"Higher Education" approves "hybrid" education in the first university semester

  • Time:Oct 14
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Amman- Tomorrow- The Higher Education Council announced the details and mechanisms of studying in universities for the new academic year, saying in a statement yesterday that “the council decided that the form of education in the first semester of the next academic year a0a0/a0a1 AH, that is, mixes ordinary education (faceTo face) and electronic (remote) and integrated, by taking advantage of the e -learning experience in the last semester and the summer semester.According to the statement, the Council agreed to return the faculty members in the official Jordanian universities on September a0, provided that the return of students and the start of teaching on the aHth of the same month, while private universities begins the academic year on October 1Z, to be applied to be appliedThe following foundations regarding teaching and exams in Jordanian universities in the first semester of the next academic year: First: Bachelor's students: 1.Teaching all the university's requirements and the requirements of the college (compulsory and optional) electronically (remotely).a.Teaching courses that need laboratories, operators or practical or physical applications and cannot be taught electronically (remote) on the campus and in the usual way, taking into account the conditions of health and general safety.P.Teaching specialization requirements on campus, taking into account the conditions of public health and safety.4. لمجلس عمداء الجامعة استثناء مواد محددة من البند (P) أعلاه بحيث تعطى من خلال التعليم المدمج (Blended Learning) على ألا تقل نسبة التدريس داخل الحرم الجامعي عن (Kh0 %).Kh.Conducting all the university's requirements and colleges requirements electronically (remote), with all necessary measures to ensure the integrity and credibility of the exams.I.All exams (separation and final exams) are conducted for specialization courses in each college on the campus and in the usual way, taking into account the conditions of health and public safety.H.A successful principle applies / failed to choose the student on the courses that are taught electronically (remotely), only the courses that are taught inside the campus in the usual way or through the integrated education, then the system of enforceable marks in the university is applied to it and the student has no choice (successful / sediment)..Second: Students of the intermediate diploma in the colleges of society: applies to students of the intermediate diploma, which applies to students of the undergraduate stage.Third: Students of the Faculties of Human Medicine and Dentistry: Students of all years are taught on the university campus and in the usual way, and it is left to the deans councils based on the recommendation of colleges councils to teach and evaluate some courses from the requirements of the college and specialization (compulsory and optional) on the integrated education system.Fourth: Graduate Students: 1. يتم تدريس جميع مساقات الدراسات العليا (دبلوم عالي/ ماجستير/ دكتوراه) عن طريق التعليم المدمج شريطة ألا تقل نسبة التدريس داخل الحرم الجامعي عن (Kh0 %)، وأن تتم جميع الامتحانات في الحرم الجامعي وبالطريقة الاعتيادية.a.Discussions of postgraduate theses are held on the campus and in the usual or electronic manner (remotely) and according to what each university decides.Fifth: Students outside the Kingdom: 1.Emphasizing the offering of at least one division is studying electronically (remotely) from the study courses allocated to students of the first year level in all disciplines to enable students outside Jordan to join the study.a.The university deans leave the option to teach these students electronically (remotely) in the courses that this decision stipulated to teach on the campus, and in the event that they are unable to return to the Kingdom to present the final exams on the campus, the universities leave the freedom to take the final exams for them to evaluate them in the way they see itSuitable, or monitoring a "incomplete" sign for them in these courses.P.The universities are left to the decision to take the necessary to teach and evaluate human medicine students for clinical stages (the fourth, fifth and sixth years) and dental students (the fourth and fifth and fifth years) and who are outside the Kingdom.Sixth: General Provisions: 1.Addressing Jordanian universities to prepare electronic gates through which students can complete registration procedures in universities and download the official documents required from each of them.a.The university’s academic schedule is organized so that it is located on the campus and simultaneous.P.The public safety system in the teaching halls is taken into account when distributing materials to these halls.4.Universities give awareness lectures and distribute guidance guides to all students who return to the university campus on the new Corona virus, methods of prevention, and public health and safety procedures, and for this matter the return guide to universities has been developed..Kh.All exams that are held on the campus are distributed in a way that takes into account the failure of all colleges students to return at the same time and observe public health and safety procedures.As for dental students, they take into account all instructions and protocols issued by the epidemics committee, taking into account the maximum public safety degrees..I.Addressing universities to install electronic gates (if they are not present) and program them so that students who do not have lectures cannot enter the university.H.Reducing the number of sports, cultural and recreational activities to the necessary minimum.Z.Taking into account the instructions for opening restaurants and museums approved by the government.s.In the event that the brigade or the governorate in which the university or college is closed is closed.وقال البيان إن اعتماد الآلية السابقة جاء انطلاقا من حرص مجلس التعليم العالي على تقديم تعليم جامعي نوعي ذي جودة عالية يحقق مبدأ العدالة ويقلل الفاقد التعليمي وفجوة التعلم التي يمكن أن تحدث نتيجة انقطاع التعليم العادي واللجوء إلى تنويع الأساليب والمحتوى، والمواءمة مع التطورات العالمية الحاصلة في مجال التعليم الإلكتروني (عن بعد)، والحرص أيضاً على المحافظة على صحة وسلامة الطلبة وأعضاء هيئة التدريس، والعاملين في مؤسسات التعليم العالي، إضافةً إلى المحافظة على وجود الطلبة الوافدين المسجلين حالياً في الجامعات الأردنية واستقطاب أعداد جديدة منهم للدراسة بداية العام الجامعي المقبل، واقتداءً بأوامر الدفاع ذات العلاقة خاصة أمر الدفاع رقم (H) وأمر الدفاع رقم (11) نظراً للحاجة لخفض عدد الطلاب الذين يحضرون إلى الحرم الجامعي دفعةً واحدة وأيضاً خفض عدد الطلاب في الغرف الصفية لتقليل فرصة انتقال العدوى بين الطلاب لا سمح الله، وأخيراً الالتزام بدليل العودة إلى الجامعات الذي سيقره مجلس التعليم العالي بعد مراجعته من قبل وزارة الصحة ولجنة الأوبئة.

s:a4 مa0a0-0Z-aKh شاركها فيسبوك تويتر لينكدإن واتسابعبر البريد طباعة

“التعليم العالي” تقر التعليم “الهجين” بالفصل الدراسي الجامعي الأول