Hassan Malik’s brother confesses to the case of “falsifying papers to deport terrorist elements abroad”

  • Time:May 15
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Second Circuit on Terrorism in the Criminal Court, held in Tora Courts Complex, today, Tuesday, issues a verdict against the brother of Brotherhood leader Hassan Malik, and 46 other defendants, on accusations of joining a terrorist group and forging papers to deport their terrorist elements abroad.

Coinciding with the sentencing session for the defendants, we monitor the details of the investigations that took place, and the confessions of Hassan Malik’s brother in the case, as the investigations with him revealed a lot about the life of Hassan Malik’s brother, the date of his joining the Brotherhood, and how he was arrested.

And the security services revealed in his arrest report that he was arrested while trying to travel outside the country, based on the decision issued by the Supreme State Security Prosecution to seize the member of the organization, Mohamed Ezzedine Youssef Malik, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Manix Readymade Garments Company. The aforementioned was arrested while trying to travel through a port Air Cairo, and by searching him, we found a “passport and an international driving license” with him, and the seizures were seized.

The Supreme State Security Prosecution conducted an investigation with the accused, and the accused, Muhammad Malik, made detailed confessions during the investigations, as he said: “I was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood since its inception, because my father was a member of the group, and I joined the Giza family because it was our place of residence, and then the plateau family Al-Ahram, when we moved the place of residence, and I preferred there until I separated from the group in 2013.”

اعترفات شقيق حسن مالك بقضية «تزوير أوراق لتسفير العناصر الإرهابية للخارج»

The accused, Muhammad Malik, recounted the details of his life, saying: “I was born on May 14, 1970, on Qasr Al-Aini Street in Cairo. Until he died in the year 2000, and my mother's name is Farida Muhammad Bilal, who is a housewife, and my sisters are from the oldest to the youngest, 62 years old, divorced, and Hussam 61 years old, a member of the board of directors of Abuya Factory, and Hassan, 60 years old, a businessman and has import companies, and then I am 52 years old, and Ahmed has 50 years old, then me, and after me Mahmoud 45 years old."

And he continues: We are a family whose financial level is good and well hidden, praise be to God, and our parents are accustomed to us throughout our lives that we work with our own hands, and his monthly income was uneven, but he was good and lived well, and we are a religiously committed family from our childhood and persevering in prayer, and all the daughters of the family are veiled, and the most important thing in the family is that My brother Hossam drinks cigarettes, but, thank God, there are no signs of extremism or intolerance.

Muhammad Malik added: I was in the Lycée El Horreya School in Bab El Louk from nursery school to Lahad High School, and then I entered the Faculty of Commerce, Division of Business Administration, Cairo University, and graduated from it in 1993. Recruitment and completed a job in the factory of my father, and I worked in addition to the production line of ready-made clothes within the same factory, and I worked for a while and then I began to expand my work, my father passed away in the year 2000, and I remained responsible for managing the whole factory, and I continued to work and my monthly income is about 20 thousand pounds.

As for his relationship with the Brotherhood, Muhammad Malik said: “My relationship with the Brotherhood began when I was young, because I was raised in a Brotherhood family and my father was a member of the group, but I did not know what he was in it, and he always told me about it and said that it was founded in 28 and its founder Hassan al-Banna, and that it is a group Advocacy and its goal is to educate people, and at that time I was attending a religious lesson called (Hadith Al-Tuesday) at the Uqba Ibn Nafeh Mosque in Dokki, which was in the hands of Sheikh Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, and I was attending another sheikh named Jamal Qutb in the Mahrousa Mosque on Ahmed Orabi Street in Mohandessin, and this It was a weekly lesson after the evening prayer.

He added: While I was at the university in the year 92, I joined the Giza family at the invitation of one of my neighbors named Dr. Amjad Ezzat, the family official. We got to know each other and he invited me to the family and I accepted the invitation because his style was good and his treatment was friendship and brotherhood, and because joining the group was not prohibited at the time, and members of the group were The group at the time, Taher Ismail “electrician”, Muhammad Badawi “accountant”, Muhammad Al-Tabbakh and Islam Abdel-Tawab, and there was a weekly meeting that was different every week, and he was in the house of any of the members of the group, and we used to take the biography of the Prophet and the Holy Qur’an, and I did not persevere in The meetings were to a certain extent married and moved to the Al-Ahram Plateau, and I stayed away from the group for a while.

He added: In 2005, I met an employee from the company who used to give me the place in the factory, and his name was Mahmoud Desouki, and he lived in shooting, and he invited me to join the family of the Al-Ahram Plateau, and I joined at that time, and there was one official in it named Ihab Sultan, and he was the owner of a computer company called Ishraq Until the year 2007, when Hassan my brother was arrested and sentenced for 7 years, at this time I was completely separated from the family because the family official told me to stay away from us because of the security conditions and because you are Hassan Malik’s brother.. In 2009 I came back to the family again, but this time separately Because I was traveling periodically to America in order to market the work in the factory, so I was not regular in attendance with the family, and I returned in May 2014, and from that time my relationship with the family was completely cut off, and all my concern was to move my family to live in America and immigrate there in order to live there better.. and in the month of June 2016 In fact, the whole family moved to America, and I did not know how to travel with them, because when I tried to travel, they returned me at the airport, and I was surprised that I was on the lists of people banned from traveling.. From that time on, I did not leave, nor did they return to Egypt and I am spending on them from here, and spending on them by sending money through a company « Western Union.” After my wife worked there, she supported them for expenses.. On December 23, 2018, I went to Cairo airport to travel to Washington. I was thinking that my name had been removed from the lists, and I was arrested at that time and they asked me about my relationship with the group and I told them what I had mentioned in the investigations.

After the investigations ended, the prosecution referred him and 47 others, including terrorists Yahya Moussa and Alaa al-Samahi, to trial on charges of financing the terrorist Brotherhood, joining a terrorist group in violation of the law, and forging papers to deport members abroad.