"Hatikva" in my home!Saudi Arabia and the dream of "Sollywood" ... and the American nomad

  • Time:Jun 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The American Names Joe Biden Lahniyat slept only at the World Climate Conference, and he became the talk of screens.The cameras did not leave him, as she was counted again again.A nap with which his previous hidden ignorances, including one who came (or so it was photographed) during a meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister, as well as the negligence of other leaders, including Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister.We have an invincible unjust might, a wealthy ruler that he can remove a country from the map, and others replace it, but he cannot overcome drowsiness, although it is wrapped drowsiness.

There is no doubt that the tongue of many around the earth says “the sleep of the oppressor is worship”, even though his sleep is not completely confirmed, so the first American master did not appear any signs of associated relaxation usually, but soon he responded to applauding the two societies, just as it happens to the deputies of the Syrian People's Assembly, when they clap With cloudy eyes, with great enthusiasm as well. We laughed, and we and our cameras are busy with the absence of the American president, but we know very well that they are not delayed or advanced, when the eighty man sleep Those who are blessed with a sense of victory over the president's sleep. Justice is not a single cause of nap, under the tree (as in the story of Caliph Omar bin Al -Khattab), or in front of the world's cameras. In the American case, when the president is sleeping, his drones are awake, hovering everywhere.

Saudi Arabia between Hollywood and Bollywood

Press reports talking about Saudi Arabia's pursuit of Hollywood's dream, which began with the lifting of the ban on cinemas. Today, he filmed a movie "Desert Warrior" and "Kandahar".International cinematic. ”On its way to its Hollywood, Saudi Arabia does not seem to fear any difficulties except Jordan and Morocco, as they may, according to the "Bloomberg" agency, may be a strong obstacle and competition with their desert sites.

«هاتيكفاه» في بيتي! السعودية وحلم «سوليوود»… ونوم الناطور الأمريكي كلمات مفتاحية

If the filmmakers in Saudi Arabia are already serious about reaching the American cinematic dream, then the least to think about it is freedom, canceling censorship, and release the hand of writers and directors and their imaginations.Cinema is not only huge financial budgets, or possessing a tremendous desert studio, nor just desires, so what about, and as the criticism of human rights activists say, when what is meant is the creation of "a luster that obscures the dark political truth"!Saudi cinematography will not reach neither Hollywood nor Bollywood.Even Sollywood will be impossible.

TV storytelling

It is difficult to find a more brilliant television storyteller than Aref Hijjawi. It does not stop when performing, dumping, and linguistic experience. Article/ television text is also busy with high craftsmanship. This is a typical episode that starts from an Armenian food dish presented to him, which is a cherry kebab, which does not like it, because sweet and salty does not take pleasure in his tongue, as announced. He is the one who waited for thirty years until he accepted raisins in the rice dish. From here, Al -Hujawi begins to talk about a different dish between the Armenians, the Turks and the Syrians in the city of Antab, southern Turkey. Sever Treaty after the First World War, then the Lausanne Treaty that overthrew the above. Al -Hujawi touched on what was Syrian lands and was granted to Turkey, as Alexandrian. He talks about the dam on the Tigris, and the adults lying on the weak in water wars. He does not miss the poetry here, as Al -Jawahiri remembers "O Tigris of Goodness", and the spinning of the angels of the angels in the river. He talks about the policy of softening and cultural oppression, leading to softening as a demand for some refugees. After that, Hijawi returns to the story of the cherry kebab to say that the battle around it is only a thin shell that hides a harsh history on Syria. Deep culture, the owner of the captivating presence.

Israeli official anthem

As usual, the young (my daughter, 13 years old) came very happy to assign her to exercise a new musical piece of the violin.Farah that her constellation professor gave her confidence.We were also happy to do so, we do not give our joy to anyone whenever we noticed the small attachment to the world of charming music.That evening, and before you start reading the note, you opened the small YouTube and we started hearing the cut.Oh my God!It is the Hatika!Israeli official anthem.

“But it is just a music,” Al -Banwah said after she glimpsed panic filling the space of the house, it has become obligatory that the shortage of the story again, and above that we provide her with reassurances that no one can impose anything on her, but that there is an archive of refusing to perform even the French national anthem ( The Marseys) without necessarily leading to the guillotine. Its quadrant, the princess sent hours in her first email to her professor, a message saying: “I apologize for playing the piece, because I am a Syrian Palestinian.” It is assumed that any other explanation will be sings. We did not receive an answer until now. The next lesson is not time. It is not important that will happen. What matters to me is that a flower has just been born in the head of the small for a case.

٭ A Syrian Palestinian writer