How to increase the participation of women in local councils?

  • Time:Aug 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Local councils are considered one of the most important tools of democracy, especially from the decentralized point of view, as modern jurisprudence agrees to define administrative decentralization as a kind of administrative organization of the unified state based on the transfer of administrative powers from the central state to local units directly elected from the people that enjoy administrative and financial independence.It is a way to achieve development and expansion in the adoption of democracy at the local level.It also helps to bring the state closer and its citizens, and the municipalities and local government bodies allow citizens to express their needs and aspirations, and to develop effective strategies to face the problems they face and affect them, along with the management of state resources.

Egypt faces great challenges to achieve this, the most important of which are the few women - who represent half of society by 48.Kh % - In decision -making sites, political women and their representation are still limited to local councils and most executive and representative bodies and even civil society, and this represents an imbalance in achieving equalism between women and men, which is essential to achieving democracy.

Given the complications of this problem, we find a large qualitative gap in favor of men regarding the proportions of the representation of women in local councils, and the elimination of this gap and the achievement of gender equality requires a set of procedures, including opening a policy dialogue that allows to review the entire existing laws, and approve public policies from the gender perspective,It includes specific measures to achieve equal opportunities in the local sector.

From a legal perspective, the weakness of female representation comes due to the absence of legislation that regulates the process of local council elections, as stated in Article 180 of the a014 constitution, which has allocated a quarter of the seats for women and sets rules and mechanisms that protect those quota from circumventing them and circumventing its seats so that the community can reap the fruits of the constitutional text,In addition to the dominant male culture that puts women in traditional frameworks, and is devoted to discrimination against them in occupying leadership positions in violation of Articles 11 and KhP of the Egyptian constitution, and prevent them from reaching decision -making sites.In addition to the Personal Status Law No. aKh of 19a0 in its amendments in the years 198Kh, a000 and a00Kh and the Personal Status Law of a0a1 submitted by the Egyptian government for parliament, which represents its articles of decline and unprecedented decline in women's rights.

There is no doubt that previous attempts to involve women in local government were ambitious, especially since they came a few years after the cancellation of ownership in Egypt and women in 19KhH in the organizations of the National Union through the committees for neighborhoods, sheikhs and governorate committees, as well as women obtaining the right to vote and run for parliament, exceptIt was limited and was not accompanied by cultural programs to correct societal concepts inherited across generations, coming from religious discourse and patriarchal male culture controlling society, which affected women effectively in the public domain.

Likewise, current attempts that do not stop claiming the right of women in local councils are of course good and they have been able to exit constitutional articles such as Article 4Kh, 4I and a0a for the a014 constitution, as well as Article 198 of a01H, which are laws directly political rights and parliament and the division of departments and the election commission, but they areIt still needs more reviews because it still obstructs women voting, election and supervision of the electoral process, and does not guarantee the fair representation of women and their issues..

Definition of the problem and the policies that govern itThe problem and its impact on the local community

The limited role of local popular councils over the past decades and the lack of effectiveness of available accountability tools and the absence of the authority to issue binding decisions for the executive bodies, did not accommodate citizens for their real role, which is significantly weaker than women not only women, but also from the largest sector of citizens, especially withThe high rate of development - as the proportion of the glory among Egyptian women is PH%, which is a greater percentage of men - which increases their deprivation of social and economic rights, and then their chances of exercising the constitutional right are reduced.There are many reasons and obstacles the limited role of local councils such as the lack of control over the implementation of the regulations and laws regulating it, which opens the door for financial and administrative corruption, and this of course affects public services such as garbage problem, spread of diseases, sanitation and slums.Likewise, the absence of organized legislation for the local council elections, its formation and work, which opens the door to circumventing and circumventing women in localities, discrimination against them and detracting from their political rights..

Policy of the state in force

The system is always captive to the problem of the central state and the concept of democracy as we mentioned in the foreground, as the central state in Egypt has taken in many periods the meaning of the dominant or dominant state, while the local system requires a degree of independence for different regions, which reflects the development needs of local systems and increased their effectiveness to involve citizens and specifically women To express their issues, and that the relationship between it and the center be a relationship that is characterized by a great deal of democracy, in addition to that half of society should not be isolated from improving the economic and social conditions and its components are formed at their different levels through policies that support qualitative equality.

Available information and evidence related to the problem

Initially, it should be noted that the last elections for local councils were in a008, and women represented less than Kh%, which is a very small percentage that does not match the size of the presence of women - for example, but not limited to - in economic activities within Egyptian society.

After the January a011 Revolution, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces - the ruler at the time - issued a decree of Law No. 11I of a011, to dissolve local councils, and by forming temporary local councils, and this temporary situation is still existing until now, despite the passage of ten years on it..Even after the issuance of the Egyptian constitution in a014, which stipulated in Article a08 of the government: “The National Elections Authority must an independent body, which specializes in the management of referendums, presidential, representative, and local elections, starting with preparing and updating voter databases, and proposing a divisionCircles, determining the controls of advertising and financing, electoral spending, advertising, and controlling it, and other procedures until the declaration of the result, all of which is regulated by the law ».

This article remained without activation, due to the requirement for supervision by the National Elections Authority, which was not yet formed - and the current Egyptian president issued a Republican decision to form the board of directors of the Electoral Commission in October a01H - and in this context we must emphasize what was stated in the Egyptian constitution., Where Article a4a of the a014 constitution states: “The work of the existing local administration system continues until the system stipulated in the constitution gradually be applied within five years from the date of its implementation.” This means the necessity of completing the local elections in a019 at the latest, and this did not even happenright Now.

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The a014 constitution included a number of articles that represent a good opportunity to strengthen the political of women and reach decision -making sites, and the state in Article 9 is obligated to achieve equal opportunities among all citizens, and to discriminate in Article KhP in all its forms, and any discrimination practice has become a crime that requires punishment.Article 11 also stipulates the necessity of the state with procedures and measures to address the discrimination that women are exposed to regarding leadership positions and public jobs and assuming jobs in judicial bodies..I needed to implement procedures that allow women to represent appropriate representation in the House.

Then, Article 180 came to be one of the most important gains for women in the a014 constitution, which is the article concerned with the local administration system, as it has developed more clear steps by allocating a percentage of seats for women, and stipulated that “each local unit elects a council by direct secret polling, for a period of four years, The candidate is required that his age not be less than twenty -one Gregorian years, and the law regulates other conditions of candidacy and election procedures, provided that a quarter of the number of seats for young people is allocated under the age of thirty -five, and a quarter of the number for women ... »« The local councils are concerned with following up the implementation of the development plan, and monitoring various aspects of activity And the practice of controlling tools for the executive authority from suggestions, directing questions, requests for briefing, interrogations, etc., and in withdrawing confidence from the heads of local units, as regulated by the law.The law defines the powers of other local councils, their financial resources, guarantees of their members and independence ».

Egyptian legislation, international agreements and treaties

Article 9P of the a014 Constitution is obligated by the legislator that legislation and laws should be consistent with the international agreements, covenants and covenants of human rights that are ratified by successive Egyptian governments. United, the International Covenants for Political and Civil Rights, and the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 19II, the agreement to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, CIADO, 1980, the 1990 -year -old children's rights agreement, the global declaration of the elimination of violence against women for the year 199P, a declaration and a Beijing advertisement on women for the year 199Kh.

Although Egypt believes many international agreements and covenants to ensure the rights of civil, political and social women, how the Egyptian state applies to these items and the extent of its seriousness in activating these entitlements for women is still minor and many policies, women protection frameworks and their rights are absent..

The indicators available to measure women's empowerment in local sites

There are quantitative and other ways to measure the empowerment of women in local sites such as the percentage of women candidates in the local council elections out of the total number of candidates, the percentage designated mainly for the representation of women in local councils, the percentage of media programs supporting female candidates and television debates, as well as the number of natural leaders supporting the stage of raising families' awarenessAnd the percentage of women in local leaders as governor or general secretary - head of a village - head of the city - the head of the neighborhood - mayor.

In addition to qualitative indicators such as the extent of the candidates' awareness of local needs, legal and legislative aspects, political frameworks and their interaction with society and adopting its issues, and the extent of their familiarity with the electoral style of localities, the extent of electronic information available on the administrative division of local levels, the extent of the local development law in line with the needs of gender.This information can be accessed by: the Egyptian Women Observatory established by the National Council for Women, the Public Mobilization and Statistics Authority, reports and studies issued by civil society organizations concerned with women's rights, as well.

About opportunities and restrictions

There is no doubt that state institutions concerned with women's rights such as the National Council for Women and all its branches in the governorates, and the local development sector such as the Ministry of Local Development and other institutions, are the most concerned with the problematic problem, and they are the main parties with which a dialogue must be opened, as many people working in these institutions are They were within the fifty committee that wrote the constitution, such as Ambassador Mervat Al -Talawi, the former Secretary -General of the National Council for Women, and since the a014 constitution legislation paved in a number of its chapters and articles a real opportunity for women in executive centers such as local councils - and this is calculated for many of those participating in their legislation to The side of the struggle of the feminist, human rights and progressive movement in Egypt - but the function of the constitution is to set general rules, and therefore you need to activate and be translated into legislation organized by it.

The position of these institutions can be evaluated in three problems that prevent the achievement of the articles of the constitution, namely:

First: The issuance of legislation that empties the text from its content, either by leaving an area of freedom to parties affiliated with the executive authority, such as the security services to regulate matters related to the implementation of the law, which allows these bodies to set regulations that enable them to empty the legislative and constitutional text from its content, especially the laws concerned with women in localitiesAnd executive sites.

Second: The executive branch of the Legislative Council provides legislation that is well -unconstitutional that is fell before the constitutional courts because of its lack of constitutionality, and thus evades the responsibility for its application, such as the invalidity of a number of legislative councils with laws that implemented the relative list and gave the woman the right to represent it through classes.

Third: The Legislative Council ignores either at the instigation of the government or security services - the owner of the "male" conservative composition - translating the provisions of the constitution for legislation such as the Law of Local Councils Law, which has not been issued until the date of this writing of this paper as well as the law of establishing the Commission for Cassation that came in Article KhP of the Constitution of a014.

Civil society organizations

Despite the lack of civil society organizations active in the field of political support for women, due to the law of civil societies that prevents the work of NGOs with politics, there are many feminist organizations that support the political of women, and with the increase and importance of the efforts they make, they remain limited to limitedIts number and capabilities and before all this restriction that it faces and obstructing the application of its programs through arbitrary laws, and restricting access to the sources of financing.

It can be said that civil society organizations have the opportunities that can benefit from it, such as the Czech experience, and specifically a Kh0% forum, that non -governmental organization that was established in a004 and does not belong to any political party, with the aim of supporting women in playing a political role from the perspective of gender equality, and encouraging votingFor women, by working at the base level, with wide media campaigns, and the formation of a lobby with other organizations and national authorities in the Czech state, to defend women's rights.

The convergence points and the proposed solutions

No one can deny that the distinction between women and men is a global phenomenon spread with different grades, and there is a global trend that indicates the decrease in women in local policies.This is the main dispute.At the level of the dynamics of the Egyptian local councils, workers in the localities require interventions at the level of official local policies, and interventions at the level of informal local policies.There is no doubt that both types of interventions are inseparable from each other, both of which are aimed at forming local women cadres, capable of political and civil, whether in official local councils or local civil society organizations.

1.We also mentioned the a014 constitution represents a good opportunity in terms of providing the constitutional framework that guarantees effective and efficient local policies, so the state guarantees in Article 1HI the support of administrative, financial and economic decentralization;The law regulates the means of enabling administrative units to provide local facilities, and to determine the timetable for the transfer of authorities and budgets to the local administration units.However, the opportunity for decentralization in the a014 constitution depends on the issuance of a law for local administration that it will achieve on the ground.

a. الفرصة الثانية في نص المادة 180 بتخصيص aKh% من مقاعد المجالس الشعبية المحلية للنساء.In order to activate this article, the current parliament must work to issue legislation that guarantees the representation of the aforementioned categories, and at the same time stop defrauding that ratio with other categories that the constitution is obligated to enable it such as people with special needs, youth or Christians, by setting their definitions in the legislation, as well as the text clearly onPreventing their repetition in the electoral lists until this constitutional percentage is preserved.

P.The process of benefiting from these laws is linked to a basic matter, which is to expand the concept of local policies to exceed mere women in local councils to women mainly in managing their societies and specifically the basic services that intersect daily with the paths of their lives and families, whether health, education, training, or others.

4.Overcoming the restrictions imposed by the cultural dimensions by working with sectors wider than women in the countryside and marginalized societies, dealing more seriously with the problems of poverty, violence, discrimination and unfair cultural practices, and encouraging local initiatives in small projects and cultural creations of women.There is an urgent need that the change comes from below, and that cultural and social work stems from the base.

Kh.Preparing women's cadres by taking a number of positive discrimination measures that helps to participate in all fields, whether at work, education or others, for a specific period until the goal is achieved from positive discrimination, which is the ability of this category to enter the competition circuit with all other groups of society on the basisWritten and efficient.

I.Raising the confidence of the Egyptian society in the capabilities and competence of Egyptian women and their ability to take on various positions by changing the ruling culture of Egyptian and Egyptian perceptions, which are raised by men's capabilities at the expense of women.This happens with highlighting the models of the successful woman in Egypt as an example to be followed.

H.Non -governmental organizations must open larger channels for dialogue with national institutions with the aim of forming alliances on convergence points between them, and for these alliances to pressure to influence the legislative and executive authority to pass national strategies and general policies to integrate gender equality issues in all fields and at all levels.Before all this networking and taking advantage of the experiences of each party, through the exchange of information and the coordination of the activities that took place in a specific area and built on it so that the same activities are not repeated..

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