I hope god responds to the news of his departure from the Saudi victory club

  • Time:May 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Moroccan Abderrazzak Nedjadallah's pain confirmed to God that he never compromised with the Saudi Al-Nasr Soccer Club because it is a great credit to him, indicating that it continues in "The Global" as long as its contract remains.

Some media reports had indicated that he was about to leave the group, which prompted him to respond yesterday, Saturday, to these reports via his Twitter account.

He added, “I continue at the Al-Nasr Club as long as my contract starts with my team, the love that has been made between us and the true masses of victory will not be separated by anyone, neither from near nor from afar”.

He explained that “my absence from the last match was an artistic decision and I respect it. As long as I am carrying the shirt of this great team, I will always strive for the return of the ancient masses. ”

He continued, "Lies and slander from another clown and peace be upon you."

حمدالله يرد على خبر رحيله من نادي النصر السعودي

V. C, that he had information that Abdulrazzaq was definitely beyond the walls of victory 100%.

Al-Shinaif pointed out that the Moroccan Saladallah is strongly approaching one of the Emirates league clubs after his departure from the Saudi Al-Nasr.

Press reports have recently reported that the Al-Ahli Youth Club is interested in contracting with its partner, if its crisis continues with Al-Nasr and leaves the club before closing the summer transport market.

The crisis in Madallah began after his brother published a mysterious letter through his Instagram account, in which he stated that “it is time for a new experience and a new success in a sound environment. I wish you good luck, brother”.

There were reports in Saudi Arabia that he had asked theal-Nasr administration to allow him access before the end of thecurrent market for summer transfers, and that he had agreed tomove to Jeddah ’ s union.

For his part, Wahid al-Mihdab, the director of the media center at the al-Nasr Club, denied the Nida news, adding that the club would take legal action against any club that negotiates with any player linked to a valid contract with the team.

Through his Twitter account, Al Mahdib stressed that “Abdul Razzaq did not ask God to move to the Federation team, a professional player who respects his contractual relationship”.

“No formal offer has arrived at the club, and Al-Nasr will take legal action against any club that proves that it tried to negotiate with any player on the team without formal approval”, he added.