How did activists approach Nasrallah and Geagea's looks and cut off the MTV broadcast? keywords

  • Time:Nov 26
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Beirut - “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”:

Hours after the news of the assignment of the government commissioner to the Military Court, Judge Fadi Akiki, the investigation branch of the Lebanese Army Intelligence, to listen to the testimony of the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, in the events of Tayouneh, the timing of the re-publication of the Maronite Patriarchate on its Twitter account drew attention to what was stated in Maronite Patriarch Mar Beshara Boutros al-Rahi preached last Sunday, saying, "We refuse to go back to arbitrary accusations and sectarian mobilization, and we refuse to go back to fabricating files against this or that party, or choosing people as holocaust rams and replacing justice with revenge."

The tweet was followed by Patriarch Rahi's reception of the Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, where he presented the latest security developments in the country and the situation of the military institution. Al-Ra’i praised “the role of the army and security forces in controlling security and preventing security chaos in the street, which threatens the security of the whole country and the safety of all citizens.”

Political circles believed that “the example of the judiciary is judges who see with two eyes.” They asked the administrators of the military court, “Will those who shot and fired RPGs in front of the cameras and whose faces have spread on social media be summoned?”

The head of the “Little Lady of the Mountain” meeting, former MP Fares Saeed, tweeted, “You will force us to return to defending the forces, because Lebanon cannot bear summer and winter on one roof.” In the direction of residential neighborhoods, that is, President Berri and Sayyed Nasrallah, it is a duty before Geagea is summoned.”

How activists approached the looks of Nasrallah and Geagea and cut off MTV broadcast?</p><p>A new position was recorded for Geagea on the subject of his summons, as he tweeted on his Twitter account: “As the head of a Lebanese party, I am legitimate under the law. But for justice to be upheld, the judiciary must deal with all parties in the country on the basis that they are under the law. It appears that the main party in the events of Ain El-Rummaneh considers itself above the law, and unfortunately the military judiciary has so far matched it with this belief.”</p><p>Geagea's position was accompanied by a series of tweets by MPs who warned against playing with fire, as MP Wahba Qatisha did, who said,

MP Imad Wakim affirmed, “The Lebanese did not struggle for many years and present the martyrs as the Lebanese resistance, citizens, presidents of the republic, government, politicians, clerics, and media professionals, in order to get rid of the Syrian security system so that Hezbollah would try again to impose a similar system.” He added, “Stop attempts to isolate and target by installing Files and bullying over the Lebanese are not interrupted.

Geagea stipulated first listening to the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in these events before listening to his testimony, at a time when some compared Nasrallah's speech to Geagea's television appearance, and saw that Nasrallah was violent and devoid of logic and evidence, unlike Geagea, who He was realistic, calm and devoid of threat, without raising a finger before concluding the interview with a sarcastic smile in response to Nasrallah's call to the forces to "sit sensibly and be polite."

In a position that is the first for a leader in the “Future Movement” regarding the issue of the emerging battle between Nasrallah and Geagea, and accusing the latter of treachery against President Saad Hariri, former MP Mustafa Alloush said, “about Nasrallah’s inflammatory words in his recent speech: Whoever betrayed Rafik Hariri and called the killers saints does not He has the right to accuse anyone of treachery.”

The broadcast of the MTV channel was cut off during Geagea's interview from the southern suburbs and some Shiite villages in the Bekaa, Hermel and the South, which activists saw as a "fault", and commented, "Either Hezbollah does not trust its arguments that it presents to people, or it fears that the opponent's arguments will undermine The convictions of his fans, and in both cases, this is evidence of weakness.

The “Media Journalists for Freedom” association saw the interruption of transmissions by what it called the “de facto forces” as a violation of media freedom, and “represents a sterile method that is no longer feasible to use, in the era of globalized and pluralistic media.” The association was surprised by the “chronic silence of the official authorities on these violations,” stressing that “media freedom is a fundamental value of public freedoms that we adhere to in the face of the language of repression and domestication.”

Hezbollah supporters launched a hashtag directed against Geagea titled #It's time to go back to prison, and supporters of the forces launched a counter hashtag titled #You threaten us_to unite us, and the two headlines were trending on Twitter.