It was in Jordan .. Important advice from a repentant Egyptian thief

  • Time:Sep 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Tell me - The seventh day TV conducted a meeting with the most famous repentant thief, through the "Satan Hour" program, which is prepared and presented by Mahmoud Abdel -Radhi, head of the accidents department.

He advised the repentant thief of his career in the world of crime, which is transferred in several countries, including Jordan, before deporting it to Egypt, viewers not to walk in the incorrect way because the consequences are severe, stressing the importance of fighting and avoiding crime..

The penitent thief, Mohamed Rashid, collected millions of pounds from his specialization in stealing high -end apartments in Cairo, and his journey ended to prison, but he decided to repent after his release and waived the money and jewelry that he stole to the Ministry of Interior, which honored him and gave him a pilgrimage, and devoted to him a booth that helps him to gain his strength from the raceFiber.

After his release from prison, Rashid issued a book at his own expense in which he narrates his experience with theft and repentance, and provides advice for real estate residents to protect them from theft, and distributes it in traffic lights.

كان في الأردن.. نصائح مهمة من لص مصري تائب

On the advice he provides to the Egyptians to protect their homes from theft, Mohamed Rashid says: “It should not be left to the door of the apartment because it confirms that there is no one inside, and a lit bulb and radio management should be left on any station, because lighting and sound also give a suggestion of the presence of residents inside the apartment,It is also preferable to be the door of the apartment of iron and not from wood..

The repentant thief attributed his direction to theft to the weakness of his religious faith and the forgetting of death and the account, in addition to the need, bad friends and social differences between the poor and the rich who were seen by those around him who were independent of luxury cars and living in villas and palaces, while he does not find anything to hunger.

And about the rituals that he used to follow before the theft, he added: “I was keen to wear a luxurious expensive allowance that I bought from the most famous stores in Cairo, and I did not seek another thief, and I bought a luxury car and rented a driver to connect me to the place that I intend to steal, as I was watching the population movement to enter And out of the architecture in which the apartment that I intend to steal, and I look from the outside to the balconies and windows, and if I find the balcony of the apartment and its windows closed, I go up to it, and I do not seek the assistance of keys or tools to break the core of the apartment, but by pushing the door with all my strength and closing it back after making sure that there is no one Inside, the journey of searching for money or jewelry begins, as I was stealing what its weight is low and its price is.

Rashid was able to form a huge wealth in a few years, buying an apartment and putting his money in Benkin, one of which is a foreigner in which he puts foreign currencies and the other is Egyptian, while the jewelry and jewelry were selling them to merchants in Upper Egypt after he claims to be the son of a great mayor in the country.Rashid's activity in theft exceeded the local borders, where he traveled to several Arab countries, including Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and he was arrested and deported to Egypt.

On his repentance, he says that he saw a person in a dream.To meet the Minister of Interior at the time, Abdel Halim Musa, after he told her about his desire to give up the money that she stole..

He continued: «The minister received me in his office warmly and praised my repentance and the waiver of the outcome of my theft, which is estimated at five million pounds, in addition to a building, a car and supermarket, and I reward me with a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and allocate a booth for me at the expense of the ministry..

On the human side of his stealing, he says: “I went to steal an apartment, and I did not find anything to steal..