Giza: The removal of the Bambaba estate in order to preserve the safety of citizens - video

  • Time:Nov 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

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Giza: Remove Bambaba property for safety Citizens- Video

Books - Youssef Afifi:

Major General Ahmed Rashed, Governor of Giza, North Giza district, directed that a property be dealt with and removed in Imbaba, in order to preserve the safety of citizens and neighboring properties.

According to today's statement, this came after the Giza Governorate Operations Room received a notification of the collapse of part of a property on Bani Ka'b Street in Imbaba, north of Giza, consisting of a ground floor, two floors, load-bearing walls and wooden ceilings, empty of residents.

Immediately, the North Giza neighborhood inspected the property in the presence of the Civil Protection and removed the remaining parts of it in order to preserve public safety, in light of the implementation of the decision of the Collapsing Facilities Committee, which confirmed the necessity of removing it, within the framework of the Giza Governorate’s concern for the safety of its citizens.

Ahmed RashidGizaFacilities on the verge of falling

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