Harvesting “Supply” in 2021.. Increasing the number of developed centers and mechanizing services © All rights reserved to Akhbar Al-Youm Foundation 1944 - 2020

  • Time:Sep 15
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade issued a detailed report on the achievements of the Ismailia Supply Directorate for the year 2021, which is about to end, as a new citizen service center was opened in Qantara East with 8 windows, bringing the number of service centers in the Ismailia governorate to 2 to perform service for card holders Catering in a quick way so that the citizen can get all his services through one window.

The citizen also gets the ration service from an equipped and developed place, in addition to having a decent place to wait, and a window has been allocated for people with special needs and people of determination, and the process of being in front of the window is organized through an automated call.

The report of the Ministry of Supply confirmed that the development of 3 other ration offices is underway to become service centers of this type, one of which is located inside the city of the future, the Abu Sawir center, the second is in Al-Mahsama, the Al-Qassasin center, and the third is in Al-Dabiya, the Ismailia center, to become (5) citizen service centers. Developed instead of a single center that was located in Ismailia Governorate.

The report indicated that a new silo was operated this year, and local wheat was received for the 2021 season, with a capacity of 30,000 tons of wheat, bringing the number of silos in Ismailia to 3, with a total storage capacity of 120,000 tons of wheat, preserving each grain of wheat, and the loss rate was zero. From 10 to 15% at least when storing in the previous traditional method of roasting.

Also, 3 association projects have been launched and opened, and 6 others are being contracted, and this leads to an increase in outlets for the distribution of catering goods. the bread.

The report indicated that the fuel type for 25 bakeries was modified from diesel to natural gas, and this leads to an increase in the quality of the loaf of bread and a cleaner environment within the framework of a protocol between the Ministry of Supply, the Ministry of Petroleum and the Ministry of Local Development to facilitate the procedures for entering gas into bakeries in areas that have natural gas.

Also, (20,614) ration cards were issued, replacing lost and damaged ones, for the owners of ration cards from the people of the governorate. An amount of (2 million and 800 thousand pounds) was allocated within the investment plan to raise the efficiency of the Office of the Supply Directorate and create a suitable work environment for workers. The efficiency of the Fayed wholesale branch in the way that maintains the stock of goods and a suitable work environment for the branch employees, as well as the development and upgrading of the efficiency of the Delta Salam Complex of the General Company for Wholesale Trade in Ismailia.

Field inspection campaigns were also intensified, citizens' complaints were examined, and the necessary measures were taken to issue the report in case any violation was detected and presented to the Public Prosecution. A total of 1,390 complaints were received and examined on the electronic complaints portal, and 100% of the complaints were examined.

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade issued a report that includes what has been accomplished during the current year 2021, which is about to end within days, within nine sectors, the most important of which is the issuance of new ration cards for the most vulnerable groups, and families eligible for solidarity and dignity, and the report also included what was done regarding the development of Supply offices and strategic reserve of food commodities.

The report confirmed that the number of new ration cards and their categories amounted to 81,200 ration cards issued for the first time for the most vulnerable and low-income groups during 2021, and 20,000 new ration cards issued for families entitled to a solidarity and dignity pension, and those not included in ration.

Developing supply offices and converting them into developed service centers. 35 service centers were developed during 2021. 21 service centers are being developed. The cost of developing service centers is 70 million pounds in 2021 only. Measures are being taken to develop 11 supply directorates and establish service centers for citizens in them.

Development of consumer complexes 44 consumer complexes were developed during 2021, at a cost of developing them at 33.716 million pounds. 36 consumer complexes were developed during 2020, at a cost of developing them at 41.67 million pounds. 17 consumer complexes are under development. 38 consumer complexes are targeted for development.

Automation system for the holding company and commodity companies (Nile Complexes - Al-Ahram Complexes - Egyptian Wholesale Trade - General Wholesale Trade) Commitment and discipline in distributing food commodities in a controlled manner, whether in warehouses or sales outlets, in addition to supporting purchase decision-makers and stock control.

Harvest of

Execution has been carried out in the following companies (General Wholesale, Egyptian Wholesale, Nile, Al-Ahram) for 881 consumer complexes and 515 stores with a total of 1396 locations at a cost of $52 million. The Alexandria Company for consumer complexes is underway.

My association project 883 new outlets opened during 2021.2649 job opportunities provided by the project.

The Mobile Cars Project 110 cars were included in the project. 330 job opportunities were provided by the project. 24 cars were distributed during the year 2021 within the project. Approximately 5.040 million pounds is the cost of the project in 2021.

The Food Safety and Development Center in Qaha of the Holding Company for Food IndustriesThe rehabilitation of the constructions has been completed and the center has been fortified with modern equipment for food analysis, which includes accurate analyzes for determining food safety and its absence from all kinds of chemical, microbial and physical pollutants, as well as tests for estimating food quality and adulteration And its nutritional value, and the cost of the implemented works and the value of the equipment amounted to about 70 million pounds.

The rest of the equipment for analyzing pesticide residues, toxins, drug residues and additives is being completed in order to assist entities working in the field of trade and processing of food, agricultural products, agricultural producers, exporters and importers, according to the requirements of the National Food Safety Authority, noting that the center will be managed by the private sector.

Consumer Protection 14,097 thousand complaints is the average number of monthly complaints received by the agency during 2021.97%, the percentage of complaints that were resolved out of the total number of complaints.

The Egyptian Holding Company for Silos and Storage75 silos is the total number of current silos. Number (2) silos that were implemented in 2021 at a cost of 525 million pounds. Number (6) field silos are currently being implemented through the Italian debt swap at a cost of 367.6 million pounds. Delivery is underway Railway service for Kom Abu Radi silo in Beni Suef at a cost of 35 million pounds. The storage capacity of the Tahta silo is being increased from (60) thousand tons to (90) thousand tons at a cost of 120 million pounds.

Logistics zones and distribution chains EGP 37.545 billion is the total new investments in (commercial and logistical zones and commercial chains). There are 11 projects in the governorates (Gharbia, Beheira, Sharkia, Qena, Dakahlia, Luxor, Fayoum, Menoufia). Number of logistic zones Which was completed or operated during the year 2021 and its cost: A logistical commercial area in Gharbia came into operation at a cost of 8.2 billion pounds. A logistical area in Beheira came into operation at a cost of 2.28 billion pounds.

Development and development of internal trade The size of the state's investments in the construction of new markets: An executive plan has been developed for the advanced central wholesale markets in cooperation with the French Development Agency and the Rengis International Company for the management of wholesale markets, and it is planned to cooperate in establishing the first central wholesale market with investments amounting to 3 billion Egyptian pounds As the first developed central wholesale market in preparation for the establishment of 12-14 markets at the level of all governorates.

Number of strategic warehouses established this year to secure inventory: The first phase of the strategic warehouses has been launched with 4 warehouses in the governorates of (Sharqia - Suez - Fayoum - Luxor) and preparations for the contract are underway.

Supplying wheat and achieving self-sufficiency in the wheat commodity 5.5 million tons, the volume of imported wheat supplies during 2021. 3.5 million tons, the volume of domestic wheat supplies during 2021.

Oils840 thousand tons is the volume of imports of edible oils during 2021.35% is the percentage of domestic oil’s contribution to the tenders of the General Authority for Supply Commodities during the current year, and 65% is the percentage of imported oil. The percentage of achieving self-sufficiency in oil during the year 2021: Quantities of crude oil are procured The locally produced product accounts for 35% of the total needs, and 65% of the imported crude oil.

Rice is 100% self-sufficient in rice during the year 2021. Beans: 2,500 tons of beans, which were contracted to be imported during 2021, and 1,600 tons of them were already received. Poultry: 12,000 tons of frozen poultry, which was contracted during 2021. Meat: 1,825 tons of frozen meat, which was contracted during 2021, and the entire quantity was received 60,000 head of livestock contracted during 2021, and 45,000 of them have already been received. The position of the reserves in strategic commodities and the extent of their adequacy, including wheat and rice. Achieving 100% of self-sufficiency and the availability of sufficient quantities for 5.3 months. Sugar. The presence of strategic stocks sufficient for up to 3.5 months. Supply oil 5.4 months. 6.5 months Poultry 3 months Beans 3.5 months Live meat Peanut Contracts two years in advance.

The Stamp and Scales Authority The national project for the digitization of artifacts and precious metals The national project for the digitization of artifacts and precious metals inside the Arab Republic of Egypt (stamping and laser coding) has been completed. The supply and installation of the hardware for the national project for the digitization of gold artifacts and precious metals by laser has been completed. for the test environment and is being prepared for the production environment.

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