Follow us also via Telegram - Dunya Al-Watan Every day, scientists discover something new in the behavior of bees, and they marvel at their system and what they do. Bees, some bees take during their flights some narcotic substances such as ethanol, a substance produced after fermentation of some ripe fruits in nature, so the bee comes to lick with its tongue some of these substances and becomes “drunk” just like humans, and the effect of this substance can last for 48 hours. The symptoms that occur are When bees after consuming these “intoxicants” are similar to the symptoms that occur to humans after consuming intoxicants. Scientists say that these diabetic bees become aggressive and harmful because they spoil the honey and empty these narcotic substances into it, which leads to its poisoning, but God Almighty describes honey as (healing) in the Almighty’s saying : (From their stomachs comes a drink of various colors in which there is healing for people) [Al-Nahl: 69]. So what, God, has prepared for this honey to remain healthy and not be exposed to any toxic substances? God has provided means for the bees to defend the honey and keep it fit for use. This prompted scientists to study this phenomenon and follow it up for 30 years. It was necessary to monitor the behavior of bees. After long observation, they noticed that in every beehive there are bees that God provided them with something like “alarm devices”. They can sense the smell of drunk bees, fight them and drive them away from the hive!! And contemplate the wisdom that the world of bees enjoys, even the bee that gets drunk is rejected, expelled, and even “flagged” by the rest of the bees. The bees. If this bee wakes up from its intoxication, it is allowed to enter the hive directly, after the bees make sure that the toxic effect on it has been completely removed. The bees put what is called “bee bouncers”, which are the bees that stand defending and guarding the hive, and they closely monitor the bee that takes intoxicants and works on He kicked her out, and if she came back to the ball, the “guards” would break her legs in order to prevent her from re-using intoxicants!!! God, Blessed and Exalted be He, has provided the bees with “equipments” through which he knows that bee that has consumed an intoxicating substance (fermented fruits) and distinguishes it immediately and expels it and removes it from the hive so as not to spoil the honey it makes. These penalties include expulsion and deportation and end with breaking the legs. Glory be to God, even bees refuse alcohol.