Hebrew Channel: Building a new settlement neighborhood in Itamar settlement near Nablus

  • Time:Feb 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article


Translation by “Al-Quds” dot com - The Hebrew Channel 7 reported, on Monday evening, that what it called the local authorities in the Itamar settlement, which is built on the lands of citizens in Nablus, has begun to build A new settlement neighborhood that was previously announced.

Hebrew channel: building a new settlement neighborhood in Itamar settlement near Nablus

According to the channel, the plan is a settlement neighborhood that includes 100 new units, indicating that the plan will start implementation during the coming period after the completion of the construction of other units whose construction was also previously approved.

The channel considered that this plan is part of the “accelerated growth” process that the settlement has gone through in recent years, noting that there is a demand from settlers to buy from the new units in that settlement.

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