High occupancy of hotels in Egypt

  • Time:Nov 29
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Hotel occupancy has increased in many Egyptian tourist destinations, with occupancy rates in some areas reaching 100%.

A number of representatives of the tourism sector confirmed that Arab expatriates are among the most prominent nationalities coming to Cairo hotels, while the Spanish market occupies the first place in the number of tourists arriving in Luxor.

The prices of accommodation in hotels also witnessed an increase in various Egyptian tourist destinations, as it recorded an increase of 30% in the prices of accommodation in Marsa Alam hotels.

Suleiman: 90 to 95% is the average rate in Hurghada..and the Russians, Germans and Ukrainians are the most prominent arrivals

In this context, Mohamed Eid Suleiman, Marketing Director of the “Bik Albatross” Hotels Group, said that the average hotel occupancy in the city Hurghada currently ranges between 90 to 95%.

He added - in statements to "Al-Mal" - that the most prominent nationalities currently in Hurghada are from Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland.

He pointed out that the prices of accommodation in Hurghada hotels have increased during the current period, noting that prices are subject to increase, especially with the beginning of the new year.

Shalaby: 30% increase in residence prices in Marsa Alam .. and 80% occupancy An increase in hotel occupancy in Marsa Alam to exceed 80%, indicating that the number of hotels in the city that opened its doors to the tourism movement increased from 14 to 35 after the recovery of the volume of tourist arrivals to the Egyptian destination.

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He added that the most prominent nationalities currently in the region are from Poland, Ukraine and the Czech Republic, in addition to numbers of German tourists and other nationalities.

Hotel Occupancy Increased in Egypt

He pointed out that Marsa Alam receives about two planes per week with Russian tourists on board via the city of Hurghada, praising the decision of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities to apply the minimum stay in hotels, which hotel establishments at the level of the Republic began to implement since the first of November.

He pointed out that there is an increase in the prices of accommodation in Marsa Alam hotels, as the rates of increase reached 30%.

It is noteworthy that, according to the decision regarding the application of the minimum stay in hotels, the minimum charge for accommodation service (of any kind) per person per night in five-star hotel establishments is $40 or its equivalent, and $28 or its equivalent in four-star hotels.

Abdel Moneim: Sharm El-Sheikh is “full” until the end of the month

Sameh Abdel Moneim, director of sales and marketing for Parotel Hotels Group in Sharm El-Sheikh, said that Sharm El-Sheikh hotels are full until the end of this month, indicating that the markets Russian, Ukrainian, German, Italian, and Kazakh are among the most prominent nationalities coming to Sharm El-Sheikh now, in addition to the presence of Arab nationalities.

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He confirmed that accommodation prices in Sharm el-Sheikh hotels have risen without specifying a percentage of this increase, adding that some hotels have doubled their prices due to the return of the various tourist markets to the Egyptian destination.

Abdel-Azim: 70% of the Cairo average .. and the Gulf countries account for the largest share of arrivals

In a related context, Khaled Abdel-Azim, director of the food sector at the Novotel Cairo Hotel, said that there is an improvement in occupancy rates for For hotels located in the downtown area overlooking the Nile River, indicating that the average occupancy of Cairo hotels currently reaches 70%.

He pointed out that the Arab market currently occupies the first place in the list of expatriate nationalities to stay in Cairo hotels, especially the Gulf countries, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait, in addition to Americans and other nationalities.

He explained that the prices of accommodation in Cairo hotels rose, without specifying the percentage of the increase.

As for the Upper Egypt region, Ihab Abdel-Aal, a member of the General Assembly of the Chamber of Tourism Companies and treasurer of the Cultural Tourism Association, said that the average occupancy rates of Luxor hotels currently reach 65%, indicating that the Spanish tourist acquires the largest share of the number of tourists coming to visit the city. .

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He added that there are other nationalities that come to visit Luxor, including the American tourist, the French and other nationalities, noting that there is a slight movement from the German market that comes through flights From Hurghada, Luxor also receives one flight per week from London.

Mohamed Othman, head of the Cultural Tourism Marketing Committee, said that there is an increase in hotel occupancy rates in Luxor.

He attributed the increase in the rates of tourist nights and the high occupancy rates of Luxor hotels to the announcement of the procession route (rams) celebration and its imminent launch, which also resulted in a movement in the rate of the average daily expenditure of tourists, which will appear at the end of the last quarter of this year in relation to tourism revenues.

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities is currently reviewing the final touches and preparations for the Rams Road celebration, which is scheduled to start this month.

The road of the great processions (the road of the rams) is a road linking the temples of Karnak and Luxor, passing through the temple of “Mut”, and its total length is 2700 m. Amun) in the distance between the tenth edifice in Karnak to the gate of the Temple of Mut.