Small and Micro -Micro Enterprise Development Authority in various governorates held free training courses for existing projects owners;To make them aware of the importance of e -marketing and e -commerce and training them in the methods of marketing and professional photography of products.