Gulf 365 Alliance continues its operations against militias .. The Yemeni army is blocking an attack

  • Time:Jun 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dammam - Sherif Ahmed - The Alliance to Support Legitimacy in Yemen continued to target the sites of the Houthi terrorist militias yesterday, Saturday, and its forces carried out 17 targeting operations against the militia in the governorates of Hajjah and Marib, during the past 24 hours, and the coalition confirmed that the operations led to the destruction of 11 military vehicles, and caused lossesHumanity in Iran's militia ranks.

At the same time, the battles continued on the fronts of the fighting between the National Army and the terrorist militia, and the army forces thwarted yesterday, a violent attack by the Houthi militias on the Abs and Haradh fronts north of Hajjah Governorate.

Military sources said that the Houthi militia launched a violent attack from multiple axes in the Bani Hassan front, north of the Abs district, and the south of the city of Haradh, and added that the army forces managed to thwart the militia attempt after violent battles during which the militia suffered heavy losses in lives and equipment.

"Go, Houthi"

The Iranian -backed Houthi militia announced a state of maximum alert in Sanaa, hours after the spread of writings on Saturday morning, on the wall of the houses demanding the departure of the Houthis, according to Yemeni media.

And murals spread in Sanaa calling for the departure of Al -Houthi, which prompted the militia to deploy more security units and intelligence elements in the neighborhoods of the capital;In order to put out any popular uprising demanding their departure.

Local residents said that Sanaa has been witnessing a heavy spread of the Houthis, unprecedented since the overthrow of the late Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and the extinguish of his uprising about 5 years ago.

The people explained that the Houthis are obliterating the expressions condemned by the policy of persecution and obedience practiced by the militias against the people of Sanaa, and depriving them of their most basic rights.

الخليج 365 التحالف يواصل عملياته ضد الميليشيات.. والجيش اليمني يصد هجوما

The sources pointed out that Houthi elements are investigating many young people in residential neighborhoods to find out the identity of those behind the murals that have spread widely in the streets and residential neighborhoods and demanded the departure of Houthi and the popular uprising in the face.

وكتب الكثير من المواطنين الغاضبين شعارات "Go, Houthi"، وهي شعارات استخدمها أبناء العاصمة صنعاء والحوثيون أنفسهم للإطاحة بالرئيس صالح، فيما كان يعرف بثورة الشباب 2011.

The militia is afraid of repeating the same scenario and the citizens ’exit to the street to express their rejection of the Houthi authority and drop their rule.

The sources indicated that the Houthis committed home owners and real estate to install surveillance cameras related to their systems, after the spread of these phrases rejecting them.

List of terrorism

من جهتها، توعدت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بتشديد الخناق على الميليشيات الحوثية، مؤكدة عزمها على إعادة الميليشيات إلى List of terrorism.

This came in the words of the US president's candidate for the position of ambassador to Yemen, Stephen Fegin, who pledged during a hearing held by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for approval in his post, to work to enhance the arms embargo in Yemen to stop the flow of arms for the Houthi militia, according to the UN Security Council resolution."The enhancement of the enforcement of the UN arms embargo on Yemen to cut the flow of weapons to the Houthis should be a priority," Wijen said, expressing concern about the Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia and the UAE through missiles and armed drones.

The American candidate affirmed that Washington will continue its policy by imposing sanctions on individuals and groups seeking to support the continuity of the conflict and the humanitarian crisis in Yemen for its personal interests.

He pointed out that he believes that "peace in Yemen is still possible", expressing his aspiration to work with the American Special Envoy to Yemen Tim Lindling, to support the international efforts to secure a permanent and comprehensive solution to the conflict, if it is approved in the position.

He stressed that the re -insert the Houthis on the terrorist regulations is currently under review, and the review is considered in the impact of the inclusion on the behavior of the Houthis and the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

This comes days after the Security Council resolution, describing the Houthi militias a terrorist group and prohibiting the supply of weapons to it.