Date: 2021-04-02 Time: 08:58 PM
ShareTell me - marriage requires no parties in all matters of life;There can be no happy marriage in which a miserable person, and so that you can avoid it for you some common reasons for unhappy marriage in all aspects of life.
The ego is one of the most important reasons for not feeling marital happiness.It is okay to have self -respect.But if you are given the preference of the ego over your relationship, your marriage is convicted of failure and misery.
Inability to communicate
إن Inability to communicate بشكل واضح مع الشريك هو أكثر شيء مؤلم في الزواج.When all the contact doors are closed;The marriage becomes about to end.
Lack of stability
One of the two parties feeling the insecurity in the marital relationship creates a large part of anxiety and effort, so we find that he feels anxious and tense all the time, and looks at the behavior of the other party and his intentions negatively, and makes him question everything.
The absence of confidence
إن The absence of confidence بين الطرفين يدمر أي علاقة تدميراً كبيراً، خاصة العلاقة الزوجية، فاتجاه كل من الطرفين لكي يشعر بأنه لا يصدق كلامه، يدفعه للتجاهل بشكل كبير للغاية، وتجنب الاصطدام، فThe absence of confidence من الأمور التي تُحدث مشكلات كبيرة.