Four things you may not know.

  • Time:Jun 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

= = History = = All MiI features were not displayed during the display of the new versions of the user Niyumi user. Luckily, the Terminator Third Party and regular users are very interested in Fitzgerald, so nothing will go unnoticed. Here are four Miwi features that you may have missed.


It's unlikely that the real fans of a company didn't notice the advantage of floating windows, but there are still certainly those who are not aware of it. It is implemented in MIU efficiently and is enabled by default. Move to the last list, press with the continuation on one of the applications, then click on the button to open it in a floating window, or click on the floating windows in the procedures center to determine the required application.

أربع ميزات MIUI قد لا تعرفها

You can use the screen full routers if your device supports them, and move on to the app, and pull up from the bottom of the screen into the same corner, and simply reset them. If you want to, you have to read the animation manual, which can be found in the section of "Settings"-"Special jobs"-"floating marketer".

Default Character

A user-friendly identity feature allows the user to protect his or her personal information on any website or application by creating a virtual identity instead of using its unique user ID. This feature is remarkable for those who fear surveillance and the fact that they can be identified in undesired places.

This feature first appeared in MIUI 12. You can activate it in settings-privacy protection-so special permission-virtual knowledge management.

The scanner.

Do you know that you can delete images and frequencies and so on and translate them or do something using the original app? Miyoui contains an application for securities that allows you to do these things without having to install an external partner's help tool. It can also delete QR codes.

Hide Screen Filter Index

You may think that the cursor tape in the screen is unnecessary? If so, here's a way to get it done. Move to "Main Settings"-the "Mobility System" and enable the option of "Hide Screen Filter Index" to be eliminated. If you do not know how to access your home settings, just press while continuing on the startup button and it will appear, or via the settings-the main screen.

It is worth mentioning that Nihamiaumi has recently issued a new version of the famous user version MIUI 13. Many smartphones have already received the constant version of the update. The company says the new version is faster and more stable than ever. Also, the Chinese manufacturer considers this system the most unique in history.