The new Wyze Cam V3 features and price of the new Wyze Cam V3

  • Time:Jun 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Wyze, famous for the manufacture of low -cost smart home devices, has announced the third generation of Wyze Cam V3 home surveillance camera, a version that offers users a set of new features, most notably improving photography capabilities, in addition to enhancing them with a better design resistant to different weather conditions including rain, while preservingThe low cost, as the price of the Wyze Cam V3 camera is about 20 USD, provided that it is available in mid -November 2020.

What are the best features of the new Wyze Cam V3 home surveillance camera?

These are the best features of the new camera:

مميزات وسعر كاميرا المراقبة المنزلية Wyze Cam v3 الجديدة

Better design is suitable for home and outside home

Wyze has improved the design of the new third version of its home surveillance camera, so that it can be relied upon, either inside or outside the home, where it supports water and dust at the IP65 rate, and it also bears temperatures of -19 degrees Silzius to 44.4 degrees Cezius, with a couple of lightingIR to improve vision, in addition to three various options for installing the camera or hanging it so that the user can easily install it anywhere inside or outside the home.

Better camera provides a clearer vision day or night

The new Wyze Cam V3 home surveillance camera also comes with a better sensor with a wide F/1.6 lens slot, and the camera manufacturer says it is now able to see in darker environments 25 times, while reducing the confusion resulting from low light and increasing the image to get better clarity, in addition toTo the image and video processing faster, with the support of the audio communication between two cameras, so that you can communicate between two audio rooms or communicate with a guest upon arrival at home.

Various features for photography and home control

Wyze provides through the third version of the V3 home surveillance camera, saved 12 -day videos for 14 days for free on the Internet without the need to subscribe or pay any cost, with an outlet for MicroSD external memory cards for continuous recording of the video, in addition to supporting the detection of sound and movement and alerting the user fromDuring the phone (whether iPhone or Android), in addition to supporting identifying specific geographical areas to monitor them and obtaining alerts on them, which is the appropriate advantage to monitor children, for example.

The camera also supports the recording of TIMELAPSE accelerating videos, with a alert support also when you detect smoke, as well as support the use of the headphone as a alert bell when a sound or movement is detected.

What is the price of Wyze Cam V3 home surveillance camera?

The new Wyze V3 camera is available for purchase during November 2020 at a price of $ 20, with Wi -Fi support, iPhone and Android phones, and with it tools for their suspension or installation, in addition to an electric transformer to provide it with energy and cable about 2 meters.

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