Take out the damages from the 148 Pensions Act... And the way for the public to activate social protection is key words

  • Time:Jun 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Cairo - "Al -Quds Al -Arabi": In newspapers yesterday, Thursday, June 10, readers had what drives them to anger, and the writer has what she is concerned about, as the crisis with Ethiopia is igniting, and there is no reaction by the government dealing with the feelings of the angry, and consistent with their concerns He translates the decisions on the ground, reminding the world that Cairo is strong, and it can defend its interests. Also, the question of social justice imposed itself strongly, and pushed a number of writers to tighten the thin thread that links them to the government, which in turn was keen to support its influence in the brown continent, in order to restore bridges The dilapidated since the time of the late President Mubarak. In this context, a report stated that the total Egyptian scholarships allocated to the countries of the African continent amount to 2083 grants divided into (1350 scholarships at the university stage, 686 scholarships for the graduate studies stage and 47 scholarships to study the Arabic language), and these grants vary between them, there are grants of cultural exchange programs, and ministry grants Higher education. Among the most prominent news yesterday, Thursday, that readers are interested in: Dr. Ali Al -Moselhi, Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, denied the high prices of meat in the supply outlets, stressing that it is stable at 65 pounds for frozen meat kilo and 85 pounds for fresh meat, and in relation to poultry, he stressed on Egypt has a self -sufficiency of poultry by 97%. Among the railway news: The exit of two vehicles from a cargo train loaded with petroleum materials from the bars in Aswan Governorate.

Our constitution, as Ziad Bahaa El -Din read it in Al -Masry Al -Youm, stipulates that “private ownership is fed.” A short and eloquent expression that summarizes in three words the essence of the economic organization of modern society, where there is no prejudice to private property, except in specific cases in accordance with the law, and under the oversight of the judiciary. Otherwise, rights are lost, transactions are disturbed, and violence and chaos prevail in society. For a while, the issue appears intuitive and does not need to think, since private property is protected in the constitution, and in the various laws that prevent aggression on it. This is true. However, the absence of direct seizure, complete confiscation or explicit nationalization of the legal system does not mean that private property is "supplemented" as intended by the constitution, but rather threatens the sanctity of this property different mechanisms that may not be in clarity and frankness themselves, but it leads to similar results. The first forms of a hidden assault on ownership, is what our constitution (in the same article 35) was alerted that the imposition of guarding on private property is prohibited, if not in accordance with the law and by a judicial ruling, and that the expropriation of private property is not permissible except for the public benefit, and in exchange for fair compensation. Thus, the forms of the imposition of guarding, prohibitions from disposal, seizure, or expropriation in violation of the law, or away from the oversight of the judiciary, involve an assault on private property. As for the second form of the non -apparent aggression, it is the loading of stable property with the burdens, fees and expenses that are unjustified to the limit, which is close to confiscation, or nationalization, because the owner of the king becomes realistic deprived of keeping his ownership and enjoying it. This does not apply to the assumption of the usual taxes, whether on income, wealth, or the property, but rather what is meant by the exaggerated burdens, and the fees and the crops that are actually targeting expropriation or deprivation of the right to enjoy it naturally.

Where did you get?

The third form of a hidden assault on ownership, as Ziad Bahaa El -Din said, is the continued dependence on the laws that many countries have known in the last century - including Egypt - which considers that property a crime if its owner has not proven the source of obtaining it. These laws - known as "Where do you have this" - put the burden of proving the validity of the property on the owner, and obliges him to justify what is in his possession, even if it is an inheritance that returns to his grandparents, or movables that are difficult to keep documents that they acquired for decades. These are laws in essence, contrary to the constitution from the civil and criminal parts, the first because it wastes civil protection of property, even if it is possession, and the second because it waste the principle that the human being is innocent unless it is proven guilty. Finally, the fourth form may not be in the same clarity, but I consider it as harmful to the vast majority of people. And the slander I mean is to deprive the citizen of his right to record his ownership in an easy, inexpensive and loud manner. This applies mainly to real estate properties, although it also includes turbulent shares in the companies of the persons, the common unknown properties, and the inheritance that is not divided for decades, and all forms of ownership that remain customary and non -codified, make their owners in a continuous state of tension on the stability of their ownership and fear of assaulting them And the inability to act in it properly. These are restrictions that may not reach expropriation, but they detract from the concept of stable, unveiled and threatening enjoyment. Respect for ownership does not contradict social justice. Rather, they are different paths, and if there is an intersection between them, it is a positive intersection so that one of them supports the other. And whoever wants social justice, he must look at improving social protection programs, developing health and education, providing generous job opportunities and preventing class and social discrimination.


The truth shines and its star shines when it is supported by strength. This is what the events prove before our eyes every day, and the last of which is, as Dr. Mahmoud Khalil explained in the “Al -Watan” the Israeli decision to cancel the march of flags that were planned to lead by a group of Zionist settlers, in which they arrive in Jerusalem to practice their usual work in attacking the Al -Aqsa Mosque. Netanyahu, the "poor", was the biggest supporter and supporter of this march, as he wants to detonate the situation in any of the images until the formation of the new government headed by Yair Lapid, in return, the Israeli Defense Minister insisted on rejecting the march, which could cause a new military explosion between the resistance and Israel . The Israeli Minister of Defense was objective when he warned of the march, especially after he heard resistance officials confirm that the approach of the march to Jerusalem and Al -Aqsa will lead to the outbreak of a new military confrontation, and Israel has already paid a heavy price for its last military adventure, which began to harass the settlers in the neighborhood of Sheikh Al -Jarrah and the Arabs who They live in it. This is how the Palestinian resistance dictated its will when it possessed the tools of strength, which she used to use against its historical enemy. In any conflict .. there is no weak party and a strong party .. any party - whatever the degree of its weakness - can obtain from its opponent if it is used to use the papers available in its hand.

We finally learned

Dr. Mahmoud Khalil completed his opinion: That is what the Palestinians learned after many years, they misdeed out to the peace, and signed the Oslo agreement, and they shattered that the world helped them to find a real state in which they live, so the result was the deal of the century that stood "Netanyahu - Trump" tweeting with joy at home Al -Abyad, then some Arabs came out, stressing that it is not possible to excel what it was, and that the Palestinians should accept the project of the "semi -state" submitted to them, and that America and Israel will impose their will on everyone. At this moment, it is true to ask those who were chanting these words: Where is Trump now ... and where is Netanyahu ... and where are the projects of the settlers in Jerusalem? Trump came out of the authority, then Netanyahu's follower came out, and the settlers became on the line of confrontation with the people of Jerusalem. The recent military confrontation between the resistance and Israel has led to many changes in the political scene in the region, most notably that the Palestinians are now sitting in a comfortable position on the negotiating table with the Israeli, which was not achieved while negotiating under the umbrella of "Oslo". The war is sometimes part of diplomacy ... and what you do not take in the war can take it at the negotiating table .. There are things that you cannot get while negotiating, if the red eye does not appear to your opponent. Peace is the ideal human condition, but in any case you will not be able to reach it, and your opponent feels that you are weak and unable to harm it, and you overlook his apparent harassment, in this case the "war is the path of peace" .. And if you do not do, you must accept what your opponent meets for you - If he throws something to you- and silences.


We remain with the most important issue, as Abdullah Al -Sanawi sees in “Al -Shorouk” that reconciliation presses nerves and feelings in search of a new starting point that unites the Palestinian political decision, which has deteriorated with the fragrance since the terrible division in 2007 between the West Bank and Gaza, “Fatah” and agitation". For fourteen years, the calls of reconciliation have been scattered in the Palestinian public space, and initiatives and meetings took place, without leading to something tangible on the ground, reducing the negative impact of the unlimited division on the Palestinian issue and its future. At each turn, the issue of Palestinian unity itself is raised on the agenda, before its files are folded, waiting for another turn that is re -presented again. Once again and again the ideas themselves are repeated, the phrases in their formulation themselves, without real seriousness in reaching binding formulas that find their way to implementation. In the hadiths of reconciliation, calls for the revival of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the formation of a unified Palestinian government, and the formulation of a consensual phased program between the factions, are heard, which control its movement and priorities, without the speech being serious, or certified! If there is a new - this time in Cairo’s dialogues - it is the general atmosphere after the unity of the Palestinians in the position and destiny in the recent confrontations that included all historical Palestine, Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and behind the Green Wall, as in the camps and diaspora. This was a reason for his interactions to reopen the file of "political unity" by ending the division, which exhausted the Palestinian issue and obtained its justice. There is another new factor that calls for, as the writer "political unity" explained so that the Palestinian voice is uniform and audible. It was required by the validity of the confrontation of the Israeli occupation machine with naked breasts in front of the Al -Aqsa Mosque and in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, as well as the Gaza rockets, which rocked Israel's confidence in its security theory, though Unlike the similarity, unprecedented human sympathy for the Palestinian victim, which anticipates racial discrimination. Re -discovering the justice of the Palestinian issue is a fundamental turning point that requires overcoming reconciliation mines, otherwise it is a neglect of the meanings that were manifested and the sacrifices made.

he lost his mind

This hysteria, as it was called by Morsi Atallah in Al -Ahram, which is led by Netanyahu, which would have reached its climax in the march of extremist settlers, which bore the name of the flags march, had it not been for the decision of the Israeli police to amend its path and prevent its arrival in East Jerusalem and the courtyard of the Al -Aqsa Mosque, in anticipation of the risks that It may result in it, in light of the warnings of most analysts in the Israeli newspapers of the renewal of the cycle of violence again. The truth is that this hysteria is not only just a reaction to the soft coup that overthrew Beninaho from power in the Hebrew state, and his fear of opening the door for his judicial prosecution wide, but rather an attempt to conceal the voices of the wise, which began to appear again on the political scene in Israel, yet The failure of the war on Gaza! It is a hysteria of fear of the collapse of everything that Netanyahu has built for 12 years in the seat of the prime minister, especially what he was publicly boasting, and in his own sessions, that he succeeded in removing the clause of peace negotiations, and he claimed proud during the recent normalization that Israel achieved what it wanted, Without paying any return and ending from her heavy nightmare dictionary called "Earth for Peace".

The interests of the major countries

Nothing worries Netanyahu and his allies from the settlers' extremities, as Morsi Atallah sees, except for the return of the wise voices to view the Israeli scene again with opinions and ideas that will not only blow up the "Abraham" agreements that Trump and the husband of his daughter invented to liquidate the Palestinian issue, but because some people began to knock on the alarm bells On the necessity of reading what happened in the war against Gaza, and led to angry international and Arab reactions, it was not in the minds of the Israelis. The voices of the wise people in Israel these days have become like the echo returned to what Isaac Rabin said before his assassination at the hands of the extremists in 1995 that peace with the Arabs is an opportunity that must be seized, before the entire Zionist dream was lost. Once again, the Israelis realized that their country is like a island that mediates a wide Arab sea, and that it is just a patch of land besieged with an Arab depth that turns around from the Gulf to the ocean, and peace is the only outlet to ensure safe survival and equal coexistence, especially since the population imbalance will remain in its favor forever Not to mention that the intensity of international anger and the expansion of its spread in rejecting Israeli brutal practices, has clearly made it clear to the Israelis that international positions - including America and Europe - are not guaranteed to an endless, because they are constantly moving and always exposed to pressure and influences related to the higher interests of the major countries. Hysteria, no matter how escalating, will not stop the natural path of the movement of history and will not extend one day at the age of Netanyahu, at least in the near perspective.

It is on what it is

ارحموا المتضررين من قانون المعاشات 148… والطريق لقلوب الجماهير تفعيل الحماية الاجتماعية كلمات مفتاحية

The Ethiopian dam crisis has been limited to the past weeks, as Saleh Al -Salhi indicated in Al -Akhbar between Ethiopian statements provoked about the second filling and statements by Ethiopian officials about raising the efficiency of the middle path, and ending some engineering works in the gates .. which the technicians affirmed that it means that the full filling is not possible The dam tank for artistic defects. And official data for Egypt and Sudan confirm their adherence to a binding agreement before filling. Some believe that the joint military maneuvers between the two estuary states, can be one of the factors of calm or in other words deterrence .. And the other sees that the artistic defect that prevents full fullness is the origin .. especially that Ethiopia is still intransigent and adheres to full filling whenever the opportunity has the opportunity, so the president is The Ethiopian ministers used to make provocative statements about the desire and ability of Ethiopia to build what he described as "building 100 dams and dam on the Blue Nile" and turning it into a lake, although it is an international course that a specific country does not possess ... which prompted the Egyptian Foreign Ministry to respond in an official statement that crossed In it about its dissatisfaction with what it described as bad faith on the Ethiopian side in its dealings with the Nile.

In the science of the unseen

Saleh Al -Salhi stressed that despite the possibility of Ethiopia not reaching the full fill this year, Egypt and Sudan consider the matter an infringement of the water level for them and an attack on the rights and sovereignty of the two countries, which called for their adherence to the necessity of the agreement .. Some observers believe that these statements may be A maneuver or part of the negotiations .. The matter in my perception that made the Egyptian and Sudanese sides hold a steady position centered on a binding agreement, especially since the features of this year's flood were not yet clear. At a time when Ethiopia issues statements that talk about the military solution to the Renaissance Dam crisis ... sometimes that it will address any military action that affects the dam ... and another by creating military bases in the Red Sea .. This matter is from its direction alone ... so that the Egyptian -Sudanese military maneuvers, It is done according to a joint agreement, and none of the two countries announced that they are in the process of hostile action .. Rather, Egypt confirms through all its official platforms, its adherence to a fair agreement regarding the fullness and operation of the Renaissance Dam, although the water issue represents the issue of the existence of the Egyptian side. Egypt announced that the only solution to get out of this crisis comes through negotiation between the three countries, leading to an agreement between them ... because Egypt will not overlook one of its historical rights, and will not accept the prejudice to its water security. Therefore, all the scenarios are open to Egypt .. But they still adhere to the negotiating scenario, and the role of the international community in the face of Ethiopia, and the intention to delay and provocation .. Although days separate us from the second filling, there is no on the horizon other than the Egyptian side adheres to this scenario.

Pension or death?

Finally, after two years of painful silence, as Khaled Harib described in the "gate", the Manpower Committee in the House of Representatives discussed the problems that resulted from Law 148 that regulates insurance and pensions, this came after a briefing request submitted by Representative Adel Amer, regarding "the grievance of the affected workers From the new social insurance law No. (148) of 2019, “The discussion continued tens of thousands of victims, moment by moment, through social media. Before we enter into the details of the meeting, we say to the reader the story in a nutshell to be with us in the picture and judge himself, the summary of the story is that a wide segment of Egyptians appreciated by some people with hundreds of thousand , Who ate their health and ages until the people hated the day when they were born, they participated in social insurance on an agreement that they had the right to retire after twenty years of service, and suddenly the government and the House of Representatives struck their deadly, so it issued a law that prevents them from retirement and violated the agreement and from one side the state imposed on the subscriber A new retirement system, as if the mouthpiece of the Insurance Authority tells the citizen that I will give you your right to pension when I see your right foot in the grave.

The queue of the victims

أعترف خالد جريب في “البوابة” أن هذا القانون هو اكبر عملية قرصنة في سنواتنا الأخيرة، واكبر عملية استقواء تشريعي بمباركة تنفيذية في مواجهة ضحايا كل ذنبهم أنهم لم يكن لهم واسطة ليتمرغوا في تراب الميري فضاعت حياتهم بين تروس القطاع الخاص، وجاء البرلمان في المشهد الأخير ليكتب لهم شهادة الوفاة بإصداره هذا القانون المعيب. نعود للاجتماع وما خرجوا به لاحتواء غضب الغاضبين، حيث جاءت التوصية بالعمل على حل مشكلة العالقين، وفي تعريفهم لـ”العالقين” هم من خرجوا من الخدمة بالفعل من 1 يناير/كانون الثاني 2020 حتى الآن، وتحرر لهم استمارة 6، وبذلك يتمخض الاجتماع ويلد فأرا، وكأنهم لا يعرفون أن The queue of the victims ممتد، وما زال القطاع الأكبر منه عالقا داخل مؤسساته كخدمة من صاحب المؤسسة، حتى لا ينغلق ملفه التأميني وحتى لا يترك في الشارع في فخ انتظار تعديل تشريعي منصف. يا حضرة المشرع حل مشكلة العالقين هو حل بالقطعة وليس حلا شاملا للحفاظ على استقرار الوطن، يا حضرة المشرع ويا قيادات التأمينات الاجتماعية، لستم أكثر حرصا على المال العام من عمال مصر ضحايا قانونكم المشبوه، لأننا لو تكلمنا عن المال العام سوف نسألكم جميعا عن أرصدتكم في البنوك، وإجمالي دخلكم وما تتحصلون عليه من مكافآت، لستم أكثر وطنية من عمال مصر ضحايا قانونكم، هؤلاء العمال هم من رصفوا لكم الطرق واستجابوا لدعوة 30 يونيو/حزيران لبناء مصر من جديد تحت قيادة الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي، وبصراحة كل من وقف ضد المؤمن عليهم وسرقة حقهم في التقاعد بعد عشرين عاما من الخدمة، هو يقف ضد إنجازات الدولة المصرية التي تتقدم في مختلف المجالات، بما يشبه المعجزة، بينما حضرات الأفاضل سواء في الحكومة أو البرلمان كلهم إصرار على إغراق المركب بضرب وقتل مئات الآلاف من الأسر المصرية.

The Egyptian is losing

Sabri Ghoneim asks in “Al -Masry Al -Youm”: What are you waiting for after the Egyptian worker rebelled against the Egyptian house, for sure that she will occupy her foreign worker, as evidence that we have seen the faces of shapes and colors from the Asian continent with Egyptian families, in clubs and commercial markets, entered Egypt with tourist visas, After months, it automatically turns into a residence, and of course every nationality has its price, if it is to bring it through the family, it receives a monthly between 300 and 500 dollars, and if it is through a broker, its salary reaches 700 dollars ... and most families suffer from brokers, even if it is from Among them are people who respect themselves, you find them responsible for the worker they provide, and the owners of the house have the right to change it within three months in the event of incompatibility, or the inability to work, and change is usually free of charge, but there are brokers who operate the foreign worker in more than one place during the year, meaning It is pulled and attached to another house in exchange for a new commission .. These are the problems on the surface now. The labor market has become crowded with multiple nationalities alongside the Asian worker, especially the Philippine worker, who was unique with a higher salary and the African women competed the daughters of the Asian continent, until the Indonesian worker lost her position in front of the coming from South Sudan, it is true that there is a difference in the reward, given that the refugee is from South Sudan Her salaries in the Egyptian pound are five thousand pounds, with a four -day vacation per month, and here I can say that the Indonesian disappeared completely after instructions were issued by the government of her country not to travel workers abroad.

Always busy

It is regretted, according to Sabri Ghoneim, that a phenomenon has recently appeared in our society, which is the phenomenon of kidnapping of workers, and it started with clubs, the family accompanies the worker with her and let her go with her children in the children's garden, so she finds the worker more than one of the members of the club Suddenly, the family announces the escape of the worker, and discovers that it has contracted with another family that met with her in the children's garden in the club .. The other problem is the conflict of wages, so if it happens that you come to you as a guest and with her work, and a meeting occurred with the worker of the house, and you hear your work that the guest's worker receives twice The salary you pay for your work, so an automatic incitement occurs and the worker demands an increase in her salary, otherwise you will leave you. The problem is that the country does not have a law that protects you from the escape of the worker, and the Ministry of Labor does not have a database on foreign workers in Egypt, as evidence that a foreign worker escaped from your home, you can work in another house with weak salary, and it is not important that I paid for her in the volleyball ticket, Or what prompted him to the broker, which brought you from the outside, and I have been subjected to many times to the escape of workers because of their aspiration for the high wages, which some houses pay, knowing that a higher salary is essentially escaping from a house, and thus those who work for them did not bear a plane ticket or a visa Entering the country, I discovered that I am an effort to obtain entry visas and pay the broker in Cairo in dollars, and the broker himself is inciting the worker to escape, to catch her at another house, he gets a new commission, and if the passports are notified, they announce that it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Labor.

Communication is missing

Certainly and talking to my understanding of Anna in the “Republic”, it was possible to dialogue, understanding and communicate with the citizens .. to avoid the crisis that occurred in the Al -Hunting Club area in Alexandria .. The officials in the province and parliamentarians had to play a role in explaining the facts and persuading the residents and shop owners and reassuring them that it will not be harmed. Anyone, and no family will be displaced, but they will be transferred to civilized places that make them live a decent life in a human environment .. instead of leaving them to be a victim of rumors, or fall prey to the beneficiaries of irritating the masses and urging them to demonstrate and chaos. The state has built new housing to eliminate the slums .. and spent billions to improve the lives of its residents and transfer them to the best areas of full facilities and services .. It was decided to transfer the people of the “Hunting Club” to “Bashayer Al -Khair” .. But it seems that the effort was not exerted enough to prepare for the process The evacuation of the region in a manner that convinces the population .. The procedures and steps for the transition were not clarified in detail and how to compensate the owners of apartments, shops and workshops .. What is the planning of the region, and what will happen in it after their exit and development .. Perhaps it was this ambiguity that led to the spread of rumors, a situation that may be normal In the absence of information and the absence of those who clarify the facts for the people, and in the presence of those who benefit from the status quo and most importantly, those who do not want good for Egypt and its people. Unfortunately, the move came late after a protest demonstration came out of the population. The officials explained that the transfer to "Bashayer Al -Khair" provides a decent life for them, especially since they suffer from the rain in the winter season .. It was "and if it came late" a reason for calming and convincing many of the population And the owners of the workshops and shops .. Wasn't it better to move from the beginning?

he knew

من المؤكد والكلام لعبد القادر شهيب في “فيتو” أن الرجل الذي صفع الرئيس الفرنسي ماكرون، في جنوب فرنسا he knew أنه لن يفلت بفعلته، وأنه سيتم إلقاء القبض عليه من قبل الحرس الخاص بالرئيس ورجال الشرطة الفرنسية.. فلماذا أقدم على ذلك إذن؟ قد يرى البعض أن الرجل كان غاضبا لدرجة كبيرة من الرئيس ماكرون، ولم يستطع أن يكتم غضبه أو يسيطر عليه لذلك انتهز فرصة اقتراب الرئيس الفرنسى منه ليصفعه على وجهه بعد أن أمسك ذراعه بيده.. وقد يرى البعض أن الرجل كان يوجه رسالة للرئيس الفرنسي ماكرون مؤداها أن النيل منه واغتياله ليس صعبا، وفي متناول يد من يستهدفه، فإن الاعتداء على الرئيس ماكرون تم وحرسه الخاص حوله ويحيطون به. الأغلب أن صفعة ماكرون كان مقصودا بها أمراً آخر هو إهانته علنا وأمام كاميرات التلفزيون المختلفة.. فإن إهانة القادة والمسؤولين صار نهجا لمن يريد النيل منهم وإقصاءهم.. ولعلنا نتذكر أن مراكز ومعاهد التغيير التي أنشأتها أجهزة مخابرات عديدة للتحضير والتجهيز لتغيير سياسؤ في منطقتنا، كانت تدرس لشبابنا الذين التحقوا بها وحصلوا على دورات فيها على تدريبات على إهانة القادة والمسؤولين للحط من قدرهم بين الناس وافتقادهم الاحترام الشعبي.

The blessing of security

News about the possibility of Egypt to request the organization of the 2030 World Cup, and to organize the upcoming African Nations Championship, has seized large spaces in the sports community. Although some did not confirm these reports, while others denied it, and official statements have not been issued until this writing about this matter, the important thing is that Mahmoud Abdel -Radhi indicated on “The Seventh Day” that Egypt is able to anything, and is ready for any event Whatever his strength. Egypt dazzled the world in organizing the last African Nations Championship, despite the limited time after withdrawing the file from Cameroon and its chain of transmission to Egypt, despite the participation of 24 teams for the first time in the championship, but it was present and strong, and on the level of responsibility. There was only a short time, and Egypt organized the same championship "under less than 23 years", to dazzle the world again, especially after it won the championship, and then sporting events such as the "World Cup for the hand" and the World Cup for Gymnastics and the modern five. Egypt is "safe, reassuring" capable of any time to organize and dazzle again, and to send the messages of security, peace and love for the capitals of the world. The great Egypt that came and then the history came, here you can breathe the fragrance of civilization, smell the smell of history, live the heritage of nations that have been devoid, see its diversity, and understand the secret of its difference, here the towering pyramids steadfast in the land of Kinana, the reader - as illiterate - reads in its facades the pages of history What you tell is clear in the book of McCain, here you read to Naguib Mahfouz the most beautiful and innovative what the pen is serious about, and here you hear from the throat of the planet of the East Umm Kulthum and from the Nightingale Asmar Abdel -Halim what is serious about the sweetness of singing, here the Great Nile River, and what do you know what the Nile?